Fallout 4 Trailer Frame by Frame


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Steve posted up the Fallout 4 preview trailer below, and since then the fine folks over a Mashable have gone all friggin OCD on it....and its actually pretty cool to read. Only serious gamers need apply.
Pre-Ordering is a given, but what *system*......?!?!?!?

PC without a doubt. When 3 came out my PC was not so good so i got it on Xbox360, when i had a good PC for new vegas it was worlds better with mouse / KB. Not to mention mods etc.
That actually looks disappointing to me, quality wise.

Been playing Witcher 3 and .... yeah .... it looks very dated.
Knowing Bethesda, it will look not so good, the animations will blow goats, and the game will be buggy as hell. But it will still be GOTY, and be worth putting up with sub par graphics and animations. And will be worth restarting over and over because, despite game breaking bugs, it will be fun! And the story will be, if not stellar, at least decent.

Honestly, i wish Bethesda would sell the rights back to the people who made fallout great (the original dev team). While i had a blast playing FO3, and even more fun with NV, the Bethesda games lack the spark that made FO1 and FO2 so great.

Don't get me wrong, FO3 and FO:NV were amazing. Just wish they had been even better.

FO4 will be a day one (or as close to day one as i can manage) purchase. Because despite all the flaws, it WILL be a good game.
I swear to god this game looks like id tech 5. Been waiting to see what Bethesda was going to do with the engine since buying id. You can clearly see its not the creation engine, to many differences. I would have passed on it if they used the creation engine again. Skyrim looked 5 years old when it came out. When first read about the id tech 5 engine I remember thinking how perfectly suited to an open world game it would be.

Wolfenstein The New Order looked pretty good, so I think this is gonna be visually stellar (for a bethesda game).
Pre-Ordering is a given, but what *system*......?!?!?!?

Modding alone is worth the investment in a gaming PC. It's incredible what the modding community have been able to achieve with these games. A modded Skyrim looks significantly better than most games being release today.

Of course there's also mods to tune the game to our own liking, or to change the a little to make subsequent play through interesting.
Honestly, i wish Bethesda would sell the rights back to the people who made fallout great (the original dev team). While i had a blast playing FO3, and even more fun with NV, the Bethesda games lack the spark that made FO1 and FO2 so great.

Don't get me wrong, FO3 and FO:NV were amazing. Just wish they had been even better.

FO4 will be a day one (or as close to day one as i can manage) purchase. Because despite all the flaws, it WILL be a good game.

You do realize FO:NV was developed by Obsidian (but QA'd by Bethesda if that wasn't obvious), a group composed of a good chunk of the original developers for the first three fallout games.

FO:NV was a good game tied to a bad system with too tight of a deadline. Pillars of Eternity was a return to form for Obsidian, and without a shitty producer for hamstring them, they did excellent. I hope they get another shot at a Fallout game.
Graphics look really dated. Let's hope game play makes up for it.

LOL. That's what mods are for. Just wait for NMC, Vurt, and Millenia (if he comes back) do their thing, and they'll have shit looking like it was produced by Crytek.
LOL. That's what mods are for. Just wait for NMC, Vurt, and Millenia (if he comes back) do their thing, and they'll have shit looking like it was produced by Crytek.

Why should we pay full for for a game that has to be "fixed" by mods?