2600 AGP flavors


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 3, 2001
What's taking so long? For awhile, there has only been the VisionTek choice. When are the others coming out? Anyone know?

Every other card manufacturer has plans for them, but like with the PCIe parts it looks like they're taking their sweet time coming out. I want to get one for my Socket A machine just to max it out :/
In the same way that EVGA is nVidia's lead AIB partner, VisionTek fills the same role for AMD's Graphics Division (in fact, VisionTek is the current manufacturer for all ATI-branded cards sold today; however, they are still supported by AMD's Graphics Division, not VisionTek). One rather telling item is that the HD2000 series is priced *less* than the X1K series equipped with the same amount of RAM (the X1K-series card I'm comparing is the X1650PRO vs. the HD2600PRO, both in 512 MB AGP trim; the HD2600PRO is $50 less, which is not a good barometer of performance).
In the same way that EVGA is nVidia's lead AIB partner, VisionTek fills the same role for AMD's Graphics Division (in fact, VisionTek is the current manufacturer for all ATI-branded cards sold today; however, they are still supported by AMD's Graphics Division, not VisionTek). One rather telling item is that the HD2000 series is priced *less* than the X1K series equipped with the same amount of RAM (the X1K-series card I'm comparing is the X1650PRO vs. the HD2600PRO, both in 512 MB AGP trim; the HD2600PRO is $50 less, which is not a good barometer of performance).

Interesting. Didn't know that. That explains why Visiontek was also the first out with the a X1950 Pro AGP card at the end of November 2006.
I'm giving the 256M version a try in my P4 3.2Ghz HTPC to stop HD droped frames during playback (currently a 9800Pro) - using Vista Premium.
Should arrive from Newegg today.

However, I've been reading posts that the AGP version can NOT use the Visiontec DVI-to-HDMI dongle to carry sound.

Can anybody confirm this?