SSD Clone


Limp Gawd
Nov 26, 2014
Is it recommended to clone an SSD?, I just got a new laptop and a bigger SSD with it and was wondering if it's safe to just clone my old SSD (240gb) into the new SSD (500gb)?
You're going to hear from all the old school people here telling you not to do it. The reality is, its perfectly safe and can be completely seamless.
The one thing you may have to do is expand the cloned partition on the 500GB SSD to encompass more than the 240 GB.
Yeah go for it. Partition Wizard is a great free tool. I love it so much I paid for it. Use it all the time to migrate customers old HDDs to SSDs.

One thing is its quite handy to edit down the main partition to 1-2GB larger than it is so the tool doesnt spend time cloning empty space. Not so important on SSDs but a real time saver not having to transfer 300GB of empty space from a HDD.

Resize as you wish after.
You're going to hear from all the old school people here telling you not to do it. The reality is, its perfectly safe and can be completely seamless.

True, but you should still check alignment after a duplication. Modern OS's should align, duplicator (dont know), software should now these days, or a setting.

The truth of the matter with us old folks is that the SSD will likely not be aligned from HDD to SSD, and you will need to do so. If that is the case [not aligned] then performance will not be par. This is as to the reason why you hear that.
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The cloning software takes care of alignment. Partition Wizard does anyway. Thing of the past mostly.
True, but you should still check alignment after a duplication. Modern OS's should align, duplicator (dont know), software should now these days, or a setting.

The truth of the matter with us old folks is that the SSD will likely not be aligned from HDD to SSD, and you will need to do so. If that is the case [not aligned] then performance will not be par. This is as to the reason why you hear that.

I just cloned my WD 1TB HDD to my new Crucial MX500 1TB SSD and it needed alignment after cloning. But SSD to SSD....I dunno. Wouldn't hurt to check it afterwards would it?