Making Female Video Game Characters With Average Body Types

I don't want to play a game full of Melissa McCarthy's. I think it's time to bring back the "No Fat Chicks" bumper stickers. I've seen enough of people trying to normalize morbid obesity.
It's not the image of women that's wrong. It's the obese lardbags of modern fast food society that have gone wrong.
Hands up here, who looks like Ryan Reynolds?

No one...?

Okay...Jack Black?

Heyyy one at a time guys!!!!
It's not the image of women that's wrong. It's the obese lardbags of modern fast food society that have gone wrong.

I dunno about yall, but where I live, the girl on the left IS more realistic. Among the most fit states in the US...
By now, most people on the planet realize that characters in comics, movies and video games have over-the-top, unrealistic physiques. I just don't understand why this is an issue. It's make believe, it's entertainment. Besides, what fun would it be to play a realistic version of yourself in a video game? I get tired running to the fridge. :D

For example, plus-sized women are a rarity in video games, and when one does show up, she’s typically unusual looking. More often it seems video games are home to ultra-slim waistlines only. If video game creators are going to pride themselves on accurate digital representations, then it’s time for them to get real about women.

Unless its next to prOn, kids today aren't interested.
Here in Jersey there's a striking difference with how many people are overweight. I'm 20 minutes away from NYC and the people there are far more fit. They're constantly moving and walking cause that's how you get around in NYC. In Jersey it's by car and it has a noticeable effect on our weight.
all i see in south georgia is fat girls.... fat girls on the street.. fat girls at school.. fat girls at walmart.. fat girls on dating sites..

can you please leave fat girls out of my video games? id rather you shut down every mcdonalds, hardees, burgerking in existance and ban soda and candy

just say no to behemoths
if any of you are in a place where girls arent fat, please post a state, or area... cause im looking to move, im not about to hitch up to one of these behemoths in south georgia.. and thats all thats here
Or you know.... teach people moderation.

Moderation? I would flat out ban certain food products. I'm a 6'4" guy that used to weigh 360lbs. Now I weigh 225lbs and I still need to lose more. I jog 2-3 a week and I work on my cars with no power tools. Yea I sit in front of a desk most of the time but I eat mainly salad for lunch and diner. Two teaspoons of olive oil with a couple of hard boiled eggs. Breakfast I have Cheerios cereal the non flavored kind. It's difficult to loose weight. I feel like I'm maintaining it not losing it. My blood sugar drops so much that my body tingles.

But seriously it's the sugar. It's everywhere from bread to even the meat at Mc Donalds. And sugar makes you hungrier, even the fake crap. With the exception of stevia which tastes terrible but much healthier than Splenda. Most of the sugar they use is High fructose corn syrup. I'm glad they banned trans fats, but they really need to go after fructose corn syrup. It's the reasons why Americans are lards.
Moderation? I would flat out ban certain food products. I'm a 6'4" guy that used to weigh 360lbs. Now I weigh 225lbs and I still need to lose more. I jog 2-3 a week and I work on my cars with no power tools. Yea I sit in front of a desk most of the time but I eat mainly salad for lunch and diner. Two teaspoons of olive oil with a couple of hard boiled eggs. Breakfast I have Cheerios cereal the non flavored kind. It's difficult to loose weight. I feel like I'm maintaining it not losing it. My blood sugar drops so much that my body tingles.

But seriously it's the sugar. It's everywhere from bread to even the meat at Mc Donalds. And sugar makes you hungrier, even the fake crap. With the exception of stevia which tastes terrible but much healthier than Splenda. Most of the sugar they use is High fructose corn syrup. I'm glad they banned trans fats, but they really need to go after fructose corn syrup. It's the reasons why Americans are lards.

And that's the main problem. Our edible food-like stuffs (as it really shouldn't be called food) are purposely designed to be addictive. I'm not talking about tasty, I mean like hard drug addictive. You can't just eat one because of all the chemicals in it designed to make you hungrier (e.g. create a leptin resistance). And it's not just sugar (nor HFCS) that's the culprit. There are hundreds of external chemicals added to our food, and the FDA hasn't even checked most of them.

Go off processed foods completely for a couple months and you'll probably notice a significant drop in appetite as well as weight. But another sad problem is that we don't have enough fresh food to feed the populace of this country if you're talking non processed foods. GMOs help (or hurt, depending on your stance, but let's focus just on feeding people), but a diet consisting of corn, soy, wheat, sodium, sugar, and fat is not exactly a healthy diet. But that is our diet, with differing amounts of chemicals to add color, texture, and flavor.
if any of you are in a place where girls arent fat, please post a state, or area... cause im looking to move, im not about to hitch up to one of these behemoths in south georgia.. and thats all thats here

Salt lake city
While we are at it, why don't we get realistic with the male figures in the video games.s.
Yeah. Old, fat, and gets short of breath after running 50 feet. That'll make a good video game. Now where's the cheat codes for extra lives; I'm gonna need 'em. Then again if the 'prize' in the game is a nasty fat old hag (well, that is reality), I'll probably just quit playing and go drink beer.
Okay, some basic illustration.

Still have access to the costume creator for City of Heroes (thank you Titan Icon!)

Here's the default female in the game.[IMG]

Basically exceptionally tall (5'10" when average female height is around 5'4"-5'5")
Legs are unnaturally long in comparison to the torso.
Hips like a little boy.
And the breasts are a 40DD at least (US average bra size today is a 34DD believe it or not, up from 34B in just over 30 years).

Now here's a more normative (or as normative as the costume creator will allow).


Height is right around 5'4".
Legs are still a bit long (but it's a comic book-inspired game, and comics have traditionally rendered women unnaturally long-legged), but closer to normal.
Hips are in better proportion to height and body mass.
And the breasts, as low as they go, are maybe a 36D (then again, any "heroic" woman in comics has traditionally been given a bra size that screams "I have back problems!" and could double as geographic reference points).[/QUOTE]

Check out the men. Totally attainable.
I liked Infinity Wars' mixed body types:


Luca, the girl with pink hair is the same person but in in a parallel universe, with entirely different professions / lives:


Luca Ascended ( above ). Luca combat mechanic ( below ).


Cheryl ( the asian chick ) has a noticeably short, thin build, which is highlighted in the animated version of this card ( which I can't find online ):






Obligatory random, fat dude, with some cute, pink-haired alien:


Trailer for the game:
You guys posting this realize that men have body image issues just like women, right?
A very small percentage of men do as opposed to the vast majority of women who let their body image ruin their lives and make sure to let everyone within earshot know.
Why are we glorifying plus size? Why is plus size becoming normal? Since when does unhealthiness equal normal?
That's the definition of the word "normal" - it's just the way things often are. It has nothing to do with healthiness.

People want to accept that overweight is not something to be ashamed of, but of course it is unhealthy and should be considered a problem. We should all help each other be the healthiest we can be, and that starts with education. If people think you can be just as happy as an overweight person than you could be as a healthy weight person, that is a big problem. It's much more difficult. Not necessarily because it's frowned upon, but because your body is not functioning properly. Many people, and even doctors unfortunately, still believe there's no correlation between the foods you eat and the particular mood you feel. They push medicines and label you with a disease as if there's little you could've done to stop it... it's a sick cycle of ignorance and/or cruelty, mostly the line the pockets of bigger corporations.

There is of course more to it that this, but IMO it is part of the problem.

Yes, it is "normal" that people want to be lazy and make money, but hell NO is it healthy!
Why are we glorifying plus size? Why is plus size becoming normal? Since when does unhealthiness equal normal?

It's an American thing. We have a nationwide obesity crisis, but hurt feelings from being mocked for poor life choices is a far more important topic to address.
Common misconception..."plus size" does not equal to unhealthy.

Depends on what you consider plus size.

The whole "healthy at any size" movement is objectively wrong and relies on pseudo science to make their points.

It really depends on how you define healthy weight and plus size though. We all know BMI is a terrible measure because it doesn't take muscle mass into account, but we still use it because it is easy. True body fat composition measurements are costly and difficult (caliper methods suffer from the same problems as BMI, electric conductivity methods like in those body fat scales are the least accurate of anything out there). If you really want body fat measurements that are accurate, dhnk thanks are the only way to do it right. It's not all bad though. BMI is still a reasonable estimate of health for sedentary people (and most Americans are sedentary people :p

As long as you aren't pumping iron, or doing body resistance training that builds muscle, BMI is still a reasonable estimate.

The research when it comes to body fat is undeniable. More than anything else, having excess body fat drives high cholesterol and thus cardiovascular disease as well as diabetes.

Apparently it is the visceral fat (the fat between the organs in the abdominal cavity) which is the worst. It produces various toxins that harm the body. It doesn't matter if you otherwise eat healthily and exercise, if you don't get rid of that internal belly fat, you are toast.

We live in a time of the biggest epidemic of weight related diseases in the history of mankind. Cardiovascular disease and diabetes claim more victims than just about anything else in our society.

Accepting unhealthy bodies because someones feelings might get hurt and it might hurt their self worth (body image) is so ridiculously irrelevant in this context that it comes across as insane.

If someone is made uncomfortable by social.pressure because they are over weight, I say good! Maybe that's more motivation to get into shape, so you don't die young and raise everyone's health insurance costs in the process by all your needless health complications.

Get the fuck into shape. Don't do it because others don't find you attractive. Who the hell cares what bothers think. Do it because you don't want to die.

Fat = early death.

I get it, its not easy. I'm a little overweight myself, but I know what I have to do, and its a constant battle of body inadequacy. Every single bite I eat, I question whether I really should be doing it. Every time I sit down and play a game, or watch a movie or TV, I think, you know I reay should be exercising instead.

I never get to be comfortable in my skin like when I was a teenager or in my twenties and could eat whatever I wanted, never move and still stay in shape. And that's a GOOD thing. The moment I get comfortable in my skin, I'll be obese and dying of a heart attack.

When I hit my late 20s and 30s I ignored my slowing metabolism for a few years. I ate what I wanted and did what I wanted. Then at 32 I - at 6'3" hit 268lb. I realized I had to do something, and started watching what I was eating, going to the gym for 3 hours at a time, 4 days a week, and in about a years time I hit 189lb with extremely low body fat and a resting pulse on the level of an Olympic athlete. It's tough to maintain though. It has to be a permanent life asjusymeny., or it comes back again. I've regained some weight, and am not happy about it, but the societal pressure to stay in shape HELPS. It helps keep my mind on it so I do something about it.

As a society it is in EVERYONE's interest to reduce mortality from preventable disease and save on healthcare costs. When we are in the biggest health crisis in modern times is NOT the time to suddenly be "OK with excess weight". We need to fight it now, more fiercely than ever.
I know plenty of people that have bodies like that girl in GTA. If a game manufacturer wants to model a game after them and not someone that's too lazy to go to the gym by all means, go for it. If fattie mcfat pants gets her plus sized undies in a bind over it she should she should be mad at her laziness and not some game manufacturer.
Thats because the girl in GTA IS modeled after a real person. Most people assumed it was Kate Upton (I did as well) According to this article the actual female model that was used was Shelby Welinder, but you can also see in the same article the crazy exact body shapes of Kate Upton and the GTA girl.

This article is dumb. Not only do I agree that video games are suppose to be fantasy, they chose terrible examples.

If they really wanted to use some examples for their point they should have used at least a few female characters from Anime based games.
The best part to me are the opponents to these articles coming into a thread and spouting stuff about "LOL FATTIES", which really just further proves the point about there being a societal bias.

Hilarious. And sad.

Societal bias changes over time as societies continue to evolve (though sometimes I wonder if devolve isn't more appropriate). There was a time when being large was actually sought after because it was a sign that you weren't a poor slob busting your ass trying to get by. Of course there has always and will always be a segment of society that is attracted to a fit, athletic figure, since after all we are genetically hardwired to find certain traits attractive (fitness being one of them because it theoretically increases the odds of perpetuating the species for the best physical specimens to be the ones reproducing).
Zarathustra[H];1041756526 said:
Depends on what you consider plus size.

The whole "healthy at any size" movement is objectively wrong and relies on pseudo science to make their points.

It really depends on how you define healthy weight and plus size though. We all know BMI is a terrible measure because it doesn't take muscle mass into account, but we still use it because it is easy. True body fat composition measurements are costly and difficult (caliper methods suffer from the same problems as BMI, electric conductivity methods like in those body fat scales are the least accurate of anything out there). If you really want body fat measurements that are accurate, dhnk thanks are the only way to do it right. It's not all bad though. BMI is still a reasonable estimate of health for sedentary people (and most Americans are sedentary people :p

As long as you aren't pumping iron, or doing body resistance training that builds muscle, BMI is still a reasonable estimate.

The research when it comes to body fat is undeniable. More than anything else, having excess body fat drives high cholesterol and thus cardiovascular disease as well as diabetes.

Apparently it is the visceral fat (the fat between the organs in the abdominal cavity) which is the worst. It produces various toxins that harm the body. It doesn't matter if you otherwise eat healthily and exercise, if you don't get rid of that internal belly fat, you are toast.

We live in a time of the biggest epidemic of weight related diseases in the history of mankind. Cardiovascular disease and diabetes claim more victims than just about anything else in our society.

Accepting unhealthy bodies because someones feelings might get hurt and it might hurt their self worth (body image) is so ridiculously irrelevant in this context that it comes across as insane.

If someone is made uncomfortable by social.pressure because they are over weight, I say good! Maybe that's more motivation to get into shape, so you don't die young and raise everyone's health insurance costs in the process by all your needless health complications.

Get the fuck into shape. Don't do it because others don't find you attractive. Who the hell cares what bothers think. Do it because you don't want to die.

Fat = early death.

I get it, its not easy. I'm a little overweight myself, but I know what I have to do, and its a constant battle of body inadequacy. Every single bite I eat, I question whether I really should be doing it. Every time I sit down and play a game, or watch a movie or TV, I think, you know I reay should be exercising instead.

I never get to be comfortable in my skin like when I was a teenager or in my twenties and could eat whatever I wanted, never move and still stay in shape. And that's a GOOD thing. The moment I get comfortable in my skin, I'll be obese and dying of a heart attack.

When I hit my late 20s and 30s I ignored my slowing metabolism for a few years. I ate what I wanted and did what I wanted. Then at 32 I - at 6'3" hit 268lb. I realized I had to do something, and started watching what I was eating, going to the gym for 3 hours at a time, 4 days a week, and in about a years time I hit 189lb with extremely low body fat and a resting pulse on the level of an Olympic athlete. It's tough to maintain though. It has to be a permanent life asjusymeny., or it comes back again. I've regained some weight, and am not happy about it, but the societal pressure to stay in shape HELPS. It helps keep my mind on it so I do something about it.

As a society it is in EVERYONE's interest to reduce mortality from preventable disease and save on healthcare costs. When we are in the biggest health crisis in modern times is NOT the time to suddenly be "OK with excess weight". We need to fight it now, more fiercely than ever.

The flip-side would be someone that knows full well that what they are doing is unhealthy, yet continues to do it anyway. This may take the form of excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, overeating, not exercising, or any number of other possibilities. As long as they are willing to accept the consequences of their actions, let them have their cake and eat it too.
Why are we glorifying plus size? Why is plus size becoming normal? Since when does unhealthiness equal normal?
America is a grossly obese society and rather than get to a healthy weight it's easier to shift the norm to make everyone "feel" better.

Coming back to the states after travelling abroad and immediately seeing the difference in body types is disheartening.
So basically...every female character has to have a beer belly?!

WTF is this !@$!@.

I already see plenty of fat people in real life, why would I want to see the same fatties in games? Freaking fatnazis.
if any of you are in a place where girls arent fat, please post a state, or area... cause im looking to move, im not about to hitch up to one of these behemoths in south georgia.. and thats all thats here

Las Vegas.....BUT....90% have had a ton of work done (fake boobs, fake teeth, fake eyelashes, contacts, weaves, plastic surgery. You might end up with kids that look like those house trolls in Harry Potter. :D
Not this shit again. I've got news for you, most people in video games lack realistic body types regardless of gender.