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  1. R

    basic samll OC of X2 3800 and ASRock Dual Sata 2 board

    HI, been a while posting here, but this is more for curious sake then anything else. Last year when i first got this CPU and this board, i tried to OG it up to 2.4GHZ and used a fellow poster here's advice on waht he thought i should do , via... settings in the bios,etc.. I tried wht he...
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    ASRock 939Dual-SATA2

    Since all the upgrades in CPUs have been out for awhile now, and considering i have the lower end of the X2's that came out (3800 ), I figure the most cost effiecient thing for me to do in the future is getting one of the latest CPU's out in the AM2 category. After doing some light searching...
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    Any ASRock issues I should know?

    MasterofNone... Yeah..just nothing but hassles... so many things it could be i just have to go by feel and whtever troubleshooting...considering i'm not an expert at things... I keep thinking there is either a driver conflict or driver HW conflict.... The main thing i am getting for instance...
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    Any ASRock issues I should know?

    Good luck to you guys who have the time and i have given up on this whole thing with trying to fix a board that will never ever play all my games like it should with the X23800CPU. I bought it to stall having to buy another graphics card..but after all i've been through..for...
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    Asus A8NE FM OEM

    I plan on getting the Asus A8n-E Nforce 4 sli board... it actually got mostly five star reviews by quite a large number of users that had no problems with it. That is what i am looking for. A board that boots up...has no problem with drivers and graphics and can run an X2 3800 CPU. Seems to have...
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    ASRock 939Dual-SATA2

    Niloc.. thanks for that.. good post.. mostly the same general problems i am having... so i did read it and will use that for some ref. material and try that..certainly couldn't hurt. I am usally pretty darn intuititve about troubleshooting... and know i have a handle on where its coming...
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    ASRock 939Dual-SATA2

    Question... Since i posted a few thread replies here about my issues having to do with graphics...and games.. (only games )... I want to ask a few specific questions..: I have the latest ULI 1695 chipset driver... the AMD 64 driver and the main ULI site 2.30 controller driver installed...
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    ASRock 939Dual-SATA2

    Yeah.. the board seems rock solid.. can't discount that...but for me..i sure wish i could get ALL my games and graphics problems sorted out. Some if not alot got fixed when i installed the right AGP controllers and ULI drivers.... but now i am getting other problems.. Is there a way to take...
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    ASRock 939Dual-SATA2

    Most users of this board already know that the earlier bios for this board had issues booting ..( posting.)..these are some of the reasons for bios upgrades.... The latest being bios version 1.06. I believe you will need bios vrsion 1.04 at least to be good to go... then its a mattr of...
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    ASRock 939Dual-SATA2

    BBG... I finally got some of it fixed.... I didn't have the AGP to ULI controlller installed from ULI site. I installed it...( used the 2.13 version ) reinstalled the Nvidia current set drivers ..81.98 and some games worked fine ..but since then some do and some shutdown..after playing it for...
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    ASRock 939Dual-SATA2

    eloj.., yeah i got that one saved already.. i've done a few things they suggest for the fixes already...but you can understand.... I hate editing registries as some fixes... and was looking for one specfic fix. Being new to AMD archetecture and systems..unlike alot of you here...I guess it...
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    ASRock 939Dual-SATA2

    hi all.. after being refered to this forum by a good friend on another froum i vist.. i thought after a couple of days reading most of these posts..i might be able to get some more answers to why none of my games will work . I am a new AMD user..not to mention i kind of went overboard by...