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  1. K

    Everything opens with find

    So yeah, everything in windows opens with find now. All of the folders that is. Not exactly sure how this could have happen either. In explorer, all of the directories on the left column open fine, however, when not navigating from the left column in explorer, every folder that I attempt to...
  2. K

    Email App for Designating Folders

    Thanks. Does anyone know how to do this with thunderbird too? Since thunderbird is still my main email app, I don't want to make a switch if I don't have to.
  3. K

    Email App for Designating Folders

    I've been looking for an email app that would allow me to make seperate folders for seperate email addresses. In other words, I want something that would let me make a folder, and then set it to have all emails sent by certain contact(s) in my address book to be automatically placed in the...
  4. K

    Gaming Chair

    I've been wondering the same thing myself. My most prefered seating for gaming is a sofa, but I neither have the money nor any space in my tiny ass room for a sofa. The bean bags and floor rockers aren't exactly what I'd call classy and don't really fit my style, but some people don't care...
  5. K

    MMOs are Good for you.

    The article isn't necessarily saying that playing an mmo 20 hours a day is good for you. Playing an mmo or any kind of multiplayer game casually can lead to a perfectly fine, social experience. It also isn't saying that playing multiplayer games can replace real-life social experiences either -...
  6. K

    Best games to get for my newly discoverd Sega Genesis?

    Golden Axe Streets of Rage 2 & 3 Columns (Tetris clone)
  7. K

    Questions About DSLite Screen Protectors

    They also have some at I've had good experiences with them, and they have quite a few cases here too. However, I only see the normal DS hori protectors, not the DS lite ones. Would there be any difference between the two? Because I'm considering ordering some too.
  8. K

    ?s About 360 Titles

    So I've been thinking about getting a 360 early next year, but I have a few problems with the titles I've been seeing. First off, I like my console to have a lot of Japanese titles, platformers, rpgs, arcade games, you know, traditional console-styled games. I have a pretty good PC and can play...
  9. K

    Has anyone used GameFly?

    Gamefly is awesome. Good service, pretty fast delivery, and they have all the games you could want for each system, unlike rental stores. Plus it's about the same price as you would pay for an mmo like WoW. Personally I think getting tons of games every month and keeping them for as long as I...
  10. K

    ps2 to PC ports

    Does anyone know where I could find a list of ps2 games ported to the pc? or could anyone make a short list of games you know have been ported? I don't believe there have been that many anyway. I know the Devil May Cry series has been ported, as well as some Silent Hills, but that's about all...