Display Choice Help


Jun 28, 2006
Okay I have three choices on monitors for my rig.

Dell 3007wp
Westinghouse 37w3
Dell 2407wp

I will mostly use the monitor for gaming (mmorgs mostly), movie use, and eventually tv if I can manage to get a ATI Ocur cablecard when it comes out with Vista. Might be tough since I hear they will be OEM only. I will also be purchasing a Nintendo Wii in the future and I know the 3007 only has dual dvi outputs. Would I be able to connect it through s-video if it supports it to a ati 1900xt and loop it through the card and to the display? I will only have one card till I upgrade to two when the dx10 cards come out. Will the 3007 look great even at 1080p?
Picked it up last week.
Like anything it has its pro's and cons.

Ups -
Picture quality is really nice. Sharp text, great colors etc.
Gaming is fine. No ghosting to my eyes.
As a computer monitor this thing is huge.
At 1920x1080 there is quite a bt more screen real estate than a 1280x1024 19" LCD and text and objects are large which is good for my older eyes. I can read web pages from my couch several feet away from my desk. ;o}

Downs -
$1500+ for a monitor.
Its set very bright from the factory.
As a computer monitor this thing is huge. It dominates my desk and really should be wall mounted to get it about another 6 inches to a foot back from my chair at my desk.
At 1920x1080 it does not have as much screen real estate as it could for its size.

My main intent when getting this screen was to replace the two BenQ 19" LCD's to websurf, game and do Rhino (CAD) with a screen large enough that I would not have to struggle to look at small text or fine details. This screen does that pretty well and looks great.
I think a better solution, though I have yet to see it, would be either a 32" 1920x1080 screen or a 37" that was about 1920x 1400.

Hmm thanks. I didnt see any 32inchers with the 1920x1080 reso though. My only really concern with it is the size. I mean the dell is pretty perfect at 30inches but I dont know how it would look with 1920x1080 sources when either blue-ray or hd-dvd become mainstream. Also I would have no idea how to connect a Nintendo Wii to it. I really don't knwo if it would let me hook s-video into the video card and loop through the card to the monitor. If anyone could give me advice on that aspect it would be appreciated.
the 2407 is better imo, the huge native resolution in the 30 inch is just too problematic, 1st you have to have a very fast card, 2nd everything is tiny, 3rd too damn expensive why the heck for?
Running in my system with the Westinghouse and I can see that the card is taxed a bit more at 1920x 1080 than at 1280x1024. Its not awful but now its a point for upgrade when the next deal comes along.

I would guess that a Dell 30" would really require a top of the line video board between the higher resolution and the dual link.

The 24" monitors I saw made things too small for my eyesight. I was considering a 24" wide with a 19" on each side as a setup with a lot of real estate.
