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  1. N

    spyaxe - cant get rid of it

    Had client's system that had the same problem as you do. The cleaner is useless since the authors of the particular kit changed the code and filenames around to nullify the cleaner. Trojan.SPYAXE is a pain in the neck since it masks itself from current spy/ad/malware cleaners, including the...
  2. N

    One of the most RIDICULOUS case mods EVER. Good for a laugh!!

    Certain cases will have the side panel behind the mainboard riveted in place if there is no need to access the other side. Case in point, Certain ANTEC models that use removeable drive cages, and "toolless' drive rails. This case model was one such sterling example. She had no reason to be...
  3. N

    DE_DUST PC!!! (56k warning!!!)

    *Gets the bush hog out.* I dunno if this thing will stand up to that stuff, my Snapper riding mower sure as hell didn't! :eek:
  4. N

    Post your "Ghetto Mod" pics

    Man, i'd think you could make moonshine with that rig if you put some effort into it. :D :D
  5. N

    Post your "Ghetto Mod" pics

    Did that thing get shipped by UPS, or FedEx? :D :D :p :p
  6. N

    Windows XP 32 or 64???

    Easy fix for that.. Go get an Epson printer.. The printers Dell resell are rebranded LEXMARK.
  7. N

    Vista recommended spec: 256MB+ PCI-E

    You KNOW that Dell is going to cut corners on the specs by offering half the memory and a 1/4 of the CPU requirements on their "base" models. Then give it up your :eek: real nice and hard by saying, "hey to make your systems run fast and stable you'll need to buy this, this and that". And guess...
  8. N

    Please help troubleshoot this dell

    The procedure to process a insurance claim is to contact a computer repair shop to have a damage estimate done on the system. If the system is a total loss, then direct the shop to create a invoice showing the estimated value of the system and a letter stating that the system is a total loss...
  9. N

    Bonzanego's Project: MorningStar

    :eek: Man, 300 year old black walnut... I'd be a nervous nellie just applying sandpaper to a piece of wood that old and that good looking. :eek: Don't skimp on the finish now dude! Give it some of the old school treatment. :D :D
  10. N

    I have offically crossed the line into insanity- 56k beware

    Will this do? That baby's called the Yankee Siege. According to their website, it'll do 150lb payloads over a mile easy. :D :D :D
  11. N

    Thermoelectric/Glycol hybrid?

    And I cannot disagree with that. But! The overall temps can be adjusted so that the moisture can be prevented from getting close to the vitals, hence the thermostat on the glycol pump. With the basic TEMs you could not modulate the units very much, and were prone to icing over if its' fan quit...
  12. N

    Thermoelectric/Glycol hybrid?

    While prowling the 'net, I hit upon a company with a interesting solution to using thermoelectrics to cool down a system. They take the TEM and put it into a case with all the supporting gear (fans, pumps, thermostats, reservoir) to operate the unit. The idea behind my suggestion is to...
  13. N

    Project: Batman Begins (completed!!!)

    I hate to say coulda/woulda/shoulda, but instead of screws and burning two taps, try these on for size. Clecos Fantastic work you got going on there Qtip, I was thinking that the bat could actually be wallhung and have red backlighting by either EL or neon. For a older post the hydrailic...
  14. N

    Completed: Project Nighthawk: Skunkworks F-117A

    An excellent book to read! It also gives a large amount of insight in what went into the development and engineering of the SR-71 as well. The use of titanium really drove them nuts trying to master it and mold the monster from it. That would be a interesting project, a titanium case, fabbed...