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    asus x800xt problem

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    WD Raptor = No overclock???

    is your HT Link multipler too high? if its faster than 1000mhz thats a nono and will corrupt your windows i think..
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    NEED HELP with frames

    css>frames.. CSS is gonna be/is the future of web design
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    jsf and struct

    anyone got any good newbie sites for struct and jsf? Thanks
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    Post Your FEAR Performance Test Results Here

    After you changed the cfg, you cant go into the "display" option or i'll reset the resolution.. you can check the setting in the performance option... anyone notice the game pauses?? is it b/c i only have one gig of ram?
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    asus x800xt problem

    Awhile back I was playing fable.. and notice the colour were messing up on the screen so i restart, window loaded but the colour were all different.. the blue was greenish and such.. I turned off my computer and turn it on after 1 min and the problem went away. A month later (which is today)...
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    seagate 7200.8 problem

    right now i have c: set at 45gig and the rest on d: (which is around 190) which isnt working.. i havent tried making one big partition either.. should I make the c drive even better?
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    seagate 7200.8 problem

    I'm pretty sure Lazn_Work is right.. as long as I have one hd in it, it should boot from that hd.. but its set at hdd-0 which im sure is the master drive. the mobo is a MSI K7N2 Delta-L which is a nforce2 chipset there's only one ide hd connected to it. thanks for the help
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    seagate 7200.8 problem

    it was at disk-cd-hd i tried disk-hd-cd still nothing..
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    seagate 7200.8 problem

    Hey people, I just got a new seagate 7200.8 250gb ide for my msi nforce2 mobo... Im trying to install windows xp on the hd but it will not install.. the (up-to-date) bios detects the hd.. the drive is set to master with no slave.. I know the hd works because it was a slave hd for awhile. i...