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  1. J

    sata hd connector issue

    I'm currently using a p-ata hd since I kept having issues with my wd 80 gb sata hd. My case hd cage stores the hd's vertically. It seems the connector keeps coming loose from the hd itself. I've tried 'supporting' the cable, somewhat, but it still seems to come loose (the connector would sag at...
  2. J

    AMD Sued For Child’s Birth Defects

    kind of hard to drink a plasma encased in a rather tightly sealed chamber. And as for an actual liquid etchant, phosphoric acid is used to clean silicon nitride from wafers. Look at the label on your can of soda...;) Not quite familiar with the actual chemicals, but they sound like they're...
  3. J

    8/20/07 - 163.44 beta drivers available!!

    I've been using the 94 drivers for a while and only installed these beta drivers due to bioshock. I had been holding back on updating the drivers due to the overscan issue (desktop would be at 1680x1050 but monitor would default to 1600x1200 with the most recent whql drivers.) I'm glad to say...
  4. J

    iPhone Class-action Battery Lawsuit

    You know, I don't have this problem with my phone; but then again, I didn't an i[diot]Phone
  5. J

    Team Fortress 2 Update

    except that I've never seen a working version of DNF...I'm pretty damn excited about this game ever since I saw the teaser. This game is definately going to pull me away from BF2. Since I can't afford a new build and upgrade to Vista, Crysis and Bioshock won't be an option for at least well into...
  6. J

    eide raid 0 vs sata II

  7. J

    Pick 5!!

    w/no internet: System Shock 2 - only 'cause I never played it The Longest Journey Falcon 4.0 Allied Force Planescape: Torment Far Cry w/internet the above but sub BF2 for Far Cry
  8. J

    AMD Close to buying ATI?

    Not too surprising really; how many chipsets for AMD does Intel make? (if they actually do make any, oops; as far as I know, however, they don't make any)
  9. J

    7900GT Temps?

    that's a lot cooler than the bfg 7600gt oc I just rma'd; it was running about 80C+ sitting idle on the windows desktop;
  10. J

    Razer Barracuda

    heh, i had one of those, a diamond monster aureal 2, for a long time. I'm currently using a hercules fortissimo III 7.1 and it works ok....maybe bf2 doesn't sound like the dvd of blackhawk down but I can still single out sounds and do a little counter-sniping of my own. don't ever intend to own...
  11. J

    eide raid 0 vs sata II

    Not very familiar with raid 0 thoughput but have a question: which is likely to be faster, a striped raid array of 2 WD Caviar SE 80 GB (7200rpm, 8MB cache, EIDE) or 1 WD 80 GB SATA 3.0Gb/s. The reason I ask is the new (to me, thought it's been out a while) MB I'll be purchasing has the ability...
  12. J

    BFGTech GeForce 7600 GT OC Eval @ [H]

    Thank you, sir. I see it's 'special order' only....interesting. (could've sworn it wasn't there when I checked earlier...)
  13. J

    BFGTech GeForce 7600 GT OC Eval @ [H]

    Just curious, but does anyone know where the BFGTech GeForce 7600 GT OC can be bought? I've searched the web and couldn't find it anywhere. Even newegg doesn't have it, it seems. Or is it listed as something else? I've looked at zipzoomfly, bestbuy, compusa, outpost and no one has it. Is it...
  14. J

    first boot up problem: single beep but nothing else!?

    Definately what Danny said. If you bought the win xp upgrade cd, you will need a previous version of a windows install disk. I have to keep my win98 cd around for this very reason. If you've 'misplaced' the previous version cd, try to find a buddy that has one you can borrow. AFIK, you won't be...
  15. J

    Razor Copperhead problem, help plz!

    Very much so. Thank you. *looks for link for 'almost-but-not-quite-English to English' translator.... I don't have a copperhead (still using my old razer boomslang 2000) but I'm sure the driver/config software has not deteriorated THAT should easily be able to program your...
  16. J

    Battlefield 2 demo impressions

    so far, after working through some hardware issues (might also be an indicator of bad's still kicking for now), I can't stop playing it. I've really not done a whole lot of ground pounding. I'm not too sure about the jet's....I still think, even with DC, that the maps are just too...
  17. J

    Battlefield 2: What do you think after playing the demo?

    so far, after working through some hardware issues (might also be an indicator of bad's still kicking for now), I can't stop playing it. I've really not done a whole lot of ground pounding. I'm not too sure about the jet's....I still think, even with DC, that the maps are just too...
  18. J

    Video game actor strike

    I'm thinking they should get SOME kind of residual. I don't think it should be any different than any other actor in a movie (dvd sales?). Just think if KOTOR had crappy actors...without believable voice acting, we might as well stop playing games with ANY voices and go back to midi sound. I...