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  1. M

    Noob, Needs help With OC.

    I added more voltage. currently at 1.425v .. I think that did it, ORthos has been running for over an hour without any errors, i would usually get errors around 40 minutes. I'll leave it running at night and see how it does. Thanks for the advice guys.
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    Noob, Needs help With OC.

    Thanks for the tip, i just lowered it to 4x, The HT link is now at 900Mhz. Will run orthos again in a few mins. Update: Orthos failed again. 1:FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 0.5, expected less than 0.4 1:Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file. Im getting the same Rounding error...
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    Noob, Needs help With OC.

    Hello, Im currently running a: Foxconn c51xem2AA Mobo. Amd x2 5200 at 2.92MHZ , 1.4v Core temp says 32C idle load is about 48C OCZ ram Timings are 5-5-5-15 2cmd at 1.975V Now my issue is this, when i Run orthos about 50 minutes into the test i get this: here is the error 1:FATAL ERROR...
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    A64 Mobile 3400 reported wrong in system properties

    Yep i had similar situation.. It turns out it was cool and quiet, Go into the bios and turn it off. That should do it, Or at least that did it for me.
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    So i just got a foxconn c51xem2aa

    I have questions about my voltages.. i just installed ntune and my voltages are in red my guess is they are too high?? but im a total noob. here are my specs 5200 x2 amd foxconn c51xem2aa 2 gigs ocz ram 1000w BFG psu friend gave me a deal so i said fuck it 8800gtx here are my...
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    Dell 30 " monitor resolution issue.

    Thanks for all the input guys, It was very helpful. Yes my card is 6800 AGP. I will be upgrading shortly. Thanks again
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    Dell 30 " monitor resolution issue.

    OKay, i have i new graphic card on the way, but 6800 gt says it has Max Resolution 2048 x 1536 .. So i think i should be able to get more then 1280 x 800?? but maybe not, any other thoughts??
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    Dell 30 " monitor resolution issue.

    So i just got one of these dell 3007WFP, Im using a 6800 GT nvidia card. It is not letting me go past 1280 x 800 resolution?? anyone know what the deal is?? i tried updating my drivers to the latest nvidia has to offer still cant go any higher on resolution. Any feedback is welcomed, i trust...
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    Anyone shop at i need some feedback

    Didnt think about that, i guess your right, i'll have to play the waiting game. i'll give them the benefit of the doubt.
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    Anyone shop at i need some feedback

    I ordered some SilenX fans from themOn thunrsday 2/8/07 , Its tuesday now 2/13/07 and my order still shows up as "pending" When i try to call them i get an answering machine like if i calling someones house not someones business, ive left two messages they have not called me back.. And they...
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    Anyone running a Asus A8N32-SLI with 4x1gb and Vista x64?

    Is Vista 64 out yet? I thought it was 32 bit vista that was out and i dont think it could use 4 gb but i been away for a while so anyone who could give clear this up for me it would be great.
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    Major problems with my Dell 9300

    Hello fellas, Ive had this laptop for over a year and a few days ago when i turned it on there was like blue lines going down wards on the black Window loading screen, then some white lines across the screen flashed up and after that black screen.Never able to see desktop just black screen after...
  13. M

    Rank 7 Guild Wars account

    Selling my Guild Wars Rank 7 account with 1772 fame im asking for 200.00 paypal ive seen them go for about 250.00 to 300.00 on ebay . if any one is interested email me at [email protected] i can meet you in game and show wolf emote.
  14. M

    Asus A8N-E and Razer diamondback annoying problem

    Hi guys finished my build about 2 months ago and a constant problem that i have is,when i turn the computer off the mouse turns on? Not all the time but sometimes and sometimes when i power up my rig when windows fully loads the mouse turns off? Very strange it does not happen all the time...
  15. M

    nec ND-3550A problems back to back

    hey guys just finished my build about 2 weeks ago and eveything is running sweet except my drives .At first i just got 1 nec nd-3550a but it was burnning slow so i ordered another one and it burns fast just like it should but sometimes it wont play any type of cd or dvd or game it will just try...
  16. M

    Lian-Li PC-7B Plus vs Thermaltake Shark

    Just ordered all my stuff for my first build i got the Lian li cause i really liked that voodoo rage then i found out its a lian li case im a noob excuse me. Well i dont know how everyone else feels but every thermal case i see looks nasty it reminds me of alienware a big piece of cheap...
  17. M

    New build confused about the 7800 gt BFG OR EVGA or XFX

    Ok guys just gathering info. for my first build ive been on new egg and i was wondering what is better the bfg or the evga. I notice theres a few different models of the evga 7800gt whats the difference? And do all those stack up against the bfg card? here are the model im looking at...
  18. M

    Dell Inspiron 9300 or Asus Z70VA

    ha ha every one has the 9300s? There like bunnies? You may read about people buying 9300s but its not like everyone is walking down the street carrying one around.LOL Dont over due it dude in that case every one drives hondas dont buy that car.PLEASE give me a break 9300 solid i dont think...
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    Desktop or Laptop

    hey there ive been haveing my 9300 for about 3 months and its rock solid. specs 2.0-6800-1gb ram-dvdr-60gb 72rpm-17" tru life I paid 1534.00 shipped no taxes im in KS after coupon and discount Compared to my desktop i would say i notice no big differnce only when it comes to dvd burning i...
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    Asus A8N5X what do you guys think of it?

    thanks for the replys guys My first choice was the A8N-E but it had mixed reviews so i dont want to screw up its my first build. Do you guys think the A8N-E is a easy enough for a noob thanks.
  21. M

    Asus A8N5X what do you guys think of it?

    Hi guys just wondering how good and stable is this mobo? Im think of putting 2 gb of OCZ ram and a evga 7800gt pci-e with a 3700+ san diego cpu. Im not into over clocking i just want to plug and play and i seen it on newegg with a good ratting.let me know if any of you have used it and do...
  22. M

    Asus motherboard for a noob?

    Hi guys im planning on building my first rig, now when it comes to mother boards what is the easiest plug and play mother board that will work and be stable. I want an ASUS and i want it to be 939 amd and it to be pci express for the graphic card I will never use 2 graphic cards so i dont...
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    Guild Wars on FX 5200 go 64mb

    Ok guys i just got this laptop from my buddy who just had it new in the box and didnt use it and now needs money. I got a great deal and after tweaking it i installed Guld Wars. It plays smooth with no lag even on dial up but i notice that somtimes my color fades on the characters and only...
  24. M

    Those with laptops $1500 and above...

    I think now a days 1500 for a good laptop is cheap.When i was shopping for onei had already made a budget of 3000$. Good thing i ran into a good dell coupon i ended getting a decked out 9300 for a little over 1900.00 although i it was crap and i returned it and now have a fresh new 9300 and im...
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    Pentium M 1.73 vs. Mobile Pentium 4

    The intel M chip is indeed the best for mobile although it does not have the same power when it comes to alot of video and other demanding performances. In some the Intel M will take the P4 chip out put when it comes to power house The intel M is NOT. So if your not gonna do nothing...
  26. M

    Buy a dell notebook tomorrow?

    It will last dude,you may want to add a little more ram down te road.And of course it will be obsolete since alot of people probably consider it a little old already with a 1.6 and 256 MB of ram.But it will do what you need for 3 or more years.
  27. M

    Lies, lies, lies.

    Alienware can suck salty balls. With there plastic egg shapped rigs. Yes i have owned one for like 2 weeks and got my cash back, they are just the worst! The reviews do not lie i think any dumbass could build a better rig then Alienware i now even think Dell is better then alienware in...
  28. M

    Well its time to buy my PC

    I would say get the 74 raptor and a better stronger PSU, other then thats your on the money dude.
  29. M

    How is my new Rig?

    Sounds good dude everyone has different needs. I say 6.5 And of course depends how much you spent on it. I think the computer world is very demanding, everything changes FAST so as far as your systems downside i see gateways or sonys with specs close to those which is pretty standard...
  30. M

    Got my i9300 days early!

    I dont know if you understand what i wrote maybe not.I said the guys who claim they got Hundreds off , At the notebook foums i heard some guy said he got 400 dollars back i think hes full of shit. Now 50 dollars well i got 50 dollars off when i first purchase the system and then i got two...
  31. M

    just ordered a 9300 from outlet... have a question about the screen

    Well the price is ok for a refurbished product which i wouldnt advise any one to do as it is Dell has had horrible history with this new line the 9300 when they come spanking new i couldnt imagine it a refurb. I just send one back for a full refund but i bought a new one it is a nice laptop as...
  32. M

    Dell 9300 problems.

    Hi guys, yes the 9300 arrived and right now its on its way back for a full refund.Its probably the nicest laptop ive ever seen very solid build and the white trim actually looks very nice. Reason for return: IN MY OPINION, screen is horrible lots of sparkle lots and enough light leaking to...
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    Do-It-Your self Falcon Northwest FragBox Case

    Thanks for your help Metal. Ok what about the EVGA 6600 gt will it do? On oem hard drive do i need to buy cable for it and do i need to set them to master and all that crap ? Dvd R burner do i need to buy cables for it ? does the oem NEC 3520a come with the ide cable or do i need to...
  34. M

    Do-It-Your self Falcon Northwest FragBox Case

    Ay metal your gonna build 6 MAN!! what for ? I want to build one and im sacred damm. let me know all about it and tell me what you think about my specs.Thanks
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    Got my i9300 days early!

    Well guys after trying to get the issues fixed and hours of visiting forums and calling dell it seems theres no answer .I will be sending it back, Dell was no help at all but thats what i expected no news there,i guess its hit or miss and i missed ill be on the look out for new deals and may try...
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    Do-It-Your self Falcon Northwest FragBox Case

    It seems not to be as much as i thought for those.This is what i want what would all the prices be.Please guys give me name and model #s i need for every item. Very nice power supply best brand and like 500W(or is the one from falcon good enough. 3500+ AMD 939 or any recomended 160 gb...
  37. M

    how many Items have you had to RMA,,, ever...

    A damm cheap alienware rig and now a dell 9300 due to screen and dvdr drive trouble.Yes i know im a newbie thinking of building now.DAMM IT WHY MUST IT LOOK SO HARD :mad:
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    Do-It-Your self Falcon Northwest FragBox Case

    Hi guys got to say man those things are nice i wouldnt mind buidling one if i knew how. How much or you guys spending after all the cost with all parts and everything. Let me know and do anyof you live around riverside Ca so you can help me build :D
  39. M

    Thinking of building for the first time,should i?

    Hi guys ive never built a rig and after getting some crap from Alienware and haveing to return it i think i want to build(not so sure yet).I been to many websites and no one has what i really want only voodoo and falcon but there prices are just high and i do not want to regret it when those...