Sony PS3 Slim, Price Cut Confirmed at GDC Europe 09

Terry Olaes

I Used to be the [H] News Guy
Nov 27, 2006
The long-rumored PS3 Slim console and price drop have finally been confirmed today at GDC Europe 09 at Cologne, Germany. The much-maligned console is now available at most retailers for $300 USD for the 80GB version and the Slim will be available on September 1 for the same price.

The PS3 slim looks, as you'd expect, kind of like a diet-PS3, except for the part where it's still full-featured only priced $100 less. Make that 33 percent smaller, 36 percent lighter, roughly as tall, but thinner, with a matte finish along the top and glossy sides.

See front page post for pic.
Funny that they have to do this 3 years after the original release. What has Microsoft and Nintendon done to their systems? Sure you have revisions of the Xbox 360 but doesn't modify the look and then you have DS which has 3 versions roaming the earth but Sony, Sony has to modify both their flagship and handheld.
How long have Nintendo and Microsoft been beating Sony in the back alley?
Pardon me I'm not a Sony owner nor am I up to date on their consoles but...why on earth would anyone buy the "full size" model now that the slim is out with the same functionality and cheaper?
Pardon me I'm not a Sony owner nor am I up to date on their consoles but...why on earth would anyone buy the "full size" model now that the slim is out with the same functionality and cheaper?

The older $399 model now becomes $299.

Shacknews is reporting that the Slim can't install another OS, so the three of you out there who want to put Linux on the thing will have to scoop up one of the existing models.
Pardon me I'm not a Sony owner nor am I up to date on their consoles but...why on earth would anyone buy the "full size" model now that the slim is out with the same functionality and cheaper?

Some of those fullsize models offer backwards compatibility while the newer ones wont.
Pardon me I'm not a Sony owner nor am I up to date on their consoles but...why on earth would anyone buy the "full size" model now that the slim is out with the same functionality and cheaper?

most people don't follow tech news, when some parent goes into a store to buy a PS3 because there little kid is screaming for one they have no idea a PS3 slim is coming or even what it is.
Some of those fullsize models offer backwards compatibility while the newer ones wont.

None of the 80gb units being sold today offer PS2 b/c.

Is it just me, or is the slim really ugly? It looks ugly and cheap. The original PS3 looks a lot cooler IMO.
I don't have any problems with then new look. But since I already have one I'll be passing.

I think you're saying it looks "cheap" because of the matte finish. if it was glossy it would be "shiny" and "cool."
I don't have any problems with then new look. But since I already have one I'll be passing.

I think you're saying it looks "cheap" because of the matte finish. if it was glossy it would be "shiny" and "cool."

Just for "imo" sake, the 360's look like garbage... and I have one.
Just for "imo" sake, the 360's look like garbage... and I have one.

Yea, I have one standing right next to my PS3 and it looks pretty sad... but I'd rank this new revision to be about as ugly as the 360. Well, nothing is that ugly. But it's close.

Dallows, I think you might be right. The matte finish might be one reason why it looks so weird to me. The silver finish on the BD slot bezel definitely looks out of place though. It's just a very strange looking device. (The original PS3 was too, but at least it looked like it would get up and kick your ass if you stared at it long enough)
To any Ps3 lovers out there: I have a 360 and a BR player. Now that the PS3 is reasonably priced, can you convince me that it has something to offer that I want but don't already have?
Cool. Bout time. This thing really looks significantly smaller, too. I always thought the original PS3 was pretty ugly with that overhang on the right side where the slot-loading drive is at, so I kind of like the slim better. It's more symmetrical. I guess we know why there wasn't any kind of price drop earlier.
To any Ps3 lovers out there: I have a 360 and a BR player. Now that the PS3 is reasonably priced, can you convince me that it has something to offer that I want but don't already have?
Is your BD player easy to upgrade to the new BD Live releases? Whenever there's a new BD firmware upgrade that's needed, the PS3 is very easy to upgrade. That's about the only benefit I can think of when comparing a stand-alone unit to a PS3, aside from gaming of course.

BTW, I'm not a PS3 lover. I only used my as a BD player for a long time until I got into Ratchet & Clank and Fight Night.
Yeah, it'd be nice if M$ made a 360 "slim". I need more room in my entertainment center for other stuff. I'd be nice for when my current one dies. But I doubt they care about exterior changes to the console since they didn't with the original Xbox.

I'll stick with my older 80GB PS3 that still has software compatibility with PS2 games. Sony really needs to bring back b/c with PS2 games. There's no way it adds that much to production costs and a couple months ago there were more PS2s being sold than PS3s. I'm sure if PS3 had b/c still, that would not have been the case and then Sony would have a bit more PS3s in peoples living rooms. It's really amazing Sony has went from 1st in the last gen console wars (with the least powerful hardware) to last place in this one (with the most powerful hardware). Goes to show you that software and must-have exclusive titles mean everything.
To any Ps3 lovers out there: I have a 360 and a BR player. Now that the PS3 is reasonably priced, can you convince me that it has something to offer that I want but don't already have?

Yeah, hey, I'm a 360 guy myself - but why don't you take this troll post somewhere more relevant like, say, the gaming sub-forum?
heh i know why they made it sloped... so that nothing can be stacked on top it... cause you know, PS3 has to be on top and all that. Cause hell, if it was flat, I'd put my 360 on top of it to save space... but nooo, now my ps3 has to take up a whole shelf by itself with its weird-ass footprint.
I like it and will probably pick one up in September.

By the way, this model has a less curved top than the original.

Too bad about not being PS2 backwards compatible, but seriously, is it that big of a deal if you never owned a PS2 before? With as many 360 and PS3 games out there, why go back to PS2?
The only thing I hate about that console (and most consoles in general) is the curved styling on top. I can't stack a damned thing on top of it. The 360 may be ugly, but I can stack another unit on top of it.

I hate it. I have several A/V components, and I can stack them on top of each other because that's just how it's done, but then I have these HD graphics powerhouses that are clamoring to take control of the living room, and they don't fit in with other A/V equipment at all!

I can understand when consoles were cartridge loading, or even top-loading (a la PS1), but everything slot loads nowadays. There's no excuse.
The older $399 model now becomes $299.

Shacknews is reporting that the Slim can't install another OS, so the three of you out there who want to put Linux on the thing will have to scoop up one of the existing models.

There were other hardware changes between models as well.. there was an article on [H] about it a while back I believe.
I don't get it... They does that with every console... Why cant they just do that in the first place? They deserve a slap if they keep it bulky so it's more profitable. :mad:
I don't think it's ugly at all; then again, I think glossy electronics are tacky as hell and I can see how some of you would be put off by an understated clean look.
The only thing I hate about that console (and most consoles in general) is the curved styling on top. I can't stack a damned thing on top of it. The 360 may be ugly, but I can stack another unit on top of it.

I hate it. I have several A/V components, and I can stack them on top of each other because that's just how it's done, but then I have these HD graphics powerhouses that are clamoring to take control of the living room, and they don't fit in with other A/V equipment at all!

I can understand when consoles were cartridge loading, or even top-loading (a la PS1), but everything slot loads nowadays. There's no excuse.

Good point, but I think thats is the point of the curved top. This form factor uses some of the case as a heatsink from what I understand so if you were to stack stuff on top of it you might burn the thing out early. Better safe than sorry.
The only thing I hate about that console (and most consoles in general) is the curved styling on top. I can't stack a damned thing on top of it. The 360 may be ugly, but I can stack another unit on top of it.

I hate it. I have several A/V components, and I can stack them on top of each other because that's just how it's done, but then I have these HD graphics powerhouses that are clamoring to take control of the living room, and they don't fit in with other A/V equipment at all!

I can understand when consoles were cartridge loading, or even top-loading (a la PS1), but everything slot loads nowadays. There's no excuse.

Funny, I wouldn't stack stuff on top of consoles. Having ample ventilation is critical in dissapating heat so as to extend the life of your electronics. I still laugh at those people who have their electronic equipment in a pretty little cabinet closed in with a glass door.
I really like the look of it. The only thing I'm worried about is whether or not you can change the hdd, like in the original. The only possible spot it looks like in the pictures is on the front right. I have a 360, but I loved the fact that I could put $50 500gb hdd in, back when I did have a ps3. Compare that to the very expensive 360 hard drives...
Pardon me I'm not a Sony owner nor am I up to date on their consoles but...why on earth would anyone buy the "full size" model now that the slim is out with the same functionality and cheaper?

Because the Slim is ugly as hell..

PS2 slim was an improvement..the PS3 slim is definitely Not an improvement. Glad I have my two original models with full BC.
Too bad about not being PS2 backwards compatible, but seriously, is it that big of a deal if you never owned a PS2 before? With as many 360 and PS3 games out there, why go back to PS2?

I have a PS2 still, but I let my son use it in his room. (If I didn't already have a b/c PS3) I would love the option to still play my PS2 games in my living room on my PS3. I still bust out PS2 games occasionally to reminisce (MGS series, GT3&4, etc.). Plus sometimes I see old great PS2 games I never got the chance to play for real cheap in Gamestop and decide to pick them up. If I didn't already have a b/c PS3, then I'd have to steal the PS2 from my son and then cram it in my entertainment center somewhere when I don't have room as it is, hah.

Backwards compatibility is pretty big for me on all my consoles. I still play GC games on my Wii all the time too with the family. I buy loads of games for every console every generation, so when I upgrade to the next gen consoles, I hate to see all my old games get pushed to the closet since I don't have room for all my new AND old consoles.

I realize that I only around 30% of people share this opinion with me too and see it as you do, which is apparently why Sony dropped it (plus increased production costs).
Rumor has it that in the eventual 3.00 update there will be b/c again since Sony has filed a patent for emulating PS2 on PS3 systems. Who knows if it's true though...

And I'd have to agree that the PS3 slim is one fugly machine. I'll stick with the original...
Funny, I wouldn't stack stuff on top of consoles. Having ample ventilation is critical in dissapating heat so as to extend the life of your electronics. I still laugh at those people who have their electronic equipment in a pretty little cabinet closed in with a glass door.

Never said I had it in a closed cabinet, but then again, the only A/V component I have that actually dissipates enough heat to matter is my receiver, and that's in the open.

Also, decent gear has these wonderful little feet on the bottom, which means there's still airflow to get the heat away. I've been stacking components (and consoles, when I can) for years and haven't had an issue. Ever.

I stick to my point. I'd rather my consoles at least try to blend in with the rest of my components in terms of size and shape. Back when consoles were for games only, I could excuse the outlandish styling. Nowadays, they're trying to sell these things as serious A/V gear, just as worthy to be in your home theatre as your DVD player or DVR. Make them fit in, and that fight becomes a little easier.
Hmm, I'm apparently in the minority that likes the slim. I'll probably look into getting a PS3 finally, since now it's competitively priced with other (good) Blu-Ray players, and has much more bang for the buck.
Because the Slim is ugly as hell..

PS2 slim was an improvement..the PS3 slim is definitely Not an improvement. Glad I have my two original models with full BC.

Aside from B/C which hasn't been in the full size console for a while now. The slim is an improvement. Reduced size, reduced power, etc.
Rumor has it that in the eventual 3.00 update there will be b/c again since Sony has filed a patent for emulating PS2 on PS3 systems. Who knows if it's true though...

I tried to Google around about that and can't find any references to backward compatibility in any updates. Could you possibly give a link or something? That sounds too good to be true, hah.
I don't know what you guys are talking about but I think the 360 looks good.

Friggin news section no edit.

The only good looking 360 are the elites. And that's because they're black. I don't know even know why they made a white console. Why would I want some white thing sticking out among my other black components?

But even that's more of a personal preference thing... I guess.
i read that you can no longer install linux or "other os" on the slim
So there might still be a reason for some to choose fat over slim.
I think you're saying it looks "cheap" because of the matte finish. if it was glossy it would be "shiny" and "cool."
It works for Apple...

Funny, I wouldn't stack stuff on top of consoles. Having ample ventilation is critical in dissapating heat so as to extend the life of your electronics. I still laugh at those people who have their electronic equipment in a pretty little cabinet closed in with a glass door.

*Raises Hand* that's me.
I love the matte finish. I hate how my full size PS3 looks, way to shiny.