Recent content by sTYZ

  1. S

    Hard Drive Issues

  2. S

    Whole new amd system

    What sould i get? I have no idea when it comes to amd. I have only dealt with intel but i am making the switch. I am going to be using it for alot of games, video and music. I don't really want to spend more than $500 on the main parts (mobo, ram and cpu) but if i can get alot better stuff for...
  3. S

    WTB misc. pc parts

    i need to build a pc for under $280. So if you have any of these parts let me know. I have verified paypal and you can contact me at: styz at Here are the specs i neeed: 2.4 GHz (or equivalent) Brand name mobo that supports pc3200 and s-ata 512 mb pc3200 80Gb 64MB video card (agp)
  4. S

    What do you guys think of this setup?

    lol which one (rad) do you think would be best?
  5. S

    What's better 2.53 CellyD or 2.4 PentB

    i currently have a 2.4A at 3.6 on a crap water system (i did 3.4 on air) and it is pretty nice. Also i had a 2.4D and i had it running 3GHz no problem without vcore increase. I am sure it would have went much higher is i had tried.
  6. S

    What do you guys think of this setup?

    will there be a large difference? because there is like double the price :P
  7. S

    What do you guys think of this setup?

    This is the system i am thinking about getting. Tell me what you think. Also all this stuff is used so if the prices are high or low let me know. Swiftech MCP-655 In-Line Water Pump $50 Maze4 Waterblock p4 $25 Black Ice 120 $40 Swiftech MCR120 120mm Radiator $40
  8. S

    2.4a @ 3.6 HELP

    This is the one here
  9. S

    2.4a @ 3.6 HELP

    i have an is7 :P but i have a 480W thermaltake should i get a new 1?
  10. S

    Flashing bios

    download the abit bios flashing program for windows all you do it click update and it finds the newest update and installs it no worries and even less work
  11. S

    2.4a @ 3.6 HELP

    I FInally did it!! Yay for me it is cpu burn-in stable and everything. BUT i need more lol but the problem is my vcore is at the max for my IS7 (1.775) although my actual vcore is 1.6 - 1.65. Is there a volt mod for my board? and what waterblock/pump/rad combo would be good for this proc? Right...
  12. S

    problems running pc3200 on a 2100 board?

    I have an older amd system (1800) and it takes pc2100 ram. My question is if i put pc3200 ram in it will it work the same? Also if i overclock i will not need to change the ram voltage will I? Because i was thinking that the normal speed for the ram is ddr 400 anyways.
  13. S

    where can i find a replacement for this particular fan.. with pic

    i have an IS7 and i had this same problem i ran my pc for 3 weeks with the fan running at 500rpm (regular is 6000) and i had no problems but to be safe i bought a thermalright cooler. The only time my pc crapped out was when i was playing halo for like 5 hours on high settings but that may be...
  14. S

    Help with backup problems

    but with ghost does it boot a version of ghost off the cd or somthing? because it will be IDIOTS using this disc and i want it to be like hit enter to do it and thats all lol
  15. S

    Help with backup problems

    Ok this is the problem and i need a solution: I have a hardrive with a brand new install of xp and all my programs and settings and stuff. I want to back up the drive in a drive image. Now i want to be able to put that drive image on a dvd boot from the dvd, the dvd formats the hard drive and...