Verizon DSL and Wirless Configuratoin?

Apr 8, 2006
I have been trying for two months now to hook up my wirless router (Linksys Wirless G) for going on two months now. I have Verizon DSL and cannot configure my settings correctly in order to get the modem to dial in and connect to my DSL service. I have a Westel 6100 modem that came with my DSL, and I have already tried to use online tutorials to no avail. I refuse to call geeksquad and pay for something i can do myself. I know my way around my computer and will have no problems with proper instructions if i can find some. Any help on configuring my wirless network will be greatly appreciated.

Are you currently able to use your DSL connection? If so here is what you do:

Turn on your wireless router and plug it into your PC, but do not connect it to your Westell DSL modem.

Now, click on the following link or copy it to your browser.

The default username and password for your router is "admin" (dont use the quotes).

On the front page that you are brought to, disable the DHCP server. It is set to enable by default. Now, you need to change the IP address of the router because Westell's have the same IP address of your wireless router. You can change it on the same page you should currently be on, it will be displayed as

Change it to and make sure you hit apply at the bottom.

Now, you are ready to hook your DSL cables up to the Linksys. Plug the ethernet cord into one of the LAN PORTS. DO NOT plug it into the Internet/WAN port. You can then use the remaining 3 ports for wired peripherals.

It should work if you follow the instructions above. There is another method that will require some major reworking of the configuration in your Westell modem that can allow you to use all 4 LAN ports on your router.
I'd flip the westell to bridged mode...and use my router instead as the one and only router and PPPoE device. Perform better than the Westell, more features. I always do that setup on my clients one state over that have Verizon. Flip those Westells to pure bridge mode.
Yes, I agree with you StoneCat however -- it can be somewhat challenging to go through that configuration.
thanks for the help to both of you i will try in a few minutes.

I have tried to change the westel to bridge mode to no avail in my previous attempts so this simpler solution seems good to me.
it works now but my laptop is getting disconnected every 5 minutes from the network.

Are there any aditional settings i should also change? or should i set up a static IP for the laptop to connect to my network.

Thanks for the help so far.
also my internet is now running extremely slow. Could it be from the configuration on the router/modem?