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  1. J

    Got My VM Gamer's Edge 1500 Today

    Ditching the positive air flow is a good call. I ordered my PC with it and I have since removed it. It really doesn't make sense (the air flow thing), especially if you ever go to dual card SLI setup --- it can really only effectively cool one card. As far as Windows XP Home vs XP Pro: I...
  2. J

    Velocity Micro Gamer's Edge 1500 Evaluation - Take 2 - @ [H]

    Randy, Thank you for your message. I am not trying to be argumentative, but I can't help but wonder why my system had to receive a "big hit" to knock the fan off the CPU, when this very same occurence (the fan coming loose from the CPU) is documented in the Hard Forum review. From the Gamer's...
  3. J

    Velocity Micro Gamer's Edge 1500 Evaluation - Take 2 - @ [H]

    First, I'd like to confirm that the service technicians were in fact from a third-party / agency. Second, about the shipping damage -- Yes, I am sure my PC got bounced around a bit during shipment. There was visible damage to the box. However, there was no physical damage to the case itself...
  4. J

    Velocity Micro Gamer's Edge 1500 Evaluation - Take 2 - @ [H]

    I had the misfortune of purchasing a Gamer's Edge 1500 from Velocity based on this review. I am very dissapointed. My PC had numerous problems. Based on my experience, I must caution people, especially those who are considering building their own rigs or buying from a system builder like...