spine's latest activity

  • spine
    spine reacted to SvenBent's post in the thread Any good games with offline bots? with Like Like.
    When the kids talk about "oldschool"...
  • spine
    spine reacted to WarriorX's post in the thread Review the game you finished recently. with Like Like.
    BioShock 2 Remastered Great game set in the Bioshock series. Mostly the same gameplay as one with some changes. Great environments and atmosphere, story is decent. Doesn't have the same charismatic characters of the first game but are still...
  • spine
    spine reacted to Flogger23m's post in the thread Review the game you finished recently. with Like Like.
    Alan Wake 2 Alan Wake 2, or as I like to call it Alan Walk 2, is an amazing looking game that does not play quite as well as it looks. I also spent a little more than half of the game time playing as someone who was not Alan Wake. As a sequel to...
  • spine
    spine replied to the thread Where are the next gen MMO's?.
    Absolutely NO mention of Guild Wars 2 so far in this thread! Shocking! :eek: A recent Guild Wars 3 rumour was essentially shot down, GW2 still going strong, no need to compete with themselves ;)...