The Last of Us - PS4


Jul 21, 2007
I am so tempted to pickup a PS3 just to play this game - Is there any speculation it will be available on PS4? I figure it is so popular and released so close to the launch of the PS4 it at least has a shot at being on the new console. I preordered a PS4 so I don't really want to bother buying a PS3 this late.

But man that game looks interesting.
Not even a rumor. I say get it. Might as well play Uncharted series since they are great (UC2 being the best). Beyond Two Souls is coming out to PS3 later this year and looks great also.
Even if it does happen I wouldn't expect the graphics upgrade to be that much. The assets where created for PS3.
If you don't have a PS3 Id either rent one or buy a used one and get TLoU and a few other key exclusives but namely TLoU. Most of the other titles are used for cheap now or free on PSN+
PS4 isn't backwards compatible. Yet they are implementing some program that streams PS3 games via Gaki. But it won't be available at launch
get the PS3, unlike the 360 its got enough exclusives that arent on the PC to justify itself. Even if all you did was play it for Uncharted 1-3, The Last of Us, Heavy Rain, God of War, (and all the Japanese stuff if you ever want to try them out) it would be a solid buy. combine that with a bluray player and its a worthwhile buy
I picked one up a PS3 here in the FS/FT for a buck twenty. Not to bad - here is to hoping the game is as awesome as I think it may be.
Last of us was stupid good. I rented it on a whim on my day off because I had nothing better to do, the game engulfed my life for that day, beat it a day or two later. Easily one of the best games I've played in the last few years, and probably my favorite ps3 game.
According to the guy I bought it from
one of the original style PS2 backwards compatible ones - 80gb

Ironically I bought and sold about 5-6 of those sets when they were brand new because of the free $50 Wal-Mart cards. Never opened one though lol.
Damn thats a good deal imo, I would have gotten it myself had I seen it and I have an older slim model (the new one is trash)
He tossed in 2 controller, 5 games and 2 charging stations - thought it was a good deal myself. Hopefully it isn't a shady deal though he had very little feedback. I only paid for shipping up front though so it can't turn out to bad.
He tossed in 2 controller, 5 games and 2 charging stations - thought it was a good deal myself. Hopefully it isn't a shady deal though he had very little feedback. I only paid for shipping up front though so it can't turn out to bad.

That's a damn good deal. I've been trying to find a PS3 for about that price for a friend that want's to play this game pretty badly too. But it seems not many people are trying to sell their PS3's nowadays, at least there's a lot less PS3s than 360s for sale here from what I've noticed.

Prolly best that you got the PS3, I'd say the best you could hope for on the PS4 is that they make it available on PSN to purchase/play on PS4 (like they do PS2 games on PS3 at the moment) and that will probably take a while after launch to be available.

This game is well worth getting a PS3 for too. I've played through it twice now and it has to be the best overall game I've played in recent years on any platform. I've just started getting into multiplayer too and it's actually pretty fun to play. This is the first PS3 game I've played online for more than 30 mins and enjoyed (though I've only tried a few TBH, everything else I get for PC or 360).
TLoU has sold over 3.4 million copies since release so I'd say it will be GoTY contender alongside GTA V and Bioshock probably on the console front. I wouldn't put Bioshock over this but still.
ugh. I just got the this tiime destroyer. I know I started playing around 10:30. Figured I get an hour in and quit. It's 3am WTF just happened?

Hey Capcom. Take good long look this is how you do survival horror.
I just finished my first play through and it is an amazing game!!! Well worth full price and then some.

I took my time to play it, work and real life... but there were some moments in the last half of the game that stun/shock, in a heavy dramatic way.

This is one of the all time best games, if you are on the fence, it's worth it.
I honestly traded my 360 and games for a ps3 and the last of us. Don't regret it one bit
I honestly traded my 360 and games for a ps3 and the last of us. Don't regret it one bit

My brother in law did the same thing. He's definitely happy with the trade. He's going to play through all the Uncharted games now too.
Used? Know there is an Online Pass if you wish to play MP. And don't knock it until you tried it. Online is my new crack and believe me I didn't expect it to be.

Hah, indeed. I was up playing it until 7:30 AM yesterday morning with my bro in law. We were on a LAN together playing online and it was a blast.
Just grabbed this on CL for $35! Score!

Score indeed!

If anyone wants to party up online, send me a friend request with a note that you're from [H]. I'm T4rd_ (note the underscore) on PSN.