Anyone else here using VR for other stuff besides gaming?


Jul 20, 2015
I'm more interesting in learning about what non gaming apps you guys use in VR (Rift/Vive).
And please don't say porn, I know many of you came here to write that ;)

So far as I know besides gaming VR can be used for:

Google Earth
Space exploration
Movies (including porn)

I'm getting a few games but these topics seem much more interesting than gaming.
So what fantastic app do you use?
I've seen a few music visualization programs and there are also folks working on data visualization applications as well. Exploring fractals in VR for instance is pretty cool. Realistic flight and driving sims are also more rooted in the simulation realm than in that of the pure gaming realm. Painting (Tiltbrush) and sculpting (Medium) in VR is also a pretty cool application of VR. Being able to sculpt something in 3D and then print it out on a 3D printer is mind blowing.

Using VR as a desktop interface (Virtual Desktop) is really cool as well, but currently suffers from the limited resolution of 1st gen VR hardware. I do see VR eliminating the need for monitors completely within 10 years though.

Can't wait till I can bypass VR HMD's altogether and simply jack-in ala Snowcrash. :D
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Yeah, I use Virtual Desktop, an anatomy app, Google Tilt, etc. But game much more than anything else. But I would like to see how VR desktop and application interaction develop. It feels like it could be use but then really isn't to me.
I've been doing a lot more Social VR than gaming. Primarily AltSpaceVR and Facebook spaces last few days. I've made some pretty cool friends in AltSpaceVR that have carried on to IRL friends.

Gaming on VR is insane, and in certain genre's like racing/flight sims it cannot be beat by traditional displays. However Social VR feels like it just may be the killer app that brings VR entirely mainstream.
I've been doing a lot more Social VR than gaming. Primarily AltSpaceVR and Facebook spaces last few days. I've made some pretty cool friends in AltSpaceVR that have carried on to IRL friends.

Gaming on VR is insane, and in certain genre's like racing/flight sims it cannot be beat by traditional displays. However Social VR feels like it just may be the killer app that brings VR entirely mainstream.

Yeah it's the reason why I jumped on Oculus, because I read about Facebook Spaces. I'm very social but I'd like to meet random people from all around the world. Is that possible with Facebook Spaces and/or AltSpaceVR? I don't want to be limited to my friends only, I already have contact with them.

And guys, of course I will try porn. Come on. Who wouldn't? :D
I use mine to demo VR, first time experiences are a hoot.

Just showed my Rift to a friend this morning who hasnt seen VR yet.
He wasnt really bothered about seeing it but said yes.
Blown away.
You should have seen him jump when the robots in Robo Recall lunged at him LOL !!
He loved the Starwars and Invasion demos.
Then had a good game of Project Cars and was sat looking all round his 1960's Formula 1 car going Wowww, Wooooowwww!
He's an F1 nut and kindly brought round a nice wheel/pedal set for me to play with this afternoon.
I use it at home for fun but used at work first and are expanding. We have several of these we send to our booth at dental trade shows around the US. I create an interior of a dental practice based on the space the doctor is looking at. Normally we provide 2D and 3D rendering using Revit and Showcase. When we have a trade show in the area though we will take our Revit product into another software called Fuzor. That will take my Revit model and make it something we can use with the Rift or Vive (we have several of both) and a x-box controller to allow our customer(s) to walk around their new dental practice I created.
We've been doing this for about a year now and have had enough success with it that we are going to set up all of our branch offices with this equipment this year.
I am doing some cool stuff. I had access to a Zedd 3d camera, and with some FFMPEG magic, I was able to record myself djing in 3D. I am able to play the recorded video back using Virtual Desktop on my vive with awesome results. I have some friends doing some really cool stuff with VR in the oil and gas industry.
Google Tilt Brush + music activated burshes+ your favorite drink(s) or intoxication of your choice + laying on the floor and just enjoying the music = pretty cool way to spend a night lol.
At my work there are people using VR for Architecture visualization, therapy, disaster research and simulation training .
At my work there are people using VR for Architecture visualization, therapy, disaster research and simulation training .

Does the therapy and disaster research follow their efforts at Architecture?
Does the therapy and disaster research follow their efforts at Architecture?

I'm not sure what you are asking exactly but they are separate. Different researchers/clients for each field. So far non of the projects that I have seen are related to each other. They do, however, often use the same technology/tools.
Universe Sandbox is pretty cool on desktop, I thought I saw its VR compatible as well. I don't know if it works Rift specifically.
I recently used mine with a plugin for Blender to design a new desk for myself. I was able to 'sit' at my new desk and make sure everything was mounted where I wanted it to be.
Universe Sandbox is pretty cool on desktop, I thought I saw its VR compatible as well. I don't know if it works Rift specifically.

Universe Sandbox 2 is definitely VR compatible, both with the Vive and the Rift with Touch controllers. It's one of my favorite "chill" VR experiences ... It was one of the first mind blowing "wow" experiences for me when I first got the Vive. It's been updated to support the Rift as well. Highly recommended as to what is possible in VR - much more impactfull as to a really great sandbox VR experience where you get to feel like a god messing around with planets and orbital mechanics.