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    Help Overclocking water cooled 4870x2 (visiontek)

    Becuase ccc tops off at 800 mhz and im water cooled running at 50 c under full load. Other peopel on the net are getting close to 900 mhz off the cores.
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    Help Overclocking water cooled 4870x2 (visiontek)

    I have a visiontek 4870x2 and I just added a 4870x2 dangerden water block. The ccc software sucks and wont let me unlock the card to its true potential, so I read some where to use the amd oc utility. Cool right? no. I used gpu-z and it showed both cores at the overclocked rate of 850 core/ 950...
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    2x MST OC 8800 ultra's To louad Please help

    O I went on a limb here to play the best looking games in the wourld and I had a 8800gtx (pny grx). I said screw it I want the best for the bad asss games comming out soon so I bought 3 MSI (nx8800 ultra) or model # (t27068e) I installed there there software which I hope would quiet the mighty...
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    Blue Screen errors (PFN_list_corrupt) (Driver_IRQL_not_less_or_equal )

    Im getting 2 blue screens randomly. I have been overclocking but once I started getting the erors I stopped for awhile and tried to figure out the problem. The 2 errors are: (PFN_list_corrupt) (Driver_IRQL_not_less_or_equal, NDIS.SYS ) I have replaced many hardware items including cpu...
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    Help w/ p5wdh del. e6600 rebooting alot

    Well im gonna run some more tests but I cant seem to figure out how to make prime95 run wioth 2 open at the same tiome cuase 1 isnt really toturing my machine.
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    Help w/ p5wdh del. e6600 rebooting alot

    I already replaced the mother bard I got 2 of them here now as a matter of fact.
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    Help w/ p5wdh del. e6600 rebooting alot

    1407 bios. Im also geting the blue screen overclocked and not overclocked. It says driver_irql_not_less_or_equal ndis.sys - adress f7973128 at f795a000 I think I got the most important stuff off the error code any guess on what that is?
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    Help w/ p5wdh del. e6600 rebooting alot

    I have a coolmaster 450 watt real power psu, thermal take big typhoon vx (faster fan) corsair cmx10246400 c3 ( 2 gigs) dell 7800 gtx (256) I think that is all that is needed. At the moment Im running unstable at 3.37 mhz v-core 1.48, ram 2.1 volts (780 mhz close to that) vmch 1.65 and everything...
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    Help w/ p5wdh del. e6600 rebooting alot

    I have a revision2 model of the p5w dh deluxe with a e6600 week 28. When ever I overclock myt computer starts rebooting alot randomly. Im not even comming close to the overclocking results that I have seen on the web, im running around 3.2 or so and expiriencing alot of rebooting. My v-core is...
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    Do I send wk-24 e6600 back for newer batch?

    I Have a e6600 Batch: L624A819 with the ship date of july 29th. I can overclock it stable @ 3.24 with v-core @ 1.5 using a p5wdh deluxe motherboard. i have been reading that others have been getting much higher clock speeds with newer batchs. I bougth mine at newegg and made out a RMA. My cpu...
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    The Conroe Overclock Database. (Please read 1st post for posting instructions.)

    Ive got a e6600 @ 1.5v @ 3 ghz, p5wdh-deluxe, corsair xms2 6400 @ 2 volts, ram devider @ 5:4 big typhoonVX ( cpu stays @ 30C ) power supply is a 450 watt coolMaster, Antec lanbay case, and a upset temper cuase I cant figure out what im doing any differant to get crappy results. My chip specs...