iPhone Class-action Battery Lawsuit

Rich Tate

Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 9, 2005
It appears that early iPhone adopters are a little miffed over the fact they cannot change their own battery and have filed a class-action lawsuit.

Represented by lead plaintiff Jose Trujillo, the Illinois-based suit alleges that the handset's lithium-ion battery will exhaust itself in just 300 charges, which Trujillo claims will last only a year -- guaranteeing that customers will need to swap the battery on a yearly basis. Omitting an easily accessible compartment only worsens the situation, he says.
I think the enclosed battery is bullshit..

HOWEVER.. that dude just shouldn't have bought the iPhone... do alittle research on products you plan to buy
I think the enclosed battery is bullshit..

HOWEVER.. that dude just shouldn't have bought the iPhone... do alittle research on products you plan to buy

Yea really. You know the great thing about a free market is you have choice on what to buy. It is not like they pretend you can change it yourself. Hell what ipod yet has allowed you to do this?

This guy is a fucking tool that wants some press to make himself feel better.
Yea really. You know the great thing about a free market is you have choice on what to buy. It is not like they pretend you can change it yourself. Hell what ipod yet has allowed you to do this?

This guy is a fucking tool that wants some press to make himself feel better.

the concept of voting with dollars isn't apparent to some.. sadly
If this necessitates a change and actually makes APPLE change the design of the Iphone... that would ROCK!
You know, I don't have this problem with my phone; but then again, I didn't an i[diot]Phone
article said:
"Unknown to the Plaintiff, and undisclosed to the public prior to purchase, the iPhone is a sealed unit with it's [sic] battery soldered on the inside of the device so that it cannot be changed by the owner," the suit notes.

AT&T is also named in the suit and is jointly accused of hiding battery replacement terms until after the iPhone had been listed for sale.
I really don't see how this violates any UCC law, except being a product flaw.
They wanted a iphone and now their bitching cause its not to their likes? people need to stop being lazy and atleast find some info before buying. I hope damn court throws out their case for being idiots.

I hate Apple for many reasons but this is stupid and I would hope they throw this suit out the window faster that you can say "Jobs is a pothead".
Being charged out the wazoo is what people paid for being sheeps then realized that apple not only make money on the front end, but they also make money on the backend when it comes to replacing batteries, unlike Ipods, phones takes much more abuse when it comes to recharging cycles.

The 400 recharging cycle stated by Apple per battery is really crap esp. for me a heavy business user that's prob about 3 months worth of usage.

Thank god the v3xx's battery are cheap, 5 bucks on ebay to be exact :p
Being charged out the wazoo is what people paid for being sheeps then realized that apple not only make money on the front end, but they also make money on the backend when it comes to replacing batteries, unlike Ipods, phones takes much more abuse when it comes to recharging cycles.

The 400 recharging cycle stated by Apple per battery is really crap esp. for me a heavy business user that's prob about 3 months worth of usage.

Thank god the v3xx's battery are cheap, 5 bucks on ebay to be exact :p

WHAT?? 3 months...
I used my phone all day, 25% on the internet, 50% on phone calls with work/friends/family, the rest was setting up the phone with adding more contacts and appointments. Picked it up off the charget a 8AM, and did not put it back on until well after 9PM. If you abuse the phone and the battery dies in <3 months you way over did it.

Also the battery does not need to be replaced after 300-400 charges, it just loses ~20% of its overall battery life. Let me think....this is like any other phone on the market today, the only difference is yes you can get a 3rd party battery, but Apple did not choose which if you think. Is like every other product they make, they keep it closed off so it limits the number of problems that can come from 3rd party parts.
I only agree because Apple has to realize that in the phone market you HAVE to go by a certain set of rules. They got away without having an SD slot and a user replaceable battery on the iPod, but these things are NOT going to fly in the high end phone market.

I will wait for the 3rd gen that has those 2 things and a GPS so the google map feature isn't completely useless.
I only agree because Apple has to realize that in the phone market you HAVE to go by a certain set of rules. They got away without having an SD slot and a user replaceable battery on the iPod, but these things are NOT going to fly in the high end phone market.

I will wait for the 3rd gen that has those 2 things and a GPS so the google map feature isn't completely useless.

Who says they had to have those? I have not a "rule" somewhere that they were required to put those two items in the phone. Also what makes you think that they will ever SD slot or user replaceable battery? Because everyone else is doing it, doubt it.
they keep it closed off so it limits the number of problems that can come from 3rd party parts.
Actually it's so you have to pay 80 bux for a battery instead of 5 dollars for one off eBay.

And because Apple buyers are sheeple.
Some one call the waambulance!!! Meh, I'm really not feeling sorry for anyone who couldn't wait 3 or 4 months before the 2nd Gen. iPhone became available. I was really hoping that Apple wouldn't follow the same business model as with the iPod (incremental -- Buy it! Buy it now!), but this and the AT&T exclusivity have me looking for other PDA phones.
Not a "Rule" Per Se but an overall collective agreement between companies and designers
on minimum tech.
The non replaceable battery however, violates one of the principle designs, but if you read anything about it BEFORE the release date it is mentioned many times.

That said, this is a bullshit move on Apple charging $80 for a $15 battery.
Not that I can afford it but this is another reason why I am not that interested in it.

A little annoyed that my Creative ZEN dose not have any of the cool desktop speakers that the Ipod has, or that there is not an adapter to use them.
The battery replacement fee is ridiculously high, but that doesn't make this lawsuit any less stupid.
There are several ways they could have found out about the iPhone's battery before hand, but they chose not to or are just doing this lawsuit for the publicity or money.
It's hard to feel sorry for people who rush out to pay $600 for a phone.It's equally hard to feel sorry for a company that deliberately designs a device to cost consumers additional money down the line.People just need to wise up,check out what they're spending their money on before they buy,and stop getting caught up in this ridiculous "gotta have the latest gadget" craze.
It's not a product flaw it's a "feature".

"Now we at Apple are making it easier than ever to keep in touch! With it's ingenious design, our iPhone guarantees that all customers will be given the fulfilling experience of speaking with one of our friendly representatives in the near future.

Let us enrich your senses with our magical technical support gurus as they change a battery, right in front of your eyes. In under 5 minutes, see the quality work that your $80 buys, or browse the various new and exciting styles we have given to our products in our sleek, custom-built store. And afterwards experience the refreshing feeling of charging a virgin battery for the first time.

We pride ourselves in our customer service, and work hard to ensure that our customers share in that wonderful experience, on a regular basis. Apple iPhone. It's your life, it's your phone. (It's your battery, too.)"
i cannot see paying 600 buckeroos for a phone. not unless it has a lifetime warrenty, GPS, about 120 gig of storage space, can get a signal even in the south pole, take 10 mega pixel pictures, record home movies in HD. and come with a set of titties...... NO Thank you....
Did anybody read that the battery will still of course WORK after 300/400 charges, it will just be about 80% capacity from it's original usage capacity by that time... same goes for any other battery of this type...

I really don't get what all the battery hubbub is about... it's a lot longer lasting that my RAZR ever was...

This lawsuit is based on the idea that the battery will be useless after 300/400 charges and that simply is not the case and Apple has said so, and the trick will just be to have your battery swapped before your 1-year parts warranty is up... big deal...
If you abuse the phone and the battery dies in <3 months you way over did it.

How can you possibly mention a possible abuse of overuse on a PDA? Is this some sort of joke I'm not getting?

Did anybody read that the battery will still of course WORK after 300/400 charges, it will just be about 80% capacity from it's original usage capacity by that time... same goes for any other battery of this type...

A battery that wont last an entire day is pretty useless to any normal person. My batter is to the point now where it will not last a full day and it is a very irritating thing. The thing is though, I can simply replace my battery in about 10 seconds.

Unless your battery has an ungodly charge capacity and will last days on one charge, you have no business permanently enclosing it. It's a pretty simple design concept.
How can you possibly mention a possible abuse of overuse on a PDA? Is this some sort of joke I'm not getting?

A battery that wont last an entire day is pretty useless to any normal person. My batter is to the point now where it will not last a full day and it is a very irritating thing. The thing is though, I can simply replace my battery in about 10 seconds.

Unless your battery has an ungodly charge capacity and will last days on one charge, you have no business permanently enclosing it. It's a pretty simple design concept.

Did you not read my full post...thanks for taking one part WAY WAY out of context.
I said I was on my phone all day doing different tasks, and mine still made it through the day with a good bit of battery use to last a bit longer. That is why I said "you way over did it," not that abuse it bad, but you did something wrong to your phone out of the ordinary.

I abuse & use my phone all day long, and do not have to worry about it dying, plus if you were a true "heavy" user you would buy other chargers. Another wall unit for your office or a car charger if you commute in your car daily. You have to buy these extra chargers with any other high end phone unless you want to drop the money are a replaceable battery which I personally hate.
is not the case and Apple has said so, QUOTE]

Please tell me you dont belive everything a bunch of corperate types tell you.

Well of course then the only way to tell is to wait and see what happens in about a year. Nobody can prove anything based on the allegations of this lawsuit until then.

Apple will lend out a phone to you while yours is in the shop getting it's battery replaced, as they've said already, and if you do it inside your warranty, or have AppleCare after that 1year, it'll be free.

Apple hasn't exactly lied to me about anything I can think about yet, I mean, the battery life is exactly what they said it would be, and mine is always 80-90% after every day, I've got a car charger on top of that too, and I surf the internet whenever I'm on breaks at work, I have tons of notes, and iCal info, I check YouTube whenever possible and I have my earphones in whenever possible too, I use it all day, all the time, it's rarely just in my pocket sitting there, it's always busy playing music if I can... I have absolutely no issues with my phone, nothing wrong with it at all.

By the end of the day, this phone still offers 8 hours of talk time, while my RAZR only offered 3; so speaking from the numbers provided by 'corporate types' I'd say that's quite the improvement.

And you'll excuse me for trusting a company that has treated me as a human being with good customer service and care instead of as a pirate/thief whenever I purchase a new product. When they replaced my iPod on the spot when the hard-drive died, and when they replaced my screen in 5 days to and from when I mailed it to them with a dead pixel instead of telling me it was some sort of user error or abuse.
And you'll excuse me for trusting a company that has treated me as a human being with good customer service
Whats funny is that my brother-in-law is a mac addict, his laptops are all mac, his dad has all mac desktops and laptops, apple wireless, and even servers. He extolls the virtues of apple often.

And yet, despite all the money he's given apple, and his word of mouth advertising to his co-workers, they wouldn't fix the little plastic part over the dvd drive that has sagged from the heat issues from that mac book. He cannot insert any dvd's or cds because the plastic is sagging down. Despite being under warranty, apple says its not going to do anything about it. And this is a model with known heat problems. I'd offer to dremel it, but its not something a simple dremel work can fix, the whole keyboard section is pressing down on the drive space.

So your experiance may be that they have good customer service, but from what I've seen, its not nessasarily the case.

Apple has been through this battery stuff before with the ipod's battery and class action lawsuits there, I find it laughable they didn't learn anything.

Oh speaking of thier customer service, I still remember when they said they wouldn't fix computers under warranty if they totally went irrevocably hardlocked from certain music cds in the drive that made the mac computer fail to boot and you couldn't eject it.
And since they are so progressive and removed the emergency eject hole on the dvd drive... LOL!

Apple needs to admit they are primarily an OS software company in the computer field, and start selling the Mac OS for PC's. Ton's of people would jump at the chance to convert a normal windows PC into a mac (or a dual boot) for only a couple hundred, rather than buying an overpriced mac computer. They already admitted intel is better with CPU's when they switched to intel architechure.
They'd have tons more sales, and there's no real reasons why they can't go this route. There's been dev kits from apple where the OS works fine in a windows machine, so we know its technically possible.
Heck, I'd probably even give thier OS a try if I could dual boot for cheap without buying a new overpriced Mac computer.
Apple needs to admit they are primarily an OS software company in the computer field, and start selling the Mac OS for PC's.

Actually, I'm pretty sure they're mostly an iPod company now. But yes, the OS is good. Of course, it's not going to GET released, and we all know why by now. There's good reasons and bad reasons, but the long and short of it is, if you don't like the way Apple does business, stop giving them market share! Duh. Suing someone because you can't read the label is a sad precedent to start. This class action won't get anywhere, you can be sure of that.
And Apple may say that it's a business phone, but we all know better. All the reviews I've read have said that the iPhone isn't as good for business apps. So stop complaining about that.
Actually, I'm pretty sure they're mostly an iPod company now.
Read my quote, the one you quoted in your post.
I specifically said COMPUTER.
I know they make more ipods than computers, in fact thats probably where most of thier profit comes from.
I was specifically referring to what they make in the computer field, which is why I made a point of using the word COMPUTER there

Read my quote, the one you quoted in your post.
I specifically said COMPUTER.
I know they make more ipods than computers, in fact thats probably where most of thier profit comes from.
I was specifically referring to what they make in the computer field, which is why I made a point of using the word COMPUTER there

Yeah, I saw that. I'm just pointing out that since it's not their number one money maker, there's not much of a reason to expand it for them. BESIDES the fact that Apple would rather commit mass hari kiri before releasing their OS to unknown hardware.