ATT Likely Pays Off Sprint to Keep Calling 4G by the name 5Ge


Jun 7, 2017
Despite their so called "5g Evolution" being slower than other carrier's 4g, ATT will get to keep calling it 5Ge after reaching a settlement with Sprint. While the terms of the agreement were not disclosed, it seems likely that ATT has paid off Sprint which is hurting for cash to drop the lawsuit trying to ban ATT from using the misleading advertising.
AT&T will reportedly get to keep using its misleading "5G E" marketing for its 4G network after settling a false advertising lawsuit filed by Sprint... If Sprint didn't win any concessions on the 5G E front, it's possible that it's receiving a financial settlement from AT&T.
Despite their so called "5g Evolution" being slower than other carrier's 4g, ATT will get to keep calling it 5Ge after reaching a settlement with Sprint. While the terms of the agreement were not disclosed, it seems likely that ATT has paid off Sprint which is hurting for cash to drop the lawsuit trying to ban ATT from using the misleading advertising.
As an AT&T Premier Subscriber, I'm pretty miffed at their ridiculous "5e" branding being pushed to my android and iOS devices. Such BS. Businesses get to do whatever the frack they want these days, as everyone pays off everyone else, politicians, business competitors, constituants, law enforcement, whomever is necessary to continue getting away with murder.
So we have another situation where companies are allowed to advertise deception to people to sell their product? Screw it, I'm putting out a car and advertising it with a million miles per gallon range... don't believe me? FIGHT ME! Or I should MPGe (equivalent... like when you drop it off a building, it uses very little gas)
(equivalent... like when you drop it off a building, it uses very little gas)
Yeah but then you have the whole apple or Microsoft surface business model where any little thing goes wrong and you have to replace it like being dropped off a building or airdropped.
Instead go with the asterisk! Gets a a million MPG*

*with a minimum of 30 degree constant down hill slope in neutral powered off
Just more corruption entering our society that will eventually be normalized.
Then Sprint pays TMo.

The day is coming when people turn on T-Mobile. You're great until you're #1, then you suck.
But-But, I thought AT+T was a Paragon of Virtue! :vomit:

I am guessing sprint claimed the 5g label was damaging their sales or brand. Thus att paid them for the losses.

It is up to the state to sue about false claims and we know the fcc has custom knee pads for each Telcom.
Why does this have to come down to private lawsuits?

Aren't there laws on the books regarding misleading advertising? Selling 4G as 5Ge to me is fraud.
I mean banks get to call mortgage loans 4% interest when you're paying ~70% of the principal in interest, so what the hell. :ROFLMAO: