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  1. P

    Gaming Gear/Clothes

    Coming from the one who says all girl gamers are "ugly and bad in bed." Riiiiiight.
  2. P

    Halo 2 or Halo?

    This is a joke, right?
  3. P

    Microsoft's guide to leet speak

    1337 |\/|@|<3$ |\/|y 3y3$ 6|33d
  4. P

    WoW on dial-up

    you live in a major metropolitan area that DOESNT offer broadband? i'd move.
  5. P


    How could it be that old when you obviously have to play long enough to get sarcastic about the game to even make this up? The game itself is barely that old...
  6. P


    I was commenting on the pic... I was the first person to actually READ the descriptions and respond after most looked at the pic w/o reading and skipped the thread. Anyway, yes, the "don't drop the soap" is the best. lmao
  7. P


    I don't think I need to explain myself. I haven't been on here long, but it seems that you're always pointing out the negative in every thread I read... so it made me think of you... ;)
  8. P


    Sounds like something bonkrowave would write...
  9. P

    gaming steering wheel setup...

    I've got no help for you, but I just want to say that your vivid descriptions of your predicament were cracking me up. Good luck. :)
  10. P

    Microsoft's guide to leet speak

    Did anyone follow the link to the separate guide to dealing with MMORPG "Griefers" who use "malicious terms like pwn?" "Known as griefers, snerts, cheese players, twinks, or just plain cyberbullies, chances are that a kid near you has been bothered by one of these ne'er-do-wells at least...