

Sep 30, 2002

I don't think I need to explain myself. I haven't been on here long, but it seems that you're always pointing out the negative in every thread I read... so it made me think of you... ;)
Ugh, just comment on the picture damn it! The warlock description is priceless.
Some peoples kids ... honestly

Ya the description is great. Its funny I got bored with my 49 hunter so I started a Paladin. It sure is different .... I keep wanting to send my pet to attack. :D

The Paladin is strong and heavy hitting .... but at lower levels healing is not what its cracked up to be. Its not as easy as I thought, once I got to playing.

Honestly I die a lot more as a Paladin then I ever did as a hunter.

Also in the first ST I played a troll warrior and I have to say thoose comments are pretty much bang on.
Discussion: Thats about 3 months old. While its true that the alliance have it a bit easier at lower levels, the higher levels go to horde. Not to mention that, from my experience, the horde have a much greater ratio of mature players vs. bnet kiddies ;).
QHalo said:
Ugh, just comment on the picture damn it! The warlock description is priceless.

I was commenting on the pic... I was the first person to actually READ the descriptions and respond after most looked at the pic w/o reading and skipped the thread. Anyway, yes, the "don't drop the soap" is the best. lmao
Some of that stuff isn't far from the truth,

Oh and..

praeda tibi said:
I don't think I need to explain myself. I haven't been on here long, but it seems that you're always pointing out the negative in every thread I read... so it made me think of you... ;)
That's not necesarily true, I've yet to hear him say anything negative toward kittens. :p
Direwolf20 said:
Discussion: Thats about 3 months old. While its true that the alliance have it a bit easier at lower levels, the higher levels go to horde. Not to mention that, from my experience, the horde have a much greater ratio of mature players vs. bnet kiddies ;).
Discussion: Not everyone has seen it. So keep it to yourself.
QHalo said:
Discussion: Not everyone has seen it. So keep it to yourself.
True, this is the first i've seen of it. It made me laugh. Poor, poor warlocks.
Direwolf20 said:
Discussion: Thats about 3 months old. While its true that the alliance have it a bit easier at lower levels, the higher levels go to horde. Not to mention that, from my experience, the horde have a much greater ratio of mature players vs. bnet kiddies ;).

How could it be that old when you obviously have to play long enough to get sarcastic about the game to even make this up? The game itself is barely that old...
praeda tibi said:
How could it be that old when you obviously have to play long enough to get sarcastic about the game to even make this up? The game itself is barely that old...

The game has been out for 3 months ... plus there were two stress tests and a closed beta which were ongoing for up to a year before retail.

I too have seen this image, it was posted on the WoW forum a while back.
I want to see some commentary on the Night Elves. Something along the lines of how they must reproduce like rabbits, or a fungus of some kind.
Bane said:
I want to see some commentary on the Night Elves. Something along the lines of how they must reproduce like rabbits, or a fungus of some kind.

Was it you or someone else on this forum that said " dont feed them after midnight or get them wet" ?
Bane said:
Yeah that was me, it would seem I have malice toward NE's.

Who doesn't ?


EDIT: it appears there is a glitch in the Matrix, Either that or I am psychic.
bonkrowave said:
Was it you or someone else on this forum that said " dont feed them after midnight or get them wet" ?
Yeah that was me, it would seem I have malice toward NE's.
QHalo said:
Discussion: Not everyone has seen it. So keep it to yourself.

Whats with the negativity? My post wasn't negative in nature, sorry if you took it to be.
bonkrowave said:
Who doesn't ?


EDIT: it appears there is a glitch in the Matrix, Either that or I am psychic.
WTF! That's the strangest thing i've ever seen
Direwolf20 said:
Whats with the negativity? My post wasn't negative in nature, sorry if you took it to be.
your first comment was on par with the typical REPOST comment. I hate that. My apologies, it's been a dreadful day and its only half over.
QHalo said:
your first comment was on par with the typical REPOST comment. I hate that. My apologies, it's been a dreadful day and its only half over.

Didn't mean it that way, hehe no problems :).