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  1. B

    what voltage to cpu question

    ok new post about the opteron 185,,my asus a8n32 puts it at 1.4 volts..i read the opteron is supposed to at 1.3 or 1.35 i manually put it at that ok??im not planning on it safer at 1.3 volts?or is it ok at 1.35?thx
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    question about opteron

    hello i just got a new opteron 185 939 pin,im totally new to dual core,my question is which driver should i download for the dual core,,on the amd page its listed under x2 stuff,just wondering more question i also got a new sata hard drive and im brand new to that too lol..its been 4...
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    asus a8n32 legacy usb question

    hello i had i question about the lecacy usb on this motherboard..i am running it with legacy usb disabled because of memtest..the question is with lecacy usb support disabled does the usb 2.0 run at the full rated 480 hispeed rating?
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    asus a8n32-sli or MSI K8N Diamond Plus?

    i like the asus and the msi almost wish i had gone with the msi board but i got the a8n32 instead..the msi would be great but im not sure about aftermarket cooling on the msi cause the position of the chipfan i could be wrong though..
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    THE A8N32 Build database

    ty..i did disable all my usb devices when i installed windows and used p2 mouse but i didnt didnt know that was exact problem cool 8)
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    THE A8N32 Build database

    got my board back got everything installed did the same thing as before so i ran memtest and got about 700 errors on test #6 so im freakin out that i gota get new memory but i flash to bios 903 still seems not much different and the irq,s are all basically on irq 10 im thinkin because the bios...
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    THE A8N32 Build database

    so all i need is the file a8n32903.rom its called and burn it to a cd thats all the files i need?
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    THE A8N32 Build database

    ok i might try that if my next board gives me problems hopefully asus live will install next time cause i dont use a floppy drive but i have one..i have bad memories of the flashing in dos ended up with a bad bios chip a few years ago trying fir asus live update installing i found out you...
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    THE A8N32 Build database

    hi i i made a move to pci express with the a8n32 had some problems though started with a fresh install of xp pro not slipstreamed with sp2 got the bluescreen saying bios not acpi compliant so pressed f7 and started to install getting numerous bluescreens messages from my hard drive to disable...