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  1. P


    Any recommendations for a Northbridge Cooler that will work well with this board, 8800GTS, NT-06 Nitrogon CPU cooler, Silverstone OP-750 PSU and a Sugo SG-01E case? (I can't think of anything else that could concievably get in the way of the NB cooler) Thanks
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    Northbridge Cooler...Recommendations ?

    ...with Silverstone Op750 PSU eVGA 8800GTS Nitrogon NT06 CPU cooler I can't think of anything else that might get in the way. I'd like to bring my Northbridge temps down a 'lil bit. Any suggestions for a cooler.? Active or passive, doesn't matter. One that simply does a good job will do...
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    MSI G965M-FIR

    Gentlemen (Ladies too)... I am simply asking if anyone has seen a review of this board. Nothing else. I do not require any overclocking abilities, whatsoever. What I DO require is a serial port and the use of both PCI slots, even with a dual slot video card...
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    MSI G965M-FIR

    Anyone seen any online reviews of this board???
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    Another "Will It Fit"

    Proposed system, will it fit? (I will NOT be overclocking)... Case: X-Gene HTPC Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 MoBo: ASUS P5B-VM CPU Fan: Thermaltake Blue Orb II HDD: Seagate Barracuda ES 400GB SATAII Optical Drive: LG GSA-H22L (2 of them...symmetry - my quirk) Video: EVGA 8800GTX...
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    YUP..."Yet another "Wadda ya think of my proposal" Threads

    OK folks PUHLEEZE none of that "Why wouldn't you install insert hardware model here instead, as it's a more powerful product (in a higher price range)" type questions. If you don't mind JUST tell me if it: a) will work b) will work with mods c) won't work at all d) there is...
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    Enamored With X-Gene Case

    Just getting some ideas together. I want to build one of these beauties into a powerful system, with lots of future "prooffedness". To that end, I'd like to stick 2 x LG GSA-H22L optical drives into one and a Silverstone OP 1000 PSU, among other things. My question being, after mounting the...
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    X-Gene Mini SFF Case install pics

    Moved to separate thread.
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    X-Gene HTPC Case

    Now THIS looks like a classy case. I'm having a change of heart and think I might just go with this one for my next build. Much more solidly built than a Q-Pack or MicroFly and doesn't have that "shot full of holes" (air vents) look that the SG-01 has. Also, it seems to me that there's great...
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    *Groan*...another "Wadda ya think of my proposed system" thread...

    I'm looking to build another SFF. This time with either: a) a Silverstone SG01, or b) An Ultra Microfly In order to "future proof" I ABSOLUTELY want to install a good solid 850w power supply. "Single rail" preferred, as are 80mm fan(s) (not critical though). I really DO do a lot of...
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    6800GS in an one ?

    Got one that fits ? I've heard that some are absolutely huge. If yours fits pls post your card's brand / model. Thx.
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    Proposed X-QPack...Your thoughts please

    WOW...thanks folks. Thanks soooo much for your help. I'll use a 'lilo bit 'o everyones advice and change to... 1) MOBO: ASUS A8N-VM CSM (The NorthBridge heatsink IS close to the CPU...buuuuuuuut I love Asus boards, they've never let me down!) 2) Case Cooling...
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    Proposed X-QPack...Your thoughts please

    My first "kick at the cat", as far as a SFF system goes. Definetly not my first build *lol*. I'm looking for really good solid speed in general + a system that has room to grow later, ie: upgraded CPU / Vid / RAM. I welcome your opinion. However...please..."You're out to lunch" doesn't really...