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    Verizon DSL and Wirless Configuratoin?

    also my internet is now running extremely slow. Could it be from the configuration on the router/modem?
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    Verizon DSL and Wirless Configuratoin?

    it works now but my laptop is getting disconnected every 5 minutes from the network. Are there any aditional settings i should also change? or should i set up a static IP for the laptop to connect to my network. Thanks for the help so far.
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    Verizon DSL and Wirless Configuratoin?

    thanks for the help to both of you i will try in a few minutes. I have tried to change the westel to bridge mode to no avail in my previous attempts so this simpler solution seems good to me.
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    Verizon DSL and Wirless Configuratoin?

    I have been trying for two months now to hook up my wirless router (Linksys Wirless G) for going on two months now. I have Verizon DSL and cannot configure my settings correctly in order to get the modem to dial in and connect to my DSL service. I have a Westel 6100 modem that came with my DSL...
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    Dell Financing

    how exactly do you go about talking them down on the price.
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    cabinet cooling

    who makes them?
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    cabinet cooling

    are there cabinet specific cooling fans?
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    cabinet cooling

    I just recently put in a new set of cabinets and the temps. inside them skyrocket when my computer is left on because there is very little ventilation for the cabinets. Does anyone know of a cabinet cooling system that is fairly quiet and wont cost me an arm an a leg? Thanks, andy
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    mobo question about ram

    thanks for the help. I think that for now I will keep the desktop i have and add 512 more memory. I'll be going to college soon so I will get a nice laptop with graduation money.
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    mobo question about ram

    would you reccomend i just save and start a build because I want my computer to run Autocad efficiently and it is not doing that right now.
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    mobo question about ram

    model number a-600n
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    mobo question about ram

    how do i find out the max ram i can put in my mobo I have an HP computer with the stock mobo. It has two slots for ram with one 512 stick in already. I would like to find out if its possible to add up to 2 GB ram but Im not sure how to find out. Nothing is mentioned in my computer documentation...
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    intel 2100 wireless networking

    WEP and I have updated the drivers already
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    intel 2100 wireless networking

    I have done that already and verified again just to be sure. The netkey is correctly entered
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    intel 2100 wireless networking

    How do I fix it?
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    intel 2100 wireless networking

    I have recently got a laptop with an intel 2100 wireless card and would like to connect to an existing network in my home. My problems begin here. As of right now I have my network set with the DHCP automatically creating my IP adresses in the other client computers in the house. the DHCP will...
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    Inspiron 8600

    It has 512 but I'm upgrading to 1 GB after this week.
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    Inspiron 8600 Will this one be sufficient for my needs or do you have a better reccomendation. I am on a slight budget and want to spend around 50-60 dollars.
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    Inspiron 8600

    I also need help finding the correct frequency wireless router for connecting it to my desktop's Verizon DLS line. The card I have in my Notebook is the intel 2100 any help is welcome
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    Inspiron 8600

    I fixed my power issue and can now turn it on and off Its extremely slow even after running Lavasoft Adware remover Sypbot S+D Cleaning off Temp Internet files Defrag Norton system full scan What else do you reccomend? I have a Windows XP CD and I am thinking about reinstalling...
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    Inspiron 8600

    I was given this notebook from my stepbrother and I cannot get it to turn on. When plugged into the wall and the battery in place It will not start. There are no charging lights on it or battery indicator lights. I am fairly new to notebooks and have no clue what to do with this. Thanks, Andy