Help Overclocking water cooled 4870x2 (visiontek)


Sep 8, 2006
I have a visiontek 4870x2 and I just added a 4870x2 dangerden water block. The ccc software sucks and wont let me unlock the card to its true potential, so I read some where to use the amd oc utility. Cool right? no. I used gpu-z and it showed both cores at the overclocked rate of 850 core/ 950 mem then I ran 3dmark06 and I got better results except when I went back to gpu-z the second core defaulted to 507 mhz. Wtf! I read of some people flashing there bios but im not sure how safe that is. Id be fine with say 870 mhz core clock , but as far as now I will ocasionally get BSOD during farcry 2 after about 20 - 30 min of playing. Im thinking the voltage needs to be turned up and I dont kinow how to do it in rivatuner though I do have version 2.11 . Help please!
It's supposed to go to the lower clock speeds when you're not using a 3D application. Why won't CCC let you change the clock speeds? Did you press the little lock icon?
Becuase ccc tops off at 800 mhz and im water cooled running at 50 c under full load. Other peopel on the net are getting close to 900 mhz off the cores.
You're not going to get anywhere near 900MHz without a volt mod (I don't think there's a software one either, haven't really looked into it though). I use ATI Tray Tools to overclock my 4870, it's a great little program with a ton of features. Check it out to help you overclock higher.