Musk Tells Newspaper He’s Cracking Under Stress of Tesla Job


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
Elon Musk is having a rough time of it lately and he has even admitted that his Tesla job is causing him to crack under the pressure. During his interview with the New York Times he alternated between tears and laughter and admitted he has to take Ambien to sleep sometimes. Considering some of his late night tweets and his recent faux pas of tweeting about taking Tesla private he isn't showing very good judgement these days. Even with all of this going on he still says he's going to keep his CEO and Chairman of the Board positions in Tesla and some believe shareholders are going to take action. Hopefully he'll get his act together and he'll be able to weather this bump in the road. Personally, I believe he needs to take a vacation and get his head on straight.

The Times cited people familiar with the situation as saying Tesla has been trying to find another top level executive to help relieve some of the pressure on Musk.

In a separate report, The Wall Street Journal said securities regulators have been investigating if Tesla misled investors about Model 3 production problems.

The company could face sanctions if regulators find it did not accurately portray production delays to investors.
Must be tough while wiping your forehead and wiping your ass with hundred dollar bills.
I'd imagine that if it was all about money he could have stopped long ago.
Rich or poor, that wingnut would push himself just as hard.

He should sit down on a beach somewhere and relax for a spell but I suspect his personality does not allow for such.
Shareholders are not going to take action. Non-shareholders can relax.

FD: I'm a shareholder.
Shareholders are not going to take action. Non-shareholders can relax.

FD: I'm a shareholder.

Some shareholders are not going to take action, I unloaded all my shares when the market opened before it dropped 5 percent this morning.
I couldn't even imagine the stress of any huge position at any company. Sure the money is fucking amazing but it has to be really rough.

Agreed. And I honestly doubt this is about personal wealth. Personal wealth isn't the the same thing as "money"; money is needed to accomplish almost anything in this world, and even charities constantly seek more of it. To me, Elon is one of the most worthy individuals of our society in terms of holding to a higher ideal: purpose and impact. The benefit he's already provided to our society is substantial, and I can only hope that he can sort out his stress so he can continue to pull us all along the human progress highway.
I couldn't even imagine the stress of any huge position at any company. Sure the money is fucking amazing but it has to be really rough.
It is all on him tho. He created all the stress by getting involved with way too many projects. I'm not trying to down play his job. I know just running one company is stressful.
Poor Elon is so stressed he has to occasionally take an ambien to get to bed... I guess to Elon that's the byproduct of being so stressed he is cracking from the pressure, to the the other 99.9999% of the adult population, we call that Wednesday.

Totally explains the wonky tweets like calling the rescue diver a pedo though. I take an ambien every night I want to be asleep before 4 am (so basically daily) and from experience, I've sent many a text message while on ambien that caused me to cringe and face palm in the morning.
Must be tough while wiping your forehead and wiping your ass with hundred dollar bills.

You forget the age old saying, money does not bring happiness. You could have all the riches in the world and yet you can very well be the most stressed out, depressed and unhappy person in the world. Only thing money can give you is financial security which IS one source of stress if you do not have it but it is not a fix it all for your problems. Far from it actually, a lot of money can be a source of huge stress just as well.
I couldn't even imagine the stress of any huge position at any company. Sure the money is fucking amazing but it has to be really rough.

I hear that argument all the time and it's utter trash. The people who do it, like musk, are independently wealthy, they could retire, or take any job they basically wanted, yet they choose to continue doing what they do. If they didn't love doing it, they wouldn't do it. Unlike the vast majority of people who have to continue doing a job they hate so they don't starve to death those people have literally every option available to them and elect to do it. To them It's 100% worth it to them so I have zero sympathy for them.

It's the penultimate first world problem.
He is human after all... just please don't take whatever Zuckerberg is on, we'd all sleep easier...
I hear that argument all the time and it's utter trash. The people who do it, like musk, are independently wealthy, they could retire, or take any job they basically wanted, yet they choose to continue doing what they do. If they didn't love doing it, they wouldn't do it. Unlike the vast majority of people who have to continue doing a job they hate so they don't starve to death those people have literally every option available to them and elect to do it. To them It's 100% worth it to them so I have zero sympathy for them.

It's the penultimate first world problem.

Even if they like what they do, or maybe I should say, because they DO like what they do that they sometimes do not understand that they are not superhuman. They burn themselves out with work and forget that their mind and body needs some "rebooting" from time to time. It seems like Elon is only now realising his limits.
I would bet that the dominant industries are trying to make him crack psychologically. If you can't break the innovation and persistance, break the man. If he does take a vacation, he'd need to be sure no one else would try to sabotage his company.

I mean, when you're going against the juggernauts that have been around for a lot longer than you and succeeding for the most part, that takes a lot of balls.
Even if they like what they do, or maybe I should say, because they DO like what they do that they sometimes do not understand that they are not superhuman. They burn themselves out with work and forget that their mind and body needs some "rebooting" from time to time. It seems like Elon is only now realising his limits.

Let me put it like this:

If a coherent, able-bodied, intelligent, full grown man put his hand on the stove top burner, turned the burner on and refused to let go of the burner, would you feel any sympathy for them getting 3rd degree burns on their hand?

Musk has about as much reason to keep doing what he is doing as the person I mentioned above has for leaving his hand on the burner. So no I don't feel any remorse or sympathy.

Assuming David Carradine didn't have any type of mental disorders do you feel sympathy for him accidentally killing himself doing something stupid that he literally loved doing? Come on now.
When mainstream media is fake newsing him to the point that he needs to take Ambien to sleep, then what they're doing is working. I'm sure the entire industry isn't happy with what Tesla is doing, cause big oil ain't liking Tesla and auto makers aren't liking it either. Especially when you consider that most auto manufacturers are sitting on their cars right now, and sales are slumping. Tesla sales aren't slumping cause of lack of demand, their problem is lack of production. Considering how many set backs Tesla has had lately, I'm surprised that Musk doesn't have any major health problems.
Ambien? Isn't he in a state with legal pot? That's a lot cheaper and less addictive.
Wow, this is screaming for that meme:

To me, Elon is one of the most worthy individuals of our society in terms of holding to a higher ideal: purpose and impact. The benefit he's already provided to our society is substantial, and I can only hope that he can sort out his stress so he can continue to pull us all along the human progress highway.

And calling a real hero a pedophile benefits society how? I cannot fathom how people actually believe what you posted.
I'd cut and run if it were making me unhappy.

Take my earnings and move to Montana to raise a crop of Dental Floss.
And calling a real hero a pedophile benefits society how? I cannot fathom how people actually believe what you posted.

Calling someone you are in an argument with a pedophile is reprehensible. However the person your quoting didn't suggest that an insult slung against someone over twitter was benefiting society.... reaching much?
Must be tough while wiping your forehead and wiping your ass with hundred dollar bills.

magnates dont think about money that way, since they dont trade hours gor dollars. For Musk, this is about him failing to turn his liability into a functional asset.
I couldn't even imagine the stress of any huge position at any company. Sure the money is fucking amazing but it has to be really rough.
Well, I imagine so. Spearheading a whole new economy is a tough burden. I doubt many here could handle it. I know I couldn't.
Point is, even if he fails, he wins. At any time, he has the ongoing option to retire and live the rest of his life in luxury doing whatever he wants. In other words, all his stress is self-imposed.

You forget the age old saying, money does not bring happiness. You could have all the riches in the world and yet you can very well be the most stressed out, depressed and unhappy person in the world.
Bullshit. Show me a rich person who is more unhappy than someone working 2 jobs, no family support, is under constant threat of being evicted, can't afford healthcare, trying to raise a kid, has major depression and is contemplating killing themselves nightly. Or maybe a homeless vet with PTSD slowly dying on the street from malnutrition. The point is, no matter how stressed, depressed, or unhappy a rich person is, there are a million or more people who have all their same problems AND have additional problems the rich don't. Rich people can afford food. Rich people can afford to have a future. Rich people can afford therapy / treatment. It's not that rich people can't experience problems, of course they can. But any given time, they always have more OPTIONS to deal with their problems. If they choose not to, then again, it's self-imposed.

I don't have a lot of sympathy for people who cause all their own problems and at all times have more ways to fix them than most could ever dream of. Trying to compare them to people who are literally dying slowly from a lack of options is just oblivious.
And calling a real hero a pedophile benefits society how? I cannot fathom how people actually believe what you posted.

Maybe you can't fathom how people believe what I wrote because you didn't bother to contemplate it. I wrote that Elon exemplifies purpose and impact; he's one of a very select few who are truly driving societal progress forward. (He is not alone, and he is not a god, but he is near the top of our society in this regard)

His pedophile comment was terrible, and he apologized and I think that apology was genuine. Every single person, including you and I, have made very poor statements in our lifetimes. I would even suggest that we've made comments as terrible as that. It doesn't nullify our entire value; it means we're human.

Elon helped to usher in online payments into the mainstream, then used the profits to reinvented the space industry, and is trying to simultaneously reinvent automotive propulsion in the face of a deeply entrenched industry. So yes, he quite easily exemplifies the highest ideals of our society, in my opinion. Your focus on one tweet, at the expense of decades of incredible impact, is what is hard to believe.

I don't have sympathy for him. As others have said, he is doing this because he wants to. Instead of sympathy, I have gratitude.
Anyone who could not think in terms of financial security and ended up trading their hours for cheap dollars do need to be pitied. They dont even plan for the next 2 weeks, perhaps only going on a day to day basis.

However, that is still a ' I pity the fool' moment, since they have long stopped living as they stopped thinking altogether. These walking deads will remain as such until they can show that they can generate value to their immediate surrounding. Tetris42, you cannot dwny that these people's hours are only priced at that spot minimal wage, since that's all the value they have to give.
It really is entirely self-inflicted. I can think of at least a few people who would do leaps and bounds better than they are if only they could just shut the fuck up on Twitter.

On that topic, what is with Twitter not banning users for clearly breaking the TOS agreements? Just one more plight of the rich, I suppose. Twitter won't even intervene to stop your self-destruction. ;)
Maybe you can't fathom how people believe what I wrote because you didn't bother to contemplate it. I wrote that Elon exemplifies purpose and impact; he's one of a very select few who are truly driving societal progress forward. (He is not alone, and he is not a god, but he is near the top of our society in this regard)

His pedophile comment was terrible, and he apologized and I think that apology was genuine. Every single person, including you and I, have made very poor statements in our lifetimes. I would even suggest that we've made comments as terrible as that. It doesn't nullify our entire value; it means we're human.

Elon helped to usher in online payments into the mainstream, then used the profits to reinvented the space industry, and is trying to simultaneously reinvent automotive propulsion in the face of a deeply entrenched industry. So yes, he quite easily exemplifies the highest ideals of our society, in my opinion. Your focus on one tweet, at the expense of decades of incredible impact, is what is hard to believe.

I don't have sympathy for him. As others have said, he is doing this because he wants to. Instead of sympathy, I have gratitude.

Just look at everything he's actively involved with right now, it's rather amazing; Rocketry & space infrastructure development, energy storage, solar power generation, EV / engines, electric tunnel boring and cognitive enhancement / AI. This picture basically explains every company he has a stake in:


The guy is a once in a generation type, and I just hope he can find a balance between mental and physical exhaustion and making all these dreams reality.
a man thats trying to change the world and take us to mars for our betterment gets shitted on by news medias and general public.

he def needs a vacation, but hes probably been everywhere and done everything, and hes so programmed to stay up for days straight just to get work done he wouldnt even be able to enjoy a vacation.
Doesn't come as any shock does it, he showed all possible signs of something like this, after all he's just a normal human too. Enough sleep and personal health focus should be an important part of a successful's CEOs life too, unfortunately it's often a completely overlooked part even if it would benefit the company in the end if he took enough time to make sure he's physically and mentally fit as well.
You forget the age old saying, money does not bring happiness. You could have all the riches in the world and yet you can very well be the most stressed out, depressed and unhappy person in the world.
That's BS that people that want it but can't get it say to make themselves feel better. Sure, it won't make you immune from being depressed or stressed, but it sure fucking helps a ton before and during.