7950GX2 vs 8800GTX


Jan 26, 2005
Is there a big diff there between theme ?


should i upgrade to 8800GTX?
Yes, huge. The 8800GTX stomps the GX2. I upped from a GX2 to the GTX, so I'm not just talking out of my ass here.

Granted, if all you play is 3+ year old games or you never use AA/AF, you're not going notice a huge difference, but if you really like hi res/newer games/lots of filtering, it's a very worthwhile upgrade.
When the 8-series debuted, the 7950 GX2 was roughly on par with the 8800 GTS 640 in most games, although that lead has probably widened in newer games that are more shader-heavy.
Do you feel your card is lacking in games? If not, then don't bother upgrading. If so, then consider it.
The reason he may want to get away from it would be the shitty performance in some games due to them not like the SLI like setup. Alot of people would get sub 30 frames in Bioshock and stuff. You could sell it and most likely have a new card pretty much bought. Wait until the 8800gt comes out though, as it may be something you want.
That's 50% more fps... and the ultra is even higher... so 40 vs 60 is a pretty big diff... Plus DX 10... but honestly you'd be a fool to jump right now with the 8800GT being released. Give it a month or two and you will have GTX's drop in price
I jumped from the GX2 to the 8800GTX, at the time the GX2 was about the same speed as the 8800GTS 320 and in some cases the 640, I think it's lost that advantage somewhat with newer games.

Even considering the ability of the GX2 to keep up the 8800GTX still slays it, I think it first hit me playing Oblivion in max settins with 16xAF and 8xTSAA @ 1680x1050, previously I'd had to lower settings when in outdoor areas and TSAA was out of the question, even 2xTSAA brought the GX2 to it's knees, and had to settle for 4x regular AA.

Even today the 8800GTX is far superiour to all other offerings bar the Ultra and overclocks well enough to make that difference negligable.

Still the GX2 was a fantastic piece of engineering, very fast overall and of course allowed Quad SLI.
Im still running a GX2 and love it...the only issues I ever have are as mentioned, games that dont like SLI.

Bioshock was the only recent title it had problems with, and required some tweaking to get the consistent FPS I wanted.
Of course, any "should I upgrade" thread should properly ask not whether card B is better than card A, but whether it's really necessary to upgrade from card A. The 7950 GX2 is an amazing card that's still pretty close to the cutting edge. True, you can spend a bunch of money for few extra levels of AA and AF, but is that really a wise use of cash considering that new architectures will probably be out early next year?