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  1. R

    Really want to build a new system....

    Up to $375 for the right part.
  2. R

    Really want to build a new system....

    Can't figure out which mainboard to buy to save my life. I have been reading reviews and forums for days. Several boards look good but all seem to have some major flaw according to the reviewer/poster. I want to use: Element S Case GTX295 Viewsonic 28" LCD - might add a second one at...
  3. R

    Need to get a new game.

    Thanks for the reply's Rickman
  4. R

    Need to get a new game.

    I played Q3 Excessive online for years. These days with family, job and second job responsibilities I don't really have the time to master online deathmatch twitch games. ;o{ I guess I like corridor fps type games like Q4. Rickman
  5. R

    Need to get a new game.

    I liked Quake 4 single player.... And have played it though a few times. What game should I get now? Rickman
  6. R

    Display Choice Help

    Running in my system with the Westinghouse and I can see that the card is taxed a bit more at 1920x 1080 than at 1280x1024. Its not awful but now its a point for upgrade when the next deal comes along. I would guess that a Dell 30" would really require a top of the line video board between...
  7. R

    Brick&Mortar places to get a 37" Westy 1080p (except Best Buy)

    It takes 2-3 days to get store delivery. If their website has the $75 off sale they will match it if you ask. Rickman
  8. R

    Display Choice Help

    Picked it up last week. Like anything it has its pro's and cons. Ups - Picture quality is really nice. Sharp text, great colors etc. Gaming is fine. No ghosting to my eyes. As a computer monitor this thing is huge. At 1920x1080 there is quite a bt more screen real estate than a...
  9. R

    Firing Squid Wastes their Ink

    I prefer apples to apples settings to evaluate hardware. IMO the "what is the max AA/resolution settings that give playable framerates" is highly subjective to the reviewers opinion and results in graphs that are less than optimal at imparting information. Rickman
  10. R

    Compatible p/s for Travla C138?

    The one in my C138-120W died after less than a year. I would rather not buy from Travla. Rickman
  11. R

    I've Been Out Of The SFF Arena For A Long Time, What's Good Nowadays?

    Looks like in these forums more folks run Q-XPack based MATX systems than Shuttles these days. I had several Shuttle systems a couple of years back and got tired of the proprietary nature of Shuttle parts. Rickman
  12. R

    Want to build a qpack, dont know what is compatible

    I have a QPack with an Athlon X2 4200, EVGA 7800GT, Biostar TForce6100-939 MB, 1GB of Ram, Floppy, Sony DVD and 2 WD250GB in a Raid 0 configuration. It was an easy buld, runs fast, fairly quiet and at good temps. Rickman
  13. R

    Some Qpack questions and ned some feedback also

    The stock QPack power supply might run that without a problem. I have a QPack with 7800GT, 1GB Ram, 2 WD 250GB Sata in a Raid 0 config, floppy and DVD drive and it runs fine on the stock P/S. I did pop the front cover off and tape over the prongs on the on/off switch that can make contact with...
  14. R

    6800GS in an one ?

    EVAG 7800Gt fits in my Q-XPack Rickman
  15. R

    Black windowless XQpack

    I was waiting for a sale and ordered one up. Good Price. Now if they could lower the shipping a bit.... Rickman
  16. R

    Best mATX case

    Q-Packs run remarkably cool for so small a case. And while they are bigger than a Shuttle will fit quite a few drives. The power supply may or may not be adequate depending on what you want to put in it. Also many of the power supply complaints may be due to the fact that the on/off switch on...
  17. R

    LCD's vs CRT's

    I am over it and have gone LCD. The grain of wisdom in the above post is to look and see which monitor suits YOU personally. Most all of my use is internet, business apps and gaming. The downsides: In fast gaming even an 8ms panel ghosts a bit and a 20ms panel gives me a headache. Also...
  18. R

    19in 8bit LCD ?

  19. R

    BenQ FP91G+

    I bought two of the FP91G+'s and really like them. You will need to adjust the settings to your liking as the brightness is too high out of the box. Once that is done they are really nice monitors. Gaming is great on this model. I used 19" crt's before these. There is no comparison of the...
  20. R

    Best 19 inch LCD monitor?

    BenQ FP91G+ Rickman
  21. R

    Your thoughts on the ASPIRE X-QPACK

    I just built one with a Biostar mobo, P4 3.2 , an ATI 9600AIW and 2 WD Sata 250GB HD's in a Raid 0 configuration. Easiest build I have had in a long time. I took the front cover off and taped the powerswitch connector so it could not make contact with the case as has been noted in some other...