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    Thermaltake Gallery

    Here are a couple of picture of my bra new case!!!! "enjoy" :p
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    **Need Someone To Test My WebCam**

    Thanks for testing it out. *****UMM HOW DO I DELETE THE ENTIRE POST??***** i can only edit it.
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    **Need Someone To Test My WebCam**
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    2006 Post Your Workstation

    I have Just installed two jet engines to cool my computer.(GE 1500Lbs.) here are the pic. *the tubing is suppose to be neon green but looks brownish* More Images at
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    Dumpster Diving!

    Insted of going Dumpster diving go to the land fill, where the company drops the junk from the trash compactors. And Jackpot, Tons of electronics. At least my luck.
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    2006 Post Your Workstation

    Well here are a few pic of my baby. :eek: Here is a link of many mo pictures.
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    ***I Just Got My New Sync Master 204B By SAMSUNG**

    Well after 2 months of searching the internet endlessly for a good Lcd Monitor, I finally took the plunge towards the Samsung 204B with a 5ms Response Time. To be honest with yall, this has to be one of the best looking LCD i have seen. I spent lots of time at Best Buy, Comp USA, PC CLUB...