Team Fortress 2 Update

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
In case you missed the news this weekend, Valve has posted a bit of information on Team Fortress 2. While the news is meant to be good, one can’t help but be depressed each time you hear the game is still months away.

Team Fortress 2 is really moving along in development. In fact, things have reached a point where people start getting pretty antsy around the office as we get closer and closer to the 6:00 p.m. playtest session. We will be sharing more information about TF2 over the next couple of months, and we'll make sure to point that out to people here.
i don't mind how long it takes to be released as long as i know they are still working on it and it hasn't been canceled - see i am a diehard old school TF and TFC fan and this release will turn my life upside down!

i'm not worried as i think Valve has always been good about putting out solid content and scrap when need be rather than release garbage (much like my other fav developer, Blizzard)
I got all excited when I saw play test and time, but then I cam back to earth when it said months
except that I've never seen a working version of DNF...I'm pretty damn excited about this game ever since I saw the teaser. This game is definately going to pull me away from BF2. Since I can't afford a new build and upgrade to Vista, Crysis and Bioshock won't be an option for at least well into 2008. Unless I can find a way to dual boot Vista and XP on the same machine.
I'm glad I have not been holding my breath since TF1. (What, like 9, 10 years? WTF)