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  1. F

    XP vs. Vista - A Tale of Framerates

    This article is worthless. It's just taking up space on [H]'s front-page. Because there's nothing to be learned from it. As a reader, what could possibly be taken away from this article? That old Nvidia drivers are slow? Wow! Useful information. Why would we care? He didn't compare with ATI...
  2. F

    Fourth generation Raptor?

    I specifically noted that "Well that doesn't matter so much, " but you edited that part of my post out of your quote. I guess cause you own Raptors and sincerely want to believe they're fast, so you can protect how you feel about your investment going down the tube, like most hardware does...
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    Fourth generation Raptor?

    Hi, I'm wondering what's going on with the next-generation of Raptor drives. I loathe buying more of the WD1500 series drives, as they're really starting to get a bit long in the tooth. They're still not even SATA 2.0. Well that doesn't matter so much, except that we see EVEN the new 1TB...
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    A good big external hard drive.

    The reviews basically said that the enclosure/ventilation/power supply was blowing up the drives in the mybooks.
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    A good big external hard drive.

    Hi, I'm going on a lengthy business trip and I need access to all my data, since I have no idea what I'll end up needing, and don't want it stuck back at home. It turns out I've got 3 hard drives sitting around with years of stuff on em', and 2 more drives inside of 2 computers. I've got to...
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    Three displays on single card using Dual-link DVI Y-cable?

    Hello, I'd like to know if it's possible to do the following: * 8800 GTX. Dual-link DVI port 1: Connects to Dell 3007WFP-HC. Dual-link DVI port 2: Connects to "Y-cable" which splits into two Single-link DVI ports. Y-cable ports: Each Single-link DVI port then connects to a rotated Dell 2007FP...
  7. F

    DisplayPort is STUPID -- no high rez support.

    Nope. I've read about this low resolution in multiple locations. Here's one of them. It also can't even support higher than 60hz at any reasonable resolution. DisplayPort is a failure.
  8. F

    DisplayPort is STUPID -- no high rez support.

    Hi, ..edit.. So what *IS* DisplayPort's maximum resolution? - Fraishus
  9. F

    Intel Core 2 Gaming Performance

    It's an IRRESPONSIBLE review because it's very easy for someone who does not understand 'GPU-limited' to misinterpret. The review presents only the data necessary to show the Core2 in the light which Kyle would like to show it in- all other data is missing. This review does not present a...
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    Intel Core 2 Gaming Performance

    Why do you guys even bother arguing with Kyle Bennett? He failed. He's obviously a blow-wherever-the-money-takes-you kind of guy, and cannot be trusted. Let's move on.
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    Intel Core 2 Gaming Performance

    My Review Of HardOCP HardOCP has just lost all credibility with me. I can no longer take any review written at this site seriously. In plain terms, what this really means is that I won't feel compelled to check HardOCP's reviews anymore- After reading this, I feel cheated by their past...
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    Patriot 2gb Dual Channel 2-3-2-5 1T Bargain

    Please let us know how those work out. I'm considering getting them.
  13. F

    official MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum SLI thread

    For those of you having overclocking issues. If you have a Winchester core, that's your problem... Here's a thread about Neo4+Winchester Core issues on MSI Forums.
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    Asus A8N-SLI Premium reviewed

    Toms Hardware has the first review of the Asus A8N-SLI Premium board. What do you guys think? Cool review, but I'd mosly like to see some benchmarks of A8N-SLI Deluxe vs. A8N-SLI Premium, in order to find out if Asus got their...
  15. F

    The guys over at DFI-Street forums claim that DFI nF4 boards are not unstable.

    Hey, Check this thread. I brought up the HardOCP reviews on both of the DFI nF4 boards, regarding how the DFI nF4 boards were unable to pass HardOCP's 24 hour stress tests. Here's the thread. Not only do they...