Twitter's CEO Admits The Platform Has Problems, Asks For Help


May 13, 2013
Twitter co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey took to his platform today to admit that in its current implementation, Twitter has problems, and he is asking for help to fix it. CNBC is reporting that Dorsey said "We have witnessed abuse, harassment, troll armies, manipulation through bots and human-coordination, misinformation campaigns, and increasingly divisive echo chambers. We aren't proud of how people have taken advantage of our service, or our inability to address it fast enough."

Dorsey has opened up a Request For Proposals for people to submit ideas to help improve the platform. I can't even begin to link to all the stories of censorship and invasion of privacy Twitter has shown over the last couple years. Let's hope some of the suggestions they get aren't terrible. But likely it will just be "BAN ALL THE THINGS!"

Dorsey said Twitter has tried to fix issues by removing content that doesn't meet its use terms but that, in doing so, has been "accused of apathy, censorship, political bias, and optimizing for our business and share price instead of the concerns of a society."
Twitter's problems are not problems Twitter can fix, because they are people problems, deeply rooted in the culture of the Internet.
There's no fix they can put in place that people won't find a way to defeat, short of "fixes" that destroy what Twitter is.

Not that I would mind if that latter happened. The only tweets I care about are Elon Musk's, and he could post them on a website instead. :)
Echo chamber, is that the politically correct way of saying circle jerk?

It’s not something they can really fix unless they do wish to go totalitarian and just start banning and removing anything that doesn’t fit whichever agenda they choose to follow. (Which still wouldn’t fix the echo chamber)

It’s just...the Internet. Anonymity gave people the impression they could say and do whatever they feel. Somehow that’s translated into people using their real identities to be assholes and because it’s impersonal and through a screen it’s a-okay.
Twitter's problems are not problems Twitter can fix, because they are people problems, deeply rooted in the culture of the Internet.
There's no fix they can put in place that people won't find a way to defeat, short of "fixes" that destroy what Twitter is.

Exactly. This is why they shouldn't try to solve problems they can't fix, but instead figure out ways to equip people to better filter out or better control what they see.

Yes, some people might be occasionally offended when their delicate sensibilities are inevitably impugned. Oh well.
No Twitter account here so if no one else signs up and everyone stops using it.... Problem solved!

Admittedly it’s too late for that but who knows the Twittersphere may yet implode on its own. Being able to “talk to the world.” Has brought attention whoring to a new level. The net in general is the ultimate blessing and a curse.
I disagree, people need to be more willing to be offended instead of screaming bias every time they receive information they don't like.

Honestly, I pity anyone that doesn't see at least one thing that pisses them off each day.
No need to pity me as long as you post twice a day
Step 1: Give people the tools needed to block unwanted content. AS IF THEY WERE REAL ADULTS.
Step 2: Ban anyone who complains after that.
Step 3: Cut the shit out with "Verified" accounts. Nobody's buying it anymore..."
As long as the internet is anonymous people will use it as a platform to be douche-bags. Either accept it or remove the anonymity both choice have benefits and super shitty consequences.
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I'd be ok if they shut Twitter down - but only if they take FB and Google with it. If billions of peeps need news, or full ego echoing and cheap deals on pricey GPUs, they can come to [H] like the rest of us and Kyle can become an arrogant, out-of-touch billionaire. Everybody wins.
Simple solution,

Charge for it.

Not many trolls are willing to actually pay for the ability to be a troll. Also not many are willing to pay for the ability to be offended. And Celebrities can be charged by the number of followers they have.
Echo chamber, is that the politically correct way of saying circle jerk?

It’s not something they can really fix unless they do wish to go totalitarian and just start banning and removing anything that doesn’t fit whichever agenda they choose to follow. (Which still wouldn’t fix the echo chamber)

It’s just...the Internet. Anonymity gave people the impression they could say and do whatever they feel. Somehow that’s translated into people using their real identities to be assholes and because it’s impersonal and through a screen it’s a-okay.

Funny how everybody used to be able to ignore the town asshole, but as soon as the internet showed up people just can't give him enough attention.

Simple solution,

Charge for it.

Not many trolls are willing to actually pay for the ability to be a troll. Also not many are willing to pay for the ability to be offended. And Celebrities can be charged by the number of followers they have.

Not really seeing how that would be any different from shutting it down.

Yeah.. another company asking for ideas in order to come up with stuff without having to pay actual good employees to come up with good ideas.

Isn't that how the new corporate communism that we're all supposed to be gleefully looking forward to works? We give out great ideas for free then happily accept whatever universal income payment we get each month?
Oh, the hilarity. SO Twitter hires a bunch of SJWs and hands them the reigns, then whines that they are getting yelled at for censoring non-leftist thought, when the idiots with a political agenda they hired begin treating the book 1984 as an operations manual.

Then they double down on stupid by working with Cortico, which has even more leftist garbage on their main site.

You don't fix Twitter by being a lying sack of shit, Jack.
Oh, the hilarity. SO Twitter hires a bunch of SJWs and hands them the reigns, then whines that they are getting yelled at for censoring non-leftist thought, when the idiots with a political agenda they hired begin treating the book 1984 as an operations manual.

Then they double down on stupid by working with Cortico, which has even more leftist garbage on their main site.

You don't fix Twitter by being a lying sack of shit, Jack.

Sir, this is a Wendy's drive thru.
Oh I don't know, maybe take the good with the bad and cherish the first amendment instead of making yourselves look like people that pay homage to Mao Zedong?

That may be a good start...

Twitter is a corporation not the government. There's not a right to use Twitter.
It can be censored, modified or closed by the company at any time.
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A liberal cess pool and echo chamber. Censored speech that disagrees with the silicon valley lib-think or that don't prescribe to their agenda. #BurnItToTheGround
Meh. The Orange Derp manages to use it just fine and has a huge following on Twitter, I'd call that a cesspool just as well.
Twitter is a corporation not the government. There's not a right to use Twitter.
It can be censored, modified or closed by the company at any time.
Masterpiece Cakeshop is a corporation not the government. There's not a right to use Masterpiece Cakeshop.
It can be censored, modified or closed by the company at any time.
Remember when people just posted stuff on the internet and that was that?

Stop trying to socially engineer every stupid thing.
Wow, they have problems? Besides that it was a dumb idea from day 1? Yes, and get off my lawn. But twitter is one social media thing that I never could figure out the point of. "Just took a shit" #greatdump #damnthisshitstinks. "Made a sandwich" #bestmeatbetweenbreadever "Look, I made a tweet!" #recursion Seriously, just go away.
Ahhh so typical, the liberal projection is glorious aint it. The divisive echo chamber is THEM, they are the divisive echo chamber. They are banning, shadow banning, censoring, manipulating algorithms and the like to promote their own personal ideas and agenda. Its not an open free platform anymore. Its a giant propaganda tower. It will fall.

Actions like Dorsey's have consequences. If we cant have open free and fair conversation whats the purpose?

The minute fake example of "Russian Interference" does not merit their corporate Marxist policies.

I have pulled the cord on Twitter, will probably do the same with cucktube and cuckbook.
Oh, the hilarity. SO Twitter hires a bunch of SJWs and hands them the reigns, then whines that they are getting yelled at for censoring non-leftist thought, when the idiots with a political agenda they hired begin treating the book 1984 as an operations manual.

Then they double down on stupid by working with Cortico, which has even more leftist garbage on their main site.

You don't fix Twitter by being a lying sack of shit, Jack.

QFT! Anyone who see's this otherwise is a mental midget.