New Vulkan Extension Could Enhance Frame Timing Controls For Games


[H]F Junkie
Dec 19, 2005
More fine tuned controls of Frame Timing sounds like a very good enhancement!

"Keith is proposing a new VK_MESA_present_period extension for having more control over the displaying of future images and addressing where VK_GOOGLE_display_timing comes up short.

Right now Keith's proposal is in the prototype stage along with an example Mesa implementation. He's seeking more feedback on this Vulkan Present-Period functionality and spells out all of the details on his blog. "
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I am no graphics guru but that part sounds incredibly silly

VK_GOOGLE_display_timing is really two extensions in one:

Report historical information about when frames were shown to the user.

Allow applications to express when future frames should be shown to the user.

The infinite performance fallacy!
Thankfully, the author addresses this bit immediately.

I'll read the whole thing over my lunch break.
Awesome! Now decide which of the three existing Vulkan games is worth playing.
This is a little over my head but am I wrong in thinking this is going to be something really good for emulators?
Probably a major driver. I can't see where this would help in most games except at the lowest level of a rendering engine, maybe.
Probably a major driver. I can't see where this would help in most games except at the lowest level of a rendering engine, maybe.

Yeah, anything where your functionality is based upon specific intervals. The low levels would get hints from the higher levels on pacing.

Also, Gamebryo titles, haha. Sigh.