Razer Is Making a Gaming Smartphone for “Hardcore Gamers”


Staff member
Aug 20, 2006
Razer is currently targeting a $5 billion IPO in Hong Kong so the company can expand in China, and some of those funds will reportedly be used toward the development of a gaming smartphone. Based on the company’s buyout of Nextbit, the device may very likely be powered by Android. Razer is also developing a virtual currency called zGold and a software platform that connects and launches games for some 35 million users.

The company -- which makes accessories from mice to laptops that bear a green tri-headed snake -- is developing a mobile device tailored for its consumer base of hardcore gamers, according to the people. Razer’s share sale, which will give it ample ammunition to develop new gadgets, will seek to value the company at $3 billion to $5 billion, the people said, asking not to be identified talking about internal plans. It aims to list around October, the people said.
Nothing hard core gamers want more than to play crappy phone games...
I agree with the above comments, not really sure what kind of phone would appeal to hardcore PC/console gamers on the gaming side. My guess is that it would some kind of mobile accessory for these folks.
Hate so say it but nothing they have done has ever panned out. They can't even properly support their core business of mice and keyboards. Sounds like they are wasting someone else's money
Not be be confused with the Motorola Razr....Lawsuit in 3...2....1.

Also, this idea is laughable.
Gaming hardware is just flashy hardware, not heavy duty hardware which is what it should be.
Let's say they are sincere about it. What are they going to really do? They are stuck to the same SOCs are every other manufacturer out there. All it will be is a glorified skin-job.
A\/\/ESOME, another overpriced piese of crap. really never been a RAZR fan. Better products to be had for better price.
Mobile graphics have been pretty good for a while now, the problem is the interface, battery life, heat generation. Sometimes it's downright uncomfortable to hold a scalding sliver of glass for any amount of time. Sounds like a company like Razer could get that aspect right.

The thing that didn't make me excited was the mention of another virtual currency to facilitate purchases on their platform. Errr, F that.
They are stuck to the same SOCs are every other manufacturer out there. All it will be is a glorified skin-job.

Skin makes all the difference, however.

Are they competing against the Switch or other portable Nintendo devices? I'll admit I don't care about this market and don't follow it.
I stopped playing games on my phone years ago. Let's see: usually a terrible interface (your fingers cover up part of the screen), battery life (I need my phone for emails and some calls, a game will crush my battery), opinion: most mobile games suck - they are going for the mass, casual market because that is where the money is.
How do these losers have 5billion to spend when corsair is getting destroyed for 0.5?
Gaming smart phone. Company Company Company Company IPO money. Company Company Company Money money money.

Why link such a garbage "article"?
Haha im glad some of you thought of Ngage also, what a piece of junk that was.

Games will still be designed for the lowest common denominator so it really wont be a benefit of having a "gaming" smart phone over a normal smart phone.