NVIDIA Pulling Plug on GPP


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
NVIDIA has succumb to all the "rumors, conjecture and mistruths" about GPP and is stopping the program. "Rather than battling misinformation," which they NEVER addressed once directly in any form, NVIDIA has decided to cancel the program. If you buy that story for one minute, I have a bridge to sell you in San Jose. HardOCP broke the story on GPP, and you can read up on all the TRUTH about it here. There is still a bit more of the story to tell, and that will likely come out soon.

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Thanks, Kyle and [H] for having the balls to make this public in the first place, and to keep banging the drums so to speak.

Thanks as well to each and every individual who united and spoke [with wallets or otherwise] loudly and clearly and brought this insidious Bullshit to a stop.
Congrats and deep respect for Kyle for ousting this and destroying this bullshit GPP program.
That nvidia blogpost is a piece of sh*t anyway. They had every chance to better explain it. And didn't because couldn't because bs.
Thanks for your hard work on this one Kyle. Investigative journalism at its best!

Edit to add: If it were just because they didn't want to battle the misinformation (which it doesn't appear they even tried to do) they wouldn't have cancelled the program. Hand caught in the cookie jar, and now they are trying to save some face.
Proud of you boss. Thanks for looking out for us.
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While that blog post is brief and is obviously face saving, I think it might give a clue as to what really got OEMs and AIBs bent out of shape over GPP, the branding issue. Branding is really the only thing about GPP that was mentioned here.
Looks like legal told them they were heading for an anti-trust suit.
Idk I would think this would of been reviewed by their expansive lawyers first. They could of just completely ignored their lawyers recommendation. I think the bad press and push backs from their biggest customers got to them. If I was Dell or something I would of told them fuck off and go to AMD.
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Such a junk PR post by them on their site. They don't want to battle misinformation, aka, they don't want to post the official documents and show the truth.

They want the consumer to have a better buying experience to know exactly what they are getting...
Cry me a river!

A lot of the video card boxes clearly show in Red and Green and Radeon or GeForce right on the package. Like the Asus Strix line, very easy to tell which GPU you are getting, no mystery there.

I dont think they are going to be done and just roll over, there will be a GPP 2.0 out or might already be out, before this press release, with more modified language, different title for the program, etc.