League of Legends -- how many [H] regulars?

In fact, to me the bigger problem are anti-smurfs (new term, coined it here). That is, people that have played forever and still suck ass and end up feeding the other team, lol. I seem to run in to that problem much more frequently.

Yep. I've played a lot and yet even i still do this. You know why? I'll try a new champ and suck... wow there's a shocker.
Can anyone tell me why they thought singed need a buff at all?

I wouldn't really call and increase melee range ability by 25 (100 to 125) a buff as it is more of a fix to some obscure interface problem more than likely. An extra range of 25 is a very small amount. They did the same to Nunu's consume/basic melee.
Yep. I've played a lot and yet even i still do this. You know why? I'll try a new champ and suck... wow there's a shocker.

yeah that's a good point - I suppose I do it too haha... can be frustrating for others on your team though. So, I try to do a couple Coop vs AI games to get a feel then maybe I won't suck so hard with the new guy.
yeah that's a good point - I suppose I do it too haha... can be frustrating for others on your team though. So, I try to do a couple Coop vs AI games to get a feel then maybe I won't suck so hard with the new guy.

Previously I would join my own bot game to at least check out the spells, but I get very little enjoyment out of bot games.

Now that i cannot join a bot game on my own, I made 2 other people lose with me while i fumbled through my first match with Rizen. Poor fuckers, but I did try to make a bot game first :)
so a smurf or group of smurfs might throw the matchmaking off a bit and maybe you get a loss for a game because there were a few guys working together at low levels, but big deal? it's not a rampant problem that I'm aware of therefore it's just 1-2 losses here and there. This can't happen in ranked games though due to the level requirement...

Actually it is rampant -- I'd say a good 3/4 of all premade teams (2+ people queuing together) below 30 are smurfs, which puts the guys on the other team that solo queued at a massive disadvantage.

The matchmaking system sucks anyway -- I'm level 30 and my win/loss ratio is not that good because I just don't play that much / am admittedly not super at the game. Yet 3/4 of the time if I solo queue we lose (and often despite my going well in to positive kill death, like 15/3/20 or something would be a fairly common end game score for me). Clearly the system is not that good at matching people of comparable skill level.
Actually it is rampant -- I'd say a good 3/4 of all premade teams (2+ people queuing together) below 30 are smurfs, which puts the guys on the other team that solo queued at a massive disadvantage.

The matchmaking system sucks anyway -- I'm level 30 and my win/loss ratio is not that good because I just don't play that much / am admittedly not super at the game. Yet 3/4 of the time if I solo queue we lose (and often despite my going well in to positive kill death, like 15/3/20 or something would be a fairly common end game score for me). Clearly the system is not that good at matching people of comparable skill level.

It only takes one key person on your team to suck (tank, carry) to throw the game away. Whereas they might have 2 mediocre tanky dps's on their team and just roll over you if your tank can't cc/aggro properly and doesn't know when to initiate and when to run.
Even games between teams of relatively equal skill can be lopsided.

It happens to me less now but I used to have games every once in awhile where I played well below my ability. I went 0-8 as lane fiddle in laning phase recently and got raged at by some kid. We ended up winning that game and I played well mid/late game but that's not the point. I guarantee I could outplay that kid raging at me on my top champs 90% of the time.

You can also be out picked at champ select and there's not much that can be done about it because most people can only play 5-10 champs well. If their 4th and 5th picks are amumu fiddle and your 5th pick can't play Janna/Gragas/Soraka or something like that, you really have to outplay them to avoid getting ae'd down.

Even beyond that, two evenly matched teams with fairly evenly matched champs can have a lopsided game if one team pulls through on some early fights and manages to snowball the advantage.

In general, I'd say there's a large percentage of the time we play LoL (note, I didn't say games played, just time played) where there isn't much we can do to change the outcome of the game. That's why it's so frustrating. Just focus on personally improving and try not to rage at teammates when things don't go well. There's been plenty of times where the game wasn't over and I was being raged at for a mistake or two, and I played significantly worse because of it. I've never thrown a game, but I sure as hell start to care less if we're going to lose when I know it means an asshole is also going to take a loss.
Can anyone tell me why they thought singed need a buff at all?

Not enough people are paying money to buy him, probably. That's why every new hero is insanely OP. Who would buy a new hero if he was weak? Greedy and retarded business model.
Not enough people are paying money to buy him, probably. That's why every new hero is insanely OP. Who would buy a new hero if he was weak? Greedy and retarded business model.

Riven is actually pretty balanced. Talon's a little too strong, but not /that/ much. Leona was actually pretty under-powered, and Yorick is still too weak. So... your theory doesn't hold up in practice very well.
Riven is actually pretty balanced. Talon's a little too strong, but not /that/ much. Leona was actually pretty under-powered, and Yorick is still too weak. So... your theory doesn't hold up in practice very well.

Riven is not balanced, Talon is much too strong, Leona is VERY strong in her role, and I'm sure Yorick would be OP if he wasn't broken. Practically no one ever plays him because he's not a viable hero. And what about, oh, I don't know, MF in her first incarnation?
Riven is not balanced, Talon is much too strong, Leona is VERY strong in her role, and I'm sure Yorick would be OP if he wasn't broken. Practically no one ever plays him because he's not a viable hero. And what about, oh, I don't know, MF in her first incarnation?

Talon isn't that strong, he just has a lot of harass.

An Orcale destroys his ult and any good tanky dps can do well vs him in a lane (jarv, garen, Lee sin especially.

Riven is not OP in thie least. She is SUPER SQUISHY unless you build tanky (in which case your missing itihe ad bonus which all of her abilities stack on).

Riven is extremely weak when the other team has stuns. One good CC and a focus and she will drop SUPER fast, like most squishy dps.

Leona isn't very strong, she just has stuns, not even good damage on her aoe shield or charge ability (if she lands it).

If you want a GOOD tank that can stun and output dmg, Amumu is 10x more worth it over Leona, his bandage toss stun, the aoe from his abilties and his aoe ult are far better for a team fight then leona's.

Yorick isn't thta viable because fromt he get go, his minions die way too quickly and late game he has not love. He is good early lane phase with harassing, but come mid-late game his ratio's and builds offer nothing. He needs a redesign or a buff with ratio's.
Riven is not balanced, Talon is much too strong, Leona is VERY strong in her role, and I'm sure Yorick would be OP if he wasn't broken. Practically no one ever plays him because he's not a viable hero. And what about, oh, I don't know, MF in her first incarnation?

I can sum up my thoughts in response to this post as such:

Learn when to stun.

Learn to build some Tenacity.
The problem is that you guys, and indeed Riot games themselves, discuss and debate and change the game entirely based upon the top 1% of skilled players, the same as with all MMOs, forgetting that the other 99% are your paying player population, without whom you are nothing.

I know how to stun, and I always have tenacity in my builds. I'm just a regular player though, not an elite ladder smurfaholic who plays 20 games of lol per day and thus I debate the balance of the game from a pub 5s standpoint, not as a elite jerkoff where everyone knows every detail of every hero and plays in a highly rigid command clan structure involving teamspeak and military style commands being barked by some power tripping 17 year old. Those people should not be the target for game balance. It's called "League of Legends", not "League of Legends : Tournament Edition".

There's a reason a lot of heroes are banned in high end competitive play, and it's not because of the sexual innuendo they spout when you type /taunt or /joke, it's because there are a handful of heroes that are so hideously overpowered and unbalanced that including them in competitive play is game breaking. For good players to play those heroes in pub 5s is even worse. There are much better ways to balance a game like LoL than what they've been doing, but far be it from me to give them free ideas. After all, they charge 5-15 dollars for a recolored skin.
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Honestly this doesn't sound like the game for you requiem99, you sound like you're having no fun at all playing it.
Honestly this doesn't sound like the game for you requiem99, you sound like you're having no fun at all playing it.

I'm not. I didn't enjoy competitive DOTA and I do not enjoy public 5s in lol. Bot games are a bit better but the bots are just way too stupid and easy. If the bot difficulty could be scaled up extremely high (and they removed that idiotic "6 bot games per day" IP limit) I would never play a game against human beings again.

Hell, I only play this crap at all because my lame family (wife, cousin, brother) all play it obsessively and if I want to spend time playing games with them lately it has to be this retarded pile of suck. :(
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Gotta agree with Fail (Did that just happen?)....this doesn't sound like a game for you. I too get pissed at smurfs...but I also get drawn to this genre due to the competitive team nature (no matter what the level of play).
I'm not. I didn't enjoy competitive DOTA and I do not enjoy public 5s in lol. Bot games are a bit better but the bots are just way too stupid and easy. If the bot difficulty could be scaled up extremely high (and they removed that idiotic "6 bot games per day" IP limit) I would never play a game against human beings again.

Hell, I only play this crap at all because my gay ass family (wife, cousin, brother) all play it obsessively and if I want to spend time playing games with them lately it has to be this retarded pile of suck. :(

Play Demon's Souls then, for PS3, I've gone on extensively about it in the "Wanna see what a good game looks like?" thread.

It's a game that will kick your ass, and then kick it again while you're down.
The problem is that you guys, and indeed Riot games themselves, discuss and debate and change the game entirely based upon the top 1% of skilled players, the same as with all MMOs, forgetting that the other 99% are your paying player population, without whom you are nothing.

I know how to stun, and I always have tenacity in my builds. I'm just a regular player though, not an elite ladder smurfaholic who plays 20 games of lol per day and thus I debate the balance of the game from a pub 5s standpoint, not as a elite jerkoff where everyone knows every detail of every hero and plays in a highly rigid command clan structure involving teamspeak and military style commands being barked by some power tripping 17 year old. Those people should not be the target for game balance. It's called "League of Legends", not "League of Legends : Tournament Edition".

There's a reason a lot of heroes are banned in high end competitive play, and it's not because of the sexual innuendo they spout when you type /taunt or /joke, it's because there are a handful of heroes that are so hideously overpowered and unbalanced that including them in competitive play is game breaking. For good players to play those heroes in pub 5s is even worse. There are much better ways to balance a game like LoL than what they've been doing, but far be it from me to give them free ideas. After all, they charge 5-15 dollars for a recolored skin.

I'm not in a clan, I play ranked solo most of the time and usually all my friends just wanna play normals instead of ranked.

I just know what I know from playing, it has nothing to do with being some "elitist prick" or clanner that plays lol all day everyday.
Hell, I only play this crap at all because my lame family (wife, cousin, brother) all play it obsessively and if I want to spend time playing games with them lately it has to be this retarded pile of suck. :(

So how does posting this to us help anything? If you don't like the game, that's cool, my wife hates it, but she doesn't come in here and throw a tantrum either.

I barely maintain a 50/50 win/loss ratio and I'm never going to be uberpro at this game but I still enjoy it. I thought certain champs were overpowered until I played enough to realize there are ways around certain abilities. That helped me a lot. It sounds like you're not really interested in learning how to get better but are just playing because you're "forced" to. I'm sure you're going to be continually frustrated and angry if you keep playing for that reason. You should just quit and be done with it. If the only time you spend with your family is playing this game, that's a whole other problem.
Yeah, no, that balancing around the top 1% thing is thoroughly misguided. Not going to dwell on it, though, since clearly nothing constructive will come of it. If consulting people that actually understand the game and giving their opinions more weight is nonsensical, well, I guess we shouldn't appoint people who understand economics to run the treasury or foreign relations experts to be diplomats.

Anyway, I retract what I said in my initial post about Riven being tanky. When I was seeing her stats in game I wasn't taking into consideration the magnitude of the buff from her E. Clicking on her and seeing 80 armor and 95 magic resist at level 3 seemed very high, but looking at her base stats clearly the shield was active when I was checking.

Otherwise, yeah, I'll second most of what Stiler said about the recent releases. I don't see anyone who's "gamebreakingly OP" at the moment, though Soraka's new damage output is at least on the radar. Haven't seen it enough to demand a nerf yet, but I'm, umm, impressed.
So how does posting this to us help anything? If you don't like the game, that's cool, my wife hates it, but she doesn't come in here and throw a tantrum either.

I barely maintain a 50/50 win/loss ratio and I'm never going to be uberpro at this game but I still enjoy it. I thought certain champs were overpowered until I played enough to realize there are ways around certain abilities. That helped me a lot. It sounds like you're not really interested in learning how to get better but are just playing because you're "forced" to. I'm sure you're going to be continually frustrated and angry if you keep playing for that reason. You should just quit and be done with it. If the only time you spend with your family is playing this game, that's a whole other problem.

Exactly, can't win every game.

Played a game with ChestyMcRockhard and Squintos the other night, we steamrolled, and it was like old times. You have to be willing to play any given role on a team, whether that's support, carry, tank, or whatever, you just have to be willing to pick last to fill in the most needed role for your team to win with.

Part of playing the game is getting in as many games as neccessary not just to learn the ins and outs of each character, but knowing when best to attack or hang back or whatever.
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I just went back and read a bunch of my noob posts from when I first started playing and they're pretty funny. I really had no clue what I was doing.
Provide links to those gems :)

"TF isn't real great at getting kills." lol

I like how I put "jungle" in quotes like it was something no one knew about.

I have no idea what I was talking about here with Mao. I must have been delusional.

I was so proud of myself...

There's probably more, but that's enough embarassment. :p

Edit: I feel sorry no one told this guy what was in store for him...
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well about $350 I've sunk into LoL, well now you know what I was in store for, that's an ungodly amount of money.

I think your post about Zilean was the most interesting one, he's not played very much in games I join, maybe I should give him another try, I don't think they have changed him much, someone correct me if I'm wrong.

I think he would be interesting to play a few games, and kind of get a feel for.

He does require either for you to have a lot of experience with LoL to play him effectively, OR for you to accumulate a lot of games played with him to get the most out of him.

I have a lot of games played, but not many games with Zilean, I think I will play a few with him this weekend and I will post results, including screenshots.
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Yeah, Zil is interesting. Lot of utility (speed up, slow down, temp invuln) but not much damage output. There's the bomb... and the bomb. Think I'd rather play Karma for that sort of support, at this point.
Well, any support character will only be not only as good as your team composition, but your team's overall skill.

It'll suck to be a support on a bad team, there's just no way you can pull it off.
"TF isn't real great at getting kills." lol

I like how I put "jungle" in quotes like it was something no one knew about.

I have no idea what I was talking about here with Mao. I must have been delusional.

I was so proud of myself...

There's probably more, but that's enough embarassment. :p

Edit: I feel sorry no one told this guy what was in store for him...

Not bad, costs more than Diablo III -- even if you factor in "minor" transaction fees. I know people who still play LoL and enjoy the game for free.

I lol'd. Thanks for the links!
Many people play for free, there's some of us who choose to support the company that made the game.
Well, any support character will only be not only as good as your team composition, but your team's overall skill.

It'll suck to be a support on a bad team, there's just no way you can pull it off.

I was playing Kayle the other day on pub. Started dominating, and someone said "KAYLE NEEDS A NERF."

I'll admit I'm new to the game, but really? By all accounts, didn't Kayle just go through a re-work?
I was playing Kayle the other day on pub. Started dominating, and someone said "KAYLE NEEDS A NERF."

I'll admit I'm new to the game, but really? By all accounts, didn't Kayle just go through a re-work?

I wouldn't pay any attention to that, there's far more bad Kayles than good Kayles.
I wouldn't pay any attention to that, there's far more bad Kayles than good Kayles.

That may be so, never the less I expect more kayle changes in the near future as they are still dialing her in, at the moment her early game is a bit strong but beyond that she is pretty balanced.

As for the balance in the game generally, if it isnt based off the top 2% of players what your going to find is glaringly over powered champions at the top and more people getting on smurf accounts and dominating with even more ease in attempts to get a better ranked record. If the balance of the game was based off the bottom 75% we would have half the champions getting nerfed every week while the other half got buffed, the game would never be remotely close to balanced and the player base would fall out.

The other thing I think many players miss is the paper scissors rock balance on the back end of the game. Players need to learn the strengths and weaknesses of each and every champion and how to exploit them, and who to use to exploit them. The game will become a lot more balanced once you figure out counters for specific champions. Of course if your doing blind pick, your tossing the dice but the level of competition there for most people is very low.
Kayle recently got buffed big time though, her heal isn't much of a heal anymore, more of a escape spell, but she hits like a dump truck now. She can do some mad damage and splash to boot. She was the first hero I bought, but I never enjoyed her until the buff.
I just got out of one of the worst games in a while, not because the game was bad, I was only 2/3, but the real bad thing was that I had a Riven and a Mordekaiser, that spent LITERALLY the whole game bitching at each other instead of focusing on the goddamn game.

I reported both of those bitches after the game. Seriously ruined my enjoyment, I made sure to put them on ignore first.

Of course we lost, and of course they wouldn't surrender.

I hate games like that, anyway, my record is 594 wins 573 losses if anyone is interested, there was a time when I was like 25ish games under .500, now i'm almost that many over!
GOD! I just discovered this game and it's so frikking fun!

BUTTTTT I play at 1024x768 and the hud is way too small even at the highest hud scaling :( :( :( it really hurts my eyes, the font is TINY and obviously made for higher res screens that doesn't scale for 1024. If that's the case idk why they even put 1024 because if you play like this for longer than 15 min at a time your eyes start hurting really bad.

This stinks! And this 1024 is my only comp :( wahhhhhhh
No lol,

A lovely ThinkPad X61s laptop

yeah.... crap, it's really unplayable. My eyes hurt so bad right now after just one match. Oh well. Don't need to be addicted to a game right now anyway