Are Robot Overlords Susceptible to Alien Penetration


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
While we all know we are going to probably die at the hands of robotic AI any day now, this video does bring up the question of whether or not intergalactic aliens could be our saviour from ourselves if we can make friends. This video has nothing to do with that, but it does beg the question. Folks are not arguing over if this video is real, or CGI has gotten so accessible that anyone can do it. I think we need Mulder and Skully to weigh in on this one.

Check out the video.

As pointed out in the video at 2:08 at the bottom of the screen you can briefly see parts of whats meant to be the background moving in tandem with the light.
My thought has always been that if they have the technology to travel the speed of light and fly in all directions then they probably have the tech for stable flight as well. Not random zipping around a small area, they more than likely can detect from 3 parsecs out the target, fly straight to said specimen, probe and harvest the soul and disappear. This is obviously Big Brother diversion maneuvers.
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My thought has always been that if they have the technology to travel the speed of light and fly in all directions then they probably have the tech for stable flight as well. Not random zipping around a small area, they more than likely can detect from 3 parsecs out the target, fly straight to said specimen, probe and harvest the soul and disappear. This is obviously Big Brother diversion maneuvers.

Well that would make sense but we already know they prefer to land in random podunk fields, rape cattle and kidnap gibbering rednecks for a bit of anal probe fun.
Well that would make sense but we already know they prefer to land in random podunk fields, rape cattle and kidnap gibbering rednecks for a bit of anal probe fun.

And who wouldn't? Hell, if we ever get to leave Earth and travel amongst the stars, where we discover a lower-tech but intelligent alien life, but are bound by a moral imperative that says we can't interfere with their development, the only thing left to do is pick out a few weird ones and fuck with them..
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Right, typical drunk UFO pilot, floating around moving randomly... Makes sense...

From the HHGTTG:

'Unfortunately I got stuck on the Earth for rather longer than I indended',
said Ford. 'I came for a week and got stuck for fifteen years.'

'But how did you get there in the first place then?'

'Easy, I got a lift with a teaser.'

'A teaser?'


'Er, what is...'

'A teaser? Teasers are usually rich kids with nothing to do. They cruise around
looking for planets which haven't made interstellar contact yet and buzz them.'

'Buzz them?' Arthur began to feel that Ford was enjoying making life difficult
for him.

'Yeah,' said Ford, 'they buzz them. They find some isolated spot with very few
people around, then land right by some poor unsuspecting soul whom no one's ever
going to believe and them strut up and down in front of him wearing silly antennae
on their head and making beep beep noises. Rather childish really.'
Well it's a real video of course. and the object flying in the sky is certainly "unidentified".

We need to stop calling them "UFO's" since that literally means anything not clearly marked.

Love this quip from the article lol:

"It's grainy, the zoom is hazy and out of focus, and, as usual, the videographer seems to be stricken with some sort of neurological disorder preventing them from keeping the camera steady."
There may be more than one alien species visiting Earth

Due the long flight times between stars, it's likely these visiting aliens and actually AI machines that have already taken over other civilizations.

They are just waiting until we are advanced enough to bother with.
Its remarkable after all these decades, that ufo footage still seems to remain in the same shoddy state as the first shots ever recorded.
With a whole fricking universe to chose from, why would aliens with such advanced tech come here? Surely they have their own sex bots.
Isn't that video from the latest arcade shooter?
One could perhaps also refer to this as "Alien to Machine" penetration or "ATM."
There are no aliens as portrayed in the movies and the world has been prepped for an special event. One only needs to look at the 1984 Olympics to see the hints. The Pope, Reagan, Clinton and many world leaders are all hinting alien life and possible invasion. Alister Crowley contacted what some would call aliens but they are not. Benjamin Creme the spokes person for Maitreya who being very different from Alister's LAM gives the same message. If you research you will find the so called aliens are giving the same massage and its ecumenical. Benjamin Creme stated when the ascended masters return if you are not going to become a world world ecumenical citizen you have no place on this earth. Watch and you will see all leaders at one time or another create a pyramid symbol with the hands. The pyramid is prominent through out the world and is even used to contact the so called ascended masters. The UN and many of the world follow the writings Alice Bailey "Lucis Trust" this is another place to learn the true nature of aliens.
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There are no aliens as portrayed in the movies and the world has been prepped for an special event. One only needs to look at the 1984 Olympics to see the hints. The Pope, Reagan, Clinton and many world leaders are all hinting alien life and possible invasion. Alister Crowley contacted what some would call aliens but they are not. Benjamin Creme the spokes person for Maitreya who being very different from Alister's LAM gives the same message. If you research you will find the so called aliens are giving the same massage and its ecumenical. Benjamin Creme stated when the ascended masters return if you are not going to become a world world ecumenical citizen you have no place on this earth. Watch and you will see all leaders at one time or another create a pyramid symbol with the hands. The pyramid is prominent through out the world and is even used to contact the so called ascended masters. The UN and many of the world follow the writings Alice Bailey "Lucis Trust" this is another place to learn the true nature of aliens.

Can I get some of that good shit? Damn bro you high af
There are no aliens as portrayed in the movies and the world has been prepped for an special event. One only needs to look at the 1984 Olympics to see the hints. The Pope, Reagan, Clinton and many world leaders are all hinting alien life and possible invasion. Alister Crowley contacted what some would call aliens but they are not. Benjamin Creme the spokes person for Maitreya who being very different from Alister's LAM gives the same message. If you research you will find the so called aliens are giving the same massage and its ecumenical. Benjamin Creme stated when the ascended masters return if you are not going to become a world world ecumenical citizen you have no place on this earth. Watch and you will see all leaders at one time or another create a pyramid symbol with the hands. The pyramid is prominent through out the world and is even used to contact the so called ascended masters. The UN and many of the world follow the writings Alice Bailey "Lucis Trust" this is another place to learn the true nature of aliens.

There are no aliens as portrayed in the movies and the world has been prepped for an special event. One only needs to look at the 1984 Olympics to see the hints. The Pope, Reagan, Clinton and many world leaders are all hinting alien life and possible invasion. Alister Crowley contacted what some would call aliens but they are not. Benjamin Creme the spokes person for Maitreya who being very different from Alister's LAM gives the same message. If you research you will find the so called aliens are giving the same massage and its ecumenical. Benjamin Creme stated when the ascended masters return if you are not going to become a world world ecumenical citizen you have no place on this earth. Watch and you will see all leaders at one time or another create a pyramid symbol with the hands. The pyramid is prominent through out the world and is even used to contact the so called ascended masters. The UN and many of the world follow the writings Alice Bailey "Lucis Trust" this is another place to learn the true nature of aliens.

Wow, from the catacombs of the Scientology Bunker...…..
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As pointed out in the video at 2:08 at the bottom of the screen you can briefly see parts of whats meant to be the background moving in tandem with the light.
Don't you know? The UFOs know when it's a bad camera silly. Just like they can remotely disable nukes at will, they have our devices scannedand analyzed immediately.
I just wanted to stop by and say that it is the top of the hour, and as such, 1hr long shows have just started... But I just read the post and as soon as I got to the part about needing Mulder and Scully, I heard a TV in the background start playing the X-Files theme!

That's way too [H]ard of a coincidence for me to accept... lol

EDIT: Dammit Kyle! lol I edited my post to fix my spelling on Scully, cuz I thought I had it wrong.... but it's YOU who spelled it wrong! Now I feel like twice the idiot! :shifty: haha
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In the first half minute you can see that it's movements are gravity bound, at least as an RC flyer I think so. It's a drone with a few 5w white LEDs all around imho.