Twitch Drinking Stunt Turns into 7 Day Ban


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Twitch personality and professional Smash player Joseph "Mango" Marquez has been issued a 7 day ban from Twitch for "violating the community guidelines by displaying "dangerous consumption of drugs or alcohol" on stream." In the video clip that got the Twitch streamer banned, C9 Mango is seen holding an alcoholic beverage as he "passes out" by falling out of his chair and onto the floor. It is obviously staged as he holds the bottle up as he falls to keep it from spilling. Twitch administrators didn't find this funny and banned his channel for 7 days. Needless to say, Mr. Marquez is having fun with his audience on Twitter.

Last tweet about this ( for now ). For the record.. I didn't pass out on stream.. I jokingly fell over to be funny because I wanted to take a break.. Went downstairs to talk to my gf and came back and ended my stream. Drank a lot I knowwwwwww
I fucking hate twitch "personalities". I feel like a grumpy old man but it's so sad and disgusting to me. I could never degrade myself, pretend to be something I'm not to get subscribers. I used to watch a lot of professionals on twitch play MTG so I could learn techniques, but Im to the point where I only watch live stream sports event type stuff. It feels like the twitch subscriber donation whatever shit has taken over and now it's clowns, loud noises and streamers offering to suck people off for subscriptions. Just stream your game and act like an adult. Please.
I fucking hate twitch "personalities". I feel like a grumpy old man but it's so sad and disgusting to me. I could never degrade myself, pretend to be something I'm not to get subscribers. I used to watch a lot of professionals on twitch play MTG so I could learn techniques, but Im to the point where I only watch live stream sports event type stuff. It feels like the twitch subscriber donation whatever shit has taken over and now it's clowns, loud noises and streamers offering to suck people off for subscriptions. Just stream your game and act like an adult. Please.

Eh, no different from the "reality" tv shows previous generations had. Only difference is anyone can get on Twitch, while "reality stars" had to go through a vetting process to see who could generate more drama and stupidity.
I fucking hate twitch "personalities". I feel like a grumpy old man but it's so sad and disgusting to me. I could never degrade myself, pretend to be something I'm not to get subscribers. I used to watch a lot of professionals on twitch play MTG so I could learn techniques, but Im to the point where I only watch live stream sports event type stuff. It feels like the twitch subscriber donation whatever shit has taken over and now it's clowns, loud noises and streamers offering to suck people off for subscriptions. Just stream your game and act like an adult. Please.

Not many of us could stoop low enough to be asshats. Some people don't even try to pretend in order to act that way as it is engrained in their psyche. This is irrespective of the medium.

I automatically avoid and even unfollow people whoever put "drinking" or "drunk" in their stream title. What are you, 16 years old and think this is cool?
So he "pretended" to fall out of his chair after he "drank a lot" on stream. Ok.

Looks like he's got 7 days now to sober up... and maybe get a haircut, or at least wash it.

Mango's one of the top SSBM players in the world, constantly top 5 at least at the Majors and big tourneys.

So he "pretended" to fall out of his chair after he "drank a lot" on stream. Ok.

Looks like he's got 7 days now to sober up... and maybe get a haircut, or at least wash it.

Honestly this stunt is nothing new really, he's always been a little rough around the edges....
So he "pretended" to fall out of his chair after he "drank a lot" on stream. Ok.

Looks like he's got 7 days now to sober up... and maybe get a haircut, or at least wash it.

But then he'll just look like this...

Sometimes companies need to get out of their own way... I mean if they are going to go to this level of monitoring, why not make an adult section?

I fucking hate twitch "personalities". I feel like a grumpy old man but it's so sad and disgusting to me. I could never degrade myself, pretend to be something I'm not to get subscribers. I used to watch a lot of professionals on twitch play MTG so I could learn techniques, but Im to the point where I only watch live stream sports event type stuff. It feels like the twitch subscriber donation whatever shit has taken over and now it's clowns, loud noises and streamers offering to suck people off for subscriptions. Just stream your game and act like an adult. Please.

So don't watch those streams? This goes beyond grumpy old man, it's not like they are forcing you to watch anything. They aren't on your lawn, they aren't taking anything from you, they aren't forcing you to do anything.
First there were the Jackass movies. Now there are the Jackass channels on YouTube.
Hahaha, I didn't pass out. I just fell over. Involuntarily, for a period of time.

We all did that once. My brother did that too, and came back with one eyebrow.
Twitch is becoming like network TV with rules up the ass about what you can't do
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Remember, kids: if you don't censor yourself, someone will do it for you! Yep, gotta stay bland and contained at all times. Or else.
Yeeah... if a hot woman did what he did, she'd get a pass from Twitch, then gets insta-famous, Patreon 100k, "gurl gamer hot" *tips fedora hat* "m'lady has class".
Some guy performs a pathetic publicity stunt and Twitch plays into his hands with a 7-day ban. Will they really make that much from his temporary boost to subs & bits to make this worthwhile?
Professional Super Smash Bros was a thing since Melee. Maybe not on the level of large Esports like League of Legends, but it definitely has been around much longer.
"Professional" Smash is literally turning off every single gameplay mechanic that makes the games unique and only playing on 1-3 approved stages because they're a flat plane. Really, if you're going to play like that you may as well just play a real fighting game.
It is obviously staged as he holds the bottle up as he falls to keep it from spilling.

I have seen many o drunk fall and save their beer. Not saying his wasn't staged but this does happen.
Remember, kids: if you don't censor yourself, someone will do it for you! Yep, gotta stay bland and contained at all times. Or else.
Remember kids, if you want to make content for the world to view you need to follow the rules of the place who's rebroadcasting for you.

While the FCC can tell broadcast stations what they can and can't show, cable channels can do whatever they want, but they don't because they think about the larger picture (money, advertising, etc)
Remember kids, if you want to make content for the world to view you need to follow the rules of the place who's rebroadcasting for you.

While the FCC can tell broadcast stations what they can and can't show, cable channels can do whatever they want, but they don't because they think about the larger picture (money, advertising, etc)

It's 1000x this for any platform out there. Twitch, Twitter, whateverthefuck. They can even be super hypocritical if they want (as is the case here). If you don't like it don't use the service.
I would have banned him for having an Eagles fan cave banner.

As someone whose career forced me to move to the God-forsaken hellhole known as Philadelphia, I can say, with some degree of expertise, that this meathead is pretty typical of someone with an Eagles man-cave. Native Philadelphia-area residents hate EVERYTHING except alcohol and the Jersey Shore. When I came here, I hoped Philadelphia's reputation was a stupid cliché, but it is not. If you want some first-hand experience of what I speak about, come here in the spring during the 10-day Philly Beer Fest/Public Urination Festival. Come see endless waves of Philly's finest residents lining up to piss on whatever house/building happens to be nearby.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. That aside I haven't supported twitch in a while now. Frankly until they do something about the titty streamers that have taken over basically every game channel, I'll watch YouTube. I want to watch games, not have low effort cam whores shoved in my face.
the bar keeps getting lower for what qualifies as entertainment.
That's not music, that's not noise. Now get off my lawn.

I realized I was old when a friend of my kiddo came over, spotify streamed dubstep to the receiver - and I booted him off the network. Not in my house you don't.

Not in my wubwuuuuuuuuuubwubwubwubw hhhhhouuuussswuubbbbbbe wub wub...