Got My VM Gamer's Edge 1500 Today


Mar 28, 2006
I'm using it right now. Out of the box everything looked in tact. Got some free goodies and whatnot as well. I have a question that I need help with though. I put Call of Duty 2 in the CD Rom and a screen doesn't come up automatically like normal. So I went to My Computer, E drive, and tried to run the Setup, but it says it's not a valid Win32 application or something like that. It says both CD Rom drives are installed and working properly as well, and that it has already been updated. I'm a noob when it comes to certain aspects of the PC, HELP!

P.S. The machine is running fast and smoothly, quiet fan, all is good. Any questions, just ask. Oh yea, looks great on this 19" widescreen too
Nevermind, other discs are working, but COD2 isnt, and i found this weird ink type thing on it thats why. To the VM CEO that posts here, anyway I can return it? I'm loading Civ4 now and it's working fine, but it's unable to read COD. Thanks.
mtleo84 said:
Nevermind, other discs are working, but COD2 isnt, and i found this weird ink type thing on it thats why. To the VM CEO that posts here, anyway I can return it? I'm loading Civ4 now and it's working fine, but it's unable to read COD. Thanks.

Thanks for the post. Certainly you can contact our support staff and get COD2 replaced. They will be glad to help. I apologize for the disc problem.
Thanks for responding. Man I gotta say this machine is awesome! Super fast and quiet, I love it. Oh and I don't think the COD2 disc was your fault. It has a weird looking ink thing like imprinted into it. I'm gonna give it another shot when I get home from work, and if it doesn't work, I guess I'll call. Thanks for the quick response, and I love this machine.
a cool machine - good to hear it's solid from the get go and ready to game. I'd go ahead and get a new COD2 disk anyway. Why take any chances?
did you get the base machine?

I am looking at one as well, but want to upgrade the processor and video card while ditching the "positive air flow".

Quick questions for those who might have one.

Ease of adding other harddrives? Mostly curious if its easy to stay consistent with their wiring. Would not want to add drives and get a sloppy look.

Can they just not put a floppy in it!

Any reason to get XP/Pro over Home? (I have 3 PCs at home)

Last, extend that warranty or not? I noticed that new machine offered through BB no longer carries a 3 year warranty.
Shivetya said:
Quick questions for those who might have one.

Ease of adding other harddrives? Mostly curious if its easy to stay consistent with their wiring. Would not want to add drives and get a sloppy look.

I've seen reviews with multiple hard drives - wiring still looks good. For a boutique player that shouldn't be a problem.

Shivetya said:
Can they just not put a floppy in it!

You need a floppy to install the SATA drivers - they include so their techs can load it, but you'll also need it in case you need to do a full system restore. But if you check out their site, you can switch the floppy to a media reader that includes a floppy - a little more useful.

Shivetya said:
Any reason to get XP/Pro over Home? (I have 3 PCs at home)

Probably not, depends on what you're doing though.

Shivetya said:
Last, extend that warranty or not? I noticed that new machine offered through BB no longer carries a 3 year warranty.

It's your personal preference. Hopefully you never need the warranty anyway. are you the kind of guy who buys insurance on your cell phone? if so, it might suit you to upgrade your warranty. Depends on how comfortable you feel doing repair work on your own.
Shivetya said:
did you get the base machine?
Ease of adding other harddrives? Mostly curious if its easy to stay consistent with their wiring. Would not want to add drives and get a sloppy look.

I have a different take on this. It used to be when i was in my first years of building that i would attemtp to be as [H] as i could with wiring jobs. You see the pics in modders section of [H] and it's impressive for sure, and it's not all that difficult to do once leaned but i have found that since i'm in my case more than your average enthusiast it actually pays to have cables arranged neatly, but not so neat as to not have easy access without having to spend too much time reorganizing them again. If you do want to keep that neat theme and you (for instance) are adding a new HDD all you have to do is look at what they did in how they neatly fold the SATA cables and use plastic clips to keep them tucked - easy - you just go to a store like Fry's and get some clips and do what they did. My builds for myself are usually about 3/4th as neat as your typical VM or AW machine because i like to constantly be in the case. I just make sure they don't impede airflow and have a few plastc clips/tiebacks but i don't go overboard anymore (EG: run case wires underneath the mobo and attaept to have nothing at all showing).
Shivetya said:
did you get the base machine?
I am looking at one as well, but want to upgrade the processor and video card while `ditching the "positive air flow"`.
Ditching the positive air flow is a good call. I ordered my PC with it and I have since removed it. It really doesn't make sense (the air flow thing), especially if you ever go to dual card SLI setup --- it can really only effectively cool one card.

As far as Windows XP Home vs XP Pro: I believe XP Pro gives you the ability to remotely control another PC's desktop. That is, from a Windows XP Pro PC, you can log into another PC on your network and control that PC from that PC's desktop.

Also, I think XP Pro has the ability to run as a Web server.
zone_86 said:
I have a different take on this. It used to be when i was in my first years of building that i would attemtp to be as [H] as i could with wiring jobs. You see the pics in modders section of [H] and it's impressive for sure, and it's not all that difficult to do once leaned but i have found that since i'm in my case more than your average enthusiast it actually pays to have cables arranged neatly, but not so neat as to not have easy access without having to spend too much time reorganizing them again. If you do want to keep that neat theme and you (for instance) are adding a new HDD all you have to do is look at what they did in how they neatly fold the SATA cables and use plastic clips to keep them tucked - easy - you just go to a store like Fry's and get some clips and do what they did. My builds for myself are usually about 3/4th as neat as your typical VM or AW machine because i like to constantly be in the case. I just make sure they don't impede airflow and have a few plastc clips/tiebacks but i don't go overboard anymore (EG: run case wires underneath the mobo and attaept to have nothing at all showing).

Exactly. I just added an IDE drive to my new GE1000. I had to unclip all of the tie wraps on the power connector bundle in order to fish out a spare connector. They were bound pretty tight and tucked out of the way so I did have some careful unwrapping to do. I then tie wrapped the remaining bundle to keep things neat.
Many customers tell us when ordering that they are going to be adding an extra drive or video card so we can wire for the additional component during the wiring process and make installation easier without cutting any ties. Also, we never run wiring under the motherboard anymore, even though it makes for the best looking job.
Yeah - if you get the time and wish to post a pic or two of ya like :) I happen to think those VM cases are very snazzy looking. Kind of like the Lan Boys but a bit more professional looking (if that's what you got).