Search results

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    ASUS Sabertooth P67 Motherboard Review

    Nice, but why but P67 when Z68 is the chipset from now on? Kind of a waste.
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    MSI Barebone System Give-Away

    It could be free?
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    China Already Selling Intel Z68 Express Motherboards

    Yes! This looks more like a P67 with a heavy dose of photoshop.
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    China Already Selling Intel Z68 Express Motherboards

    What's keeping preview - reviews from showing up on "enthusiast" sites like this?
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    Corsair VX550W vs. Corsair HX520W @ [H]

    Just a note: Only the HX620 is certified by AMD/ATI for Crossfire with their new HD3870/HD3850 cards. That has to say something.
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    HD3870, Which One To Get?

    Does anyone have a link? :confused: I used search, but can't find it. I just got a HIS 3870 from Newegg, but was thinking of swapping it for the Sapphire due to the software bundle (PowerDVD v7, DVD suite v5) both of which I could use. However if the service is c**p, I could just keep the...
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    Need EXPERT Help Choosing HD 2600 Card for HTPC

    HeHe - funny you should mention ... :p Thanks for everyone’s help and opinions Although I’ve not received all the pieces (much less assembled and tested) here’s the “final” build: Video Card – MSI Diamond HD 2600XT (GPU 850MHz and 256M DDR4) CUU -...
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    Need EXPERT Help Choosing HD 2600 Card for HTPC

    I REALLY need help choosing a video card for a new HTPC build that my wife is INSISTING I do quickly (really!). THIS WILL BE A DEDICATED HTPC feeding a 52" 1080P LCD TV – not a gaming rig. So I’m looking at the ATI HD 2600XT family with DDR4 or DDR3, ether 512M or 256M. A CrossFire setup is...
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    2600 AGP flavors

    I'm giving the 256M version a try in my P4 3.2Ghz HTPC to stop HD droped frames during playback (currently a 9800Pro) - using Vista Premium. Should arrive from Newegg today. However, I've been reading posts that the AGP version can NOT use the Visiontec DVI-to-HDMI dongle to carry sound...
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    ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT @ [H]

    Since the HTPC seems the only really compelling reason to buy these cards, I find it VERY frustrating that they don't (at least for now) have an HDMI cable port from the factory! :rolleyes: Could nobody at AMD/ATI have forseen this?
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    Creating The Virtual Feel of Water

    This could be a real gas - esp. if you sliped the program onto your friends water-cooled gamming rig!:D
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    A [H]ard Look at Power Supplies

    One thing that kinda bothers me is the use of the Tripp-Lite LCR2400 Line Conditioner. That seems to invaladate any results as far as "real world" use is concerned. I really doubt that any average user will have such a thing, and how a PSU handles "real world" power line problems is critical...
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    SeaSonic M12 700watt PSU

    If you can't wait for Seasonic, you might want to try the Corsair HX series - made by Seasonic and seem to be identical. You can find them at Newegg Here
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    The memory I bought, was it a good choice?

    Many have found that value ram can be a problem with DFI boards. See the last sentence in the alt. motherboard paragraph of this review at TechReport Personally, I feel that a board with as many memory adjustments as DFI has can be made to run any RAM that isn't "broken". All DFI boards...
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    are dfi mobos picky about ram?

    Sure, but you need to first understand what PSU is needed. I had an Expert (first rev. - AA0) and on the advice of RGone (a Super-Mod) at DFI Street forum chose the PSU in my sig. It solved a "cold boot" problem on one of his boards, and I never had any kind of problem. It only costs about...
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    Which 7800GT OC would you buy – from ME ?

    Yea, but somebodys got to suffer through these bitter winters. :confused:
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    Which 7800GT OC would you buy – from ME ?

    Well, Thanks to all who have helped me out. :D When I started this thread my most recent knowledge about Video Card technology was at the ATI 9800 AIW level. Although I did read as many reviews and posts as I could before posting, it’s been the responses of the Forum Community here and else...
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    Which 7800GT OC would you buy – from ME ?

    Nothing personal for me, but in reading posts on DFI-Street and others seems like FAR more about XFX than others, and almost universal complaints about lousey Tech Support blaiming everything except their own product, or just plain not responding at all. Evga someware in the middle. Mostly...
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    Which 7800GT OC would you buy – from ME ?

    That's what I'm hoping for!
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    Which 7800GT OC would you buy – from ME ?

    Trouble is "March" often means March 31st with a total of 50 cards all goint to review sites. And I'm sitting here with a complete brand new rig to build - EXCEPT for a PCIExpress video card! :mad: (DFI Expert, Opteron 165, Sythe Ninja with dual 120 fans, etc., etc.) How much can you...
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    Which 7800GT OC would you buy – from ME ?

    I hadn't thought of that - although I doubt the new cards will be out in time. And it sure seems it's a EVGA crowd here - more so than I would have expected. ;) But, heck. thats why I'm here asking!
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    Which 7800GT OC would you buy – from ME ?

    I’m going to order a Nvidia 7800 GT factory overclocked TODAY! However, I may want to sell it in a few months (when Nvidia’s new 71 super GPU come out). I’m wondering which brand some of you might be most interested in buying from me, provided the price is “right”? I’d expect to offer the...