Destiny 2

Picked up Whisper of the Worm today. Never bothered before since I mostly play casual/solo, so never really needed it.
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Anyone new players wanting to get into the serious end game content should probably pick this weapon up, as the first question you'll be asked is "do you have whisper?" if you want to join up with clans/pugs/lfg etc. It's probably arguable that it's bad game design to have one specific weapon be so mandatory across so many end game activities.

Yes! God I love that gun and that mission. Now you get to run it on Heroic for three more weeks to get the catalyst and ship! :-p

He's 100% correct though, the whispers ability to maintain constant DPS with essentially unlimited ammo make it almost required for some activities. There was a time when it was all activities but it's still incredibly useful.

The only downside is unless you have the completed catalyst to unlock the Whispered Breathing perk, it's DPS is matched or even surpassed by something like DARCI. I say always get the catalyst!
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Obsidian Crystal secured. Still missing a pair of gauntlets to have a full set of Black Armory armor.
Yes! God I love that gun and that mission. Now you get to run it on Heroic for three more weeks to get the catalyst and ship! :-p
Longer than 3 weeks if you're like me and only zone in to get the Blighted Essences from the 6 chests. After I do it tonight I should have 2 more weeks to go. 12% a week from chests, takes awhile. I finished the heroic right after I originally got whisper to get the catalyst going, then just chests each week. Not too worried about the ship, but really want to finish the Catalyst.
Against my better judgement I might build up the courage to try Whispering this weekend. My character has come quite some ways since I tried it the last time although I don't have those special exotic super bunny speed boots. Shy of ever getting those, and I have no idea how, what advice and tips can you veterans give out on attempting that nightmare for the rest of us?
Against my better judgement I might build up the courage to try Whispering this weekend. My character has come quite some ways since I tried it the last time although I don't have those special exotic super bunny speed boots. Shy of ever getting those, and I have no idea how, what advice and tips can you veterans give out on attempting that nightmare for the rest of us?

Watch a youtube video with the shortcut. The jumping room can be skipped.
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what advice and tips can you veterans give out on attempting that nightmare for the rest of us?
There is a 20 minute timer in which you complete a jumping/platforming section, then you clear about 3-4 rooms of mobs, then kill 3 blights/bosses in the final room before the timer hits zero, then you get whisper.

What I personally did was practice the jumping section over and over and over solo until I could consistently reach the first dps room with about 14:30 or so left on the clock. Once I reached the point where I could run through the platforming section consistently without issue, I joined a pug on lfg and completed the quest no problem with tons of time left. (there is a discord if you prefer)

(To practice the jumping section solo, just go to Lost Oasis on Io, wait for the taken blight public event to spawn, then ignore it, kill the miniboss that spawns (he has about 2-3 possible spawn points in the top left area of Lost Oasis) - then simply enter the portal that spawns south-ish of the lost sector there.)

Watching a couple videos will be helpful, the two primary shortcuts are at the very start you turn around and jump up instead of going through the whole lost sector, and the second is skipping the green room.

Edit: You don't need movement speed gear for the jumping section, I did it on a low mobility titan with no special gear no problem.
Everything Drexion said but I want to put even more emphasis on watching Whisper completion videos. There is some nuance to first opening the portal, the jumping puzzle then how to effectively take out the enemies that doesn't come across in text.

Loadout is important and this is what I run:

Kinetic sniper (Bite of the Fox)
Energy I switch between Right side of Wrong (solar) and Innagural Address (void) for shields.
Whisper for heavy. This missions seems to have what feels like "Match Game" on so you need to match the shields energy type if you want to effectively take it down.

However, you won't have Whisper the first time so I'm a huge proponent of Sleeper (on the bosses ONLY) until you're out of ammo then switching to Polaris Lance. You'll have unlimited ammo and you never have to reload. The Perfect Fifth does extra burn damage and I've beaten Whisper countless times using only that at the end.
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Been farming for a FF + Rampage Hammerhead with no luck this week. I did get one with FF + High Impact Reserves and another with Threat Detector + Surrounded, though.
Been farming for a FF + Rampage Hammerhead with no luck this week. I did get one with FF + High Impact Reserves and another with Threat Detector + Surrounded, though.

I managed to get one this week with feeding frenzy and rampage on it. I also picked up the Whisper of the Worm last night.
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I managed to get one this week with feeding frenzy and rampage on it. I also picked up the Whisper of the Worm last night.

Damn you! I think I've done about 20 Hammerheads this week, and I'm about sick of it for now lol. I went ahead and masterworked my FF/HIR one for now. My TD/Surrounded one is intreaging, too. In the right situation, it is probably the highest dps perk combo you can get.

Grats on the Whisper. Just make sure you do the Heroic version and a chest run weekly. You can actually get started this weekend. You should be able to do it once to get the catalyst, a second time for catalyst progress, and a 3rd time just for the chests. You can launch the Heroic straight from the map, so you don't have to wait for the stupid event anymore.

Edit: Actually, now that I think about it, switch up the order of heroic runs. Do a full clear for the catalyst first. Then do a full chest run (including the oracle puzzle chest). This will get you the persuit for the exotic ship. Lastly, do another full clear. The last clear will get you your max weekly catalyst progress and get you one of the completions needed for the ship. That way, you'll finish your catalyst and ship at the same time.
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Damn you! I think I've done about 20 Hammerheads this week, and I'm about sick of it for now lol. I went ahead and masterworked my FF/HIR one for now. My TD/Surrounded one is intreaging, too. In the right situation, it is probably the highest dps perk combo you can get.

Grats on the Whisper. Just make sure you do the Heroic version and a chest run weekly. You can actually get started this weekend. You should be able to do it once to get the catalyst, a second time for catalyst progress, and a 3rd time just for the chests. You can launch the Heroic straight from the map, so you don't have to wait for the stupid event anymore.

Edit: Actually, now that I think about it, switch up the order of heroic runs. Do a full clear for the catalyst first. Then do a full chest run (including the oracle puzzle chest). This will get you the persuit for the exotic ship. Lastly, do another full clear. The last clear will get you your max weekly catalyst progress and get you one of the completions needed for the ship. That way, you'll finish your catalyst and ship at the same time.

That's good advice. I'll do that. As for the Hammerhead, I had to forge 9 of them to get a good one. The bow I got was shit, the hand cannon was shit, the pulse rifle is OK. I don't usually have good luck with perks on most of the weapons. I probably got 15 or 20 Misfits and at least that many Subtle Calamity bows to get good ones. I don't know how many Tigerspites I've received from cat statues etc. to get a decent one but it was quite a few.
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Just bought the annual pass, didn't want to grab it till I was closer to 600. Not sure where to start with black armory though, can we do any forge at any time or are they on a weekly rotation?
I don't think so.

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Just bought the annual pass, didn't want to grab it till I was closer to 600. Not sure where to start with black armory though, can we do any forge at any time or are they on a weekly rotation?

The Forges are all available everyday. You have to complete some decently long quest lines to unlock the first 3. Once you do that, you will automatically have access to the 4th one. I believe the first step is just going to the Tower and talking to Ada-1 in the new BA area.
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Forged an outlaw/kill clip Blast Furnace today, I'm happy with that roll although I already have an outlaw/kill clip Go Figure. Probably a 95% similarity in performance between those two. More dedicated players might want to farm up one with feeding frenzy/rampage, though it might take you 100+ forges to hit that combo.

Just bought the annual pass, didn't want to grab it till I was closer to 600. Not sure where to start with black armory though, can we do any forge at any time or are they on a weekly rotation?
There's some long-ish questlines to unlock each forge, talk to Spider to start the quest to unlock the first one. Once you unlock a forge you can run it anytime you want, however Ada rotates the frames she sells each week, so specific weapon types will only be craft-able if she's selling the frame that week. For example this week she's selling pulse rifle and machine gun frames.
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Forged an outlaw/kill clip Blast Furnace today, I'm happy with that roll although I already have an outlaw/kill clip Go Figure. Probably a 95% similarity in performance between those two. More dedicated players might want to farm up one with feeding frenzy/rampage, though it might take you 100+ forges to hit that combo.

I got lucky. Feeding Frenzy/Rampage/Stability Masterwork on my first BF forging. Threw a Targeting Adjuster on it and it's a laser beam. My Go Figure hasnt left the vault since I got it, this just feels so much smoother.

I should use it more, Bite of the Fox or Threat Level are usually in that slot recently.
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Watch a youtube video with the shortcut. The jumping room can be skipped.
Yeah, unless you're after the chests (chest 4) for the Blighted Essences for the Catalyst. I've gotten pretty decent at the jumping. Two more weeks to go with harvesting chests to finish the Catalyst for me.

Warlock is my main toon and the jumping isn't too bad now that I've got it figured out. I saw the portal up last weekend, so I decided to play with the jumping on my Titan with the boots just for fun (Lion Raparts or something like that). Wow! So easy, can just skip a lot of the intermediate jumping. Pretty easy on warlock, but takes a bit longer.
Yeah when I was farming for the Whisper Catalyst, I always did a chests run then a boss run. No sense in trying to do it all in one run unless you're a god.
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I got lucky. Feeding Frenzy/Rampage/Stability Masterwork on my first BF forging. Threw a Targeting Adjuster on it and it's a laser beam. My Go Figure hasnt left the vault since I got it, this just feels so much smoother.

I should use it more, Bite of the Fox or Threat Level are usually in that slot recently.

I only had to forge a few of them to get a BF with Appended Mag/FF/Kill Clip w/ range MW (DIM says it has 96 range lol). I put a backup mag on it, and it has 58 rounds in the mag now. It's pretty funny, in pvp, to watch people peak you when they think you need to reload only to take a 4 burst to the face.
So we grinded out Lake of Shadows and Insight Terminus Nightfalls last night until the three of us got The Long Goodbye and Militia's Birthright. I think we all got kinda shafted on the rolls but at least we can check them off in Collections now.

First 300k Nightfall too, that was pretty cool. 500k next or bust.
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It took forever but I finally was able to complete my set of black armory armor this morning. I needed a pair of gauntlets. So that's done.

Still waiting for Izanagi's Burden to drop at some point. I did get two exotic bows to drop: Le Monique and Trinity Ghoul. If you like using bows at all you need to check these out.

I basically do all my forging at Bergusia just in case that raises my odds of scoring better goods. I have all the weapons necessary to do that lab puzzle, if I should even bother. I'll take a shot at Shattered Throne next month because that's where I'm at on that step of the quest.

That's about it. I'm 650 and I feel like I'm hitting the wall and am getting ready to play a lot less now.
It took forever but I finally was able to complete my set of black armory armor this morning. I needed a pair of gauntlets. So that's done.

Still waiting for Izanagi's Burden to drop at some point. I did get two exotic bows to drop: Le Monique and Trinity Ghoul. If you like using bows at all you need to check these out.

I basically do all my forging at Bergusia just in case that raises my odds of scoring better goods. I have all the weapons necessary to do that lab puzzle, if I should even bother. I'll take a shot at Shattered Throne next month because that's where I'm at on that step of the quest.

That's about it. I'm 650 and I feel like I'm hitting the wall and am getting ready to play a lot less now.

Nice! Though sadly you'll have to wait until after Shattered Throne and the rest of that quest for Izanagi's Burdgen but you might get lucky and Jotunn will drop. Reset just happened (see above) so you'll have two more chances (per character)!

As for hitting a wall, I look at it this way. They added the Triumphs, Triumph Score and the Seals to give us something to work for so that's what I've been focusing on. I managed Wayfarer after some dumb RNG luck a while back but i'm the Dreaming City ship RNG drop away from Cursebreaker and two more Light for Light kills away from Dregen so i'm just enjoying the grind for these milestones. That and raiding over and over hoping for better weapon drops!

IMO, Destiny wouldn't be fun, or fun for very long without Raids. I don't know what my problem was all of Y1 and I'm still so grateful for /r/DestinySherpa taking all the anxiety out of it and making it a fun experience.
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Looks like people are still playing this, I got the itch for a Sci-Fi FPS and booted up Destiny 2 (last I played was Vanilla!) just working through some of the new content now.

Does [H] have a clan?
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Looks like people are still playing this, I got the itch for a Sci-Fi FPS and booted up Destiny 2 (last I played was Vanilla!) just working through some of the new content now.

Does [H] have a clan?
There is a Clan but its pretty much dead at this point. I think most of the people that still play that were in it have left for other clans that are more active.
Any recommendations on a clan?

After the [H] clan basically died, I was playing with a buddy in this clan so I joined up. Its seems to be run by a streamer but I don't really pay attention to that part and just take advantage of playing with them and the extra bonuses you get from being in a clan.

Recently, it seems like only me and a buddy are regularly online and get our 15k clan points each week. We're both east coast and work during the day so we're on between 6pm and 11pm EST most weekdays and randomly on the weekends. My BNet is: GuiltySpark#11607 If you or anyone sees me online, feel free to message me if you need help with anything.

Generally I hang out and raid with a bunch of guys in the Discord of another streamer who was also a Sherpa for all my first raids. Message Alpha#9014 on Discord and he'll send you the invite link. There is a ton of LFG channels and someone is always organizing something.

Last night, we banded together without Alpha and did 3x back to back Scourge of the Past runs with the fastest completion in 26 minutes with a one phase boss kill. Was awesome!
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Is there any point in going to Banshee any more once established with the Black Armory?
Is there any point in going to Banshee any more once established with the Black Armory?

There wasn't much of a point going to him beyond converting the stuff he gave you into materials for infusing higher light level weapons into your preferred weapons. I don't know about you, but I don't think I ever got a decent weapon from him. Early on things he gives you are decent enough but once you are into the expansions, the stuff you get from quests, strikes, etc. are better than anything I received from him. Then again, that could just be my luck with RNG. I've given him thousands of those mats and never got back anything worth keeping. Black Armory weapons are generally good, but they aren't always the best options in the game for their respective classes. There are generally exotics and quest based weapons that beat out anything you get from the Black Armory. Although, the Hammerhead and Thunderlord aren't that far apart and the former allows you to use another exotic weapon in another slot if desired.
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Finally reset my Gambit infamy rank, for the second time this season, last night. That masterworked Bad Omens with tracking module + cluster bomb + silver metallic gambit shader is pretty badass.


Note: This one is not mine just a pic of one I found.
Finally reset my Gambit infamy rank, for the second time this season, last night. That masterworked Bad Omens with tracking module + cluster bomb + silver metallic gambit shader is pretty badass.

I still hate rocket launchers. Too slow and they are not versatile enough. I just use my Hammerhead, Thunderlord or Whisper of the Worm as my power weapons of choice.
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I still hate rocket launchers. Too slow and they are not versatile enough. I just use my Hammerhead, Thunderlord or Whisper of the Worm as my power weapons of choice.

Since getting Jotuun, I can't seem to run a load out that isn't Blast Furnace / Jotuun / Hammerhead. The only exception to this would be certain raid bosses where Whisper is required.
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Got the curated Tempered Dynamo w/ Rampage/Backup Plan. Used it for a whole 5 kills but it was my Bergusian Night shader fodder in the end. :)

Checking off things in Collections is like a mini-game for me. lol
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Since getting Jotuun, I can't seem to run a load out that isn't Blast Furnace / Jotuun / Hammerhead. The only exception to this would be certain raid bosses where Whisper is required.

This was me last week but I slowly faded back to Shotgun/Hand Cannon. I'm also enjoying running Whisper again for Bergusia Forge, after Thunderlord dropped I was using that for everything but man, the sound of 3x Whispers chunking away at a boss is a sweet, sweet sound.

I did see a video of the Redeem boys 1 plating Calus with Jotunn which was hilarious. Didn't even need to get more ammo.

Looking forward to trying this one.

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What have I missed after having not played for about three weeks? Got a little burned out when the black armory stuff came out since it was back to grinding to get to 650 (i'm only 610 LL now) and went on vacation for two weeks.

Any crazy new gear that is a must have? Should I still be grinding for that gambit weapon where you use autorifles? Should I be trying to level up and beeline for the forges?
At 610, the first Forge is doable (I think i was 611 at the time) with a coordinated team. You'll want to do that and pick up a Hammerhead. While no Thunderlord in DPS, having a void LMG with random rolls is nice, especially for Void singe Nightfalls.

As for Exotics, the first Forge gives you access to a Mysterious Box (you'll want to look this up) that has you go on a now pretty long quest to unlock an Exotic sniper. Lots of steps involved at since Shattered Throne isn't around for a couple weeks, its currently time gated. Its worth it to get.

There is also a new Exotic void bow and hilarious exotic solar fusion rifle that makes you feel like Megaman.

The gambit pinnacle weapon Breakneck is fun as hell for an autorifle but at the end of the day, its still an auto rifle. However, the new Black Armory vendor Ada-1 (see her every day!) can sell you new Black Armory Mods, one of which is Rampage Spec. This allows Rampage to stay proceed for a full second longer which turns the already hilarious Breakneck into a pure death machine.

I'm Triumph chasing so there is always stuff to do. Not to mention a new Raid that is SO different from Last Wish. All the close quarters, mechanics heavy and unforgiving fighting of Last Wish is turned into fast paced, movement and combat focused raid that is a ton of fun.
Any recommendations on a clan?
I was invited, randomly, to 'Has You Salty'.. Didn't know what I was getting into and they seem pretty decentralized. Folk are often on and if you want to party up I haven't had a time when a handful of people dropped whatever they were grinding to go about a mission or raid. Decent folk so far. I do what I can for my weekly part of the clan XP and everyone else chips in.
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had a good forge run just now, ringing nail with rampage and dragonfly wasntbad, but also got the exotic bow, catalyst for borealis and 2 armor drops