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  1. B

    Recurring problem: 100% CPU Usage

    Checkdisk just finished. Didn't find any issues. I'm stumped on this one.
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    Recurring problem: 100% CPU Usage

    I've tried loading the optimized/default settings in the BIOS several times with no results. Still running checkdisk, taking forever. I'm beginning to think that the mobo is damaged somehow.
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    Recurring problem: 100% CPU Usage

    Took about 30 minutes, but I was able to boot into safe mode. Checked the task manager; svchost.exe is running at 50% CPU while the task manager itself was using the other 50. The BIOS reported a CMOS CheckSum error. So, I tried replacing the 3 volt battery on the motherboard, but that didnt...
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    Recurring problem: 100% CPU Usage

    Hi, I'm having a recurring problem with my system. A while back I unplugged my machine to transport it. When I hooked it back up I began having issues. Vista would take extremely long to load (30-50 minutes), and when I did get to the desktop I discovered that my CPU usage was at 100%. This made...
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Here is my stuff, including my LCD displays! Dell 2405FPW: Samsung 40" LCD HDTV: Oblivion (PC version):
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    Looking for some new gaming headphones

    Again, nice headset, but I really just wanted headphones alone. (no mic). Also, I was looking for something that would be directly connected to the sound card, rather than USB.
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    Looking for some new gaming headphones

    Those do look nice, but I really want some circumaural headphones. Ya know, ones that completely cover your ears.
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    Looking for some new gaming headphones

    Im simply looking for some circumaural headphones (no mic) that have good quality in games and some music. (good bass maybe) My budget is $60. Any suggestions would be helpful. thanks
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    Post your "rate my cables" here

    Here is a pic of my cable managment in my Thermaltake armor. I only wish I could hide the round cables.
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    SeaSonic M12 700watt PSU

    I didnt order it for quad SLI. I ordered it just because I wanted it.
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    SeaSonic M12 700watt PSU

    Just thought I'd let you guys know that the M12's and S12 Energy +'s are now out in the US. I just ordered the M12 700W off of newegg this morning.
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    SeaSonic M12 700watt PSU

    It shouldnt be called SeaSonic USA that's for sure. :P Ah well, I should'nt be bitter about it.
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    SeaSonic M12 700watt PSU

    You could be right. I've seen other people contact SeaSonic and were told that the PSU might hit US store shelves by the 20th of this month.
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    SeaSonic M12 700watt PSU

    Thanks for the info. The 700watt PSU's price tag is too bad. Cant wait till they're are actually released in the US so I can pick one up!
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    SeaSonic M12 700watt PSU

    Is it a European web site that ships to the US?
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    SeaSonic M12 700watt PSU

    I emailed SeaSonic the other day asking this question, and they responded today: "Dear Nick, Thank you for favoring Seasonic's PSU, M12 PSU will be available in the US from this October. sincerely yours Warren Chen Seasonic USA" Guess we have to wait another month... :(
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    SeaSonic M12 700watt PSU

    Yeah, well I hope they hit North America by the end of this month.
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    SeaSonic M12 700watt PSU

    Does anyone know when this PSU will be released in the US? Its the new M12 by SeaSonic. Its already out all over Europe and Austrailia, but I havent been able to find it at any US e-tailers yet.
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    4-pin CPU header

    What fan speed programs would you recommend? Also, what is a "fan duty cycle"?
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    4-pin CPU header

    The header allows you to plug a 3-pin connector into it. Here's a rough sketch of the header: (yeah, its a crap drawing) As you can see, the spine of the header allows for a 3-pin connector.
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    4-pin CPU header

    Didnt know if I should have posted this in the mobo or CPU board, so I just decided to post here. I've recently purchased a motherboard with a 4-pin CPU fan connector. If I plug a CPU HSF with a 3-pin connector into the mobo, will the CPU fan's speed still be adjusted automatically? Also...
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    Should I worry about my CPU temps? (FX-62)

    Thanks for the help. I've never dealt with a after-market cooler before so I was a little confused.
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    Should I worry about my CPU temps? (FX-62)

    Could you answer this all knowing one:
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    Should I worry about my CPU temps? (FX-62)

    I have one last question about the Zalman cooler: Without using the Fan Mate Speed Controller, would the fan start out at low speeds and then speed up once it hits load? (Will the mobo adjust the fan speed depending on the temperature?) thanks
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    Should I worry about my CPU temps? (FX-62)

    Well Im assuming that at 100% the Zalman fan is quieter than the stock HSF correct?
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    Should I worry about my CPU temps? (FX-62)

    Well, Im pretty sure Im going to get the Zalman CNPS 9500 AM2. One question about the cooler itself though: Do I have to use the Fan Controller that comes with it? Also, what is the ideal way to spread the thermal paste? I want to just let the pressure of the HSF to spread it, but is that...
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    Should I worry about my CPU temps? (FX-62)

    True that. I am not an OCer. I value stability above all else. (go ahead and argue about it :rolleyes: )
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    Should I worry about my CPU temps? (FX-62)

    Ugh, know I have more options to consider...
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    Should I worry about my CPU temps? (FX-62)

    Well, I would rather go with the AM2 platform. Well, Im currently using an X2 +4600 939 with the stock cooler and I have yet to hear it speed up. I've been using it for a little more than a year now. If I were to get a thrid party cooler I would probably go for this one...
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    Should I worry about my CPU temps? (FX-62)

    Im going to purchase a new AM2 FX-62 CPU pretty soon, and I plan on using the stock cooler. I'm not going to overclock the CPU. My case has decent airflow as well. Anyway, will the stock cooler keep the CPU at an acceptable temp? thanks
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    Can I hook up pc speakers to a tv?

    You could simply hook your PC speakers to a reciever or a decoder of some sort, and then plug the receiver/decoder into you PC and TV. I did that for a while. You could use Creative's Decoder DDTS-100. I think its about $150 USD.
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    AM2 Motherboard Decision

    Yeah, the new DFI board does look nice. However, according to DFI's spec sheet on their web site, the new lanparty mobo only supports DDR2 533 and 667 ram. That made me turn away from that mobo...
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    So, what are you taking to college?

    I'll be bringing the system in my sig when I move into my apartment. (3 roommates)
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    Post your Speaker setup PICS!!!!!!

    I like it. I just ordered those speakers. I;ve heard that they have noticable hiss. Is it really bad, or is it acceptable? Also, how do those bad boys sound?!
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    New drivers; ver. 2.5

    Ageia has released the 2.5 drivers for their PPU's. Looks like they contain some performance fixes. Changes In 2.5: Major feature and performance for applications using 2.5.0 SDK runtime libraries and tools. Hardware/Software Rigid Bodies...
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    Replacing my Creative P7800 7.1's

    When you say CC, you are talking about Circuit City right? Well I went there and they were out of stock of the G500's. However, the sales guy told me that they go for $250.00. They also told me that they werent going to get any more in stock because they are going to get the "new model".
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    Replacing my Creative P7800 7.1's

    Thanks guys, I think I'll go ahead and get them. The main reason I really need to get Creative speakers is because I already have the Creative speaker stands that I have been using for my P7800's rear speakers.
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    Replacing my Creative P7800 7.1's

    Would this be a wise choice: I want to replace my 90WATT Creative P7800 7.1 speaker( that I got about 2 years ago. They still work fine. Im thinking about getting these...
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    PPU & system heat increases

    I was thinking about moving the sound card up, that might be what I will do. I have no problems moving the air around in my case though. My case's sidepanel has a large 250mm fan on it for intake. thanks for all of the replies!
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    PPU & system heat increases

    Which Physics card runs cooler? The ASUS version, or BFG version?