Search results

  1. W

    3870X2 for 8800GTX

    Is it worth it to change from 8800GTX to 3870X2 ? 24 lcd here thxalot
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    Where can i find this software for Xfi ?

    THXALOT :) buddy
  3. W

    Where can i find this software for Xfi ? like this blue console :)
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    Is it worth it for 8800GTX ?

    vcool thxalot
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    8800GT SLI vs. 8800 Ultra?

    1920x1200 res and I have seen improvements in every game I have played since switching to SLI... how much is the improvements?
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    Have here 8800GT and 24 LCD

    wondering to grab another 8800gt ? swap 8800GT for one 8800GTX or ULTRA ? (or wait for G92) what wuold you do ? dont have SLI mobo thxalot
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    Crysis MP

    wondering to buy the game but how is it to play mp ? thxalot
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    Windows failed update?

    its not so easy because you cannot see failed update in that list :( just INSTALLED UPDATES ARE THERE
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    Windows failed update?

    there is a nine updates thats failed ,it is not critical updates do you like to see the numbers of them?
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    Windows failed update?

    anyone please?
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    Windows failed update?

    How can i remove it from mine system ? using Vista 64 thxalot
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    7950GX2 vs 8800GTX i thought it would be much more diff :)
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    7950GX2 vs 8800GTX

    just a technical FREAK :)
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    7950GX2 vs 8800GTX

    but what about to wait for 9800 series ?
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    7950GX2 vs 8800GTX

    Is there a big diff there between theme ? thxalot should i upgrade to 8800GTX?
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    Vista and soundblaster Xfi install problem

    Hello, Is trying to install Vista driver and everytime its pop up window (says FILE ERROR and alot of number is there ) ANYONE CAN HELP ME :)) THXALOT
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    Upgrade ??

    IS it worth it to upgrade from 7950GX2 to 8800GTX or GTS ?? thxalot
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    7950GX2 vs 7900GTX ??

    Is there a big diff there playing 1920x1200 resolution or 1680x1050 ?? thxalot Have now 7900GTX
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    Need 24 LCD for games etc ?

    What would you buy?? Dell 2407 Samsung 244T or HP LP2465 thxalot
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    7900GTX vs 7950??

    Is there a big diff there if you play all games at 1920x1200 res ?? or is it better to wait for DX10 card ? thxalot
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    got a 7900GTX should I sell and get a x1950 or x1900xtx?

    have here 7900GTX and mine mobo is ok for 7950 , would it be BIG diff there for games ??? thxalot
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    got a 7900GTX should I sell and get a x1950 or x1900xtx?

    But what about selling 7900GTX and get 7950 ?? i
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    7900GTX 512mb vs 7950 1GB ??

    Is there a big diff there for performance ETC thxalot playing with 1680x1050
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    Contrast and DVI 24 LCD DEll

    thx perfect know :)))
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    Contrast and DVI 24 LCD DEll

    i believe that by using DVI, the contrast controls are completely disabled. thats just a 'feature' of DVI. but with mine old one 2335 HP there i can use it does i have to plugg vga cable or USB to display and then change mine settings ???' thxalot from China
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    Contrast and DVI 24 LCD DEll

  27. W

    Contrast and DVI 24 LCD DEll

    cannot change mine setttings with dvd cable anyone know why ??? thxalot Use this button to activate Brightness/Contrast adjustment. With the Menu off, push the button to display the Brightness/Contrast adjustment menu. Adjust Brightness first, then adjust Contrast only if further...
  28. W

    Dead pixels again

    Green pixels with black backround is that subpixels ? and is better to have subpixel or dead pixel ??? thxalot here with 2335 just found one pixel :)
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    Dvi cable is it just cable or what

    Is there any diff between single link or dual link???, does anyone know about 2335 what kind of cable is there ??? thx
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    Pixel tester

    Is there any program/software out there too look after dead pixel ????????
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    Dead Pixel or Sub pixel

    and you would replace him ???
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    Dead Pixel or Sub pixel

    Here with 2335 and have two tiny green pixel on black backround is it dead pixel og sub pixel ???? thx
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    HP L2335 backlight issue (and poll)

    Have here four 2335 and all of theme have backlight Issues some minor some more thats it
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    Backlight Problem

    NO feedbck please ???
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    Backlight Problem

    have here THREE 2335 LCD and all of theme have backlight issue . I dont think there is perfect one outthere or what do you think ?? thx Talk to experts and he told me that ALL LCD have baclight Issue thats it :( We have to live with that
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    Backlight Problem

    here With mine new HP 2335 and there is no deadpixel, but it seems to be a minimal backlight problem ,Is there a hope to have LCD WITH no such problem or is it better to live with that ??? Can change theme but maby then more deadpixels or more, minor backlight problem tha alot any...