gtx 295 dissapointment


I have a custom title
Jul 8, 2002
Wow, i figured is drop this in my pc and sell off a 4870x2 and save some power at the same time since all i do is play wow

this card wouldn't run WoW (Woltk) at 60 fps, quite often it dipped well below 30 fps in dalaran, the single ati 4870x2 didn't hold solid 60 fps but never dropped to under 30

(very dependent on whats on your screen of course)

constant 120 ping, 2560x1600 max everything 8x

dropped a single 4870x2 back in, much better, back to the 4870x2 cross fire and it never drops from 60 fps

Using vsync made it even worse on the gtx 295

figured if anyone cared since i doubt youll never find a 2560x1600 review on the gtx295 for WoW :)
I always assumed the frame rate drops in populated areas was due to the game itself; not a GPU-related problem. Do you get the same frame dips even at lower resolutions?

The only time I ever saw fps like that was in the crowded cities, so it's not like it made a huge impact on the game anyway.

Maybe the game isn't supporting both GPUs on the 295?
Lots of times it takes a windows reinstall to get things on an even playing field. Did you at least use a driver cleaner utility or just uninstall through windows. what versions of ATI and Nvidia drivers were you using?
I thought WOW barely scaled with SLI if at all, so you wouldn't see much of an advantage over having only one GPU.
I thought WOW barely scaled with SLI if at all, so you wouldn't see much of an advantage over having only one GPU.

very possible

and use cleaned it up with driver sweeper

i just figured id throw it out there, i couldn't find a wow review on a gtx295 for obvious reasons, at lower res like 1920x1200 and below they were always maxxed at 60 fps with vsync, got one in for a computer at work so i tried it out in my system
I always assumed the frame rate drops in populated areas was due to the game itself; not a GPU-related problem. Do you get the same frame dips even at lower resolutions?

The only time I ever saw fps like that was in the crowded cities, so it's not like it made a huge impact on the game anyway.

Maybe the game isn't supporting both GPUs on the 295?

QFT. Your fps drops are due to non GPU related issues. My 280 gets a constant 60 everywhere but dalaran. Why on earth would you upgrade your GPU just to get better frames in Dalaran? It's not like you do anything other than sell/repair/find pugs there....
QFT. Your fps drops are due to non GPU related issues. My 280 gets a constant 60 everywhere but dalaran. Why on earth would you upgrade your GPU just to get better frames in Dalaran? It's not like you do anything other than sell/repair/find pugs there....

The better question is why would you upgrade from a 4870x2 to a GTX 295 to play WoW only?

OP: Are you playing any other games that you notice low FPS?
QFT. Your fps drops are due to non GPU related issues. My 280 gets a constant 60 everywhere but dalaran. Why on earth would you upgrade your GPU just to get better frames in Dalaran? It's not like you do anything other than sell/repair/find pugs there....
The funny thing is, we have another thread exactly like this one going on in the ATI section.

Although, inverse the video cards.
So which is it people... Does it not work well on the 4870X2, 1 GB, 295, 280, or 285?
From everything I have read it comes down to a 295 is not the card for 2560x1600 so I would imagine that is a lot of your problem right there.
WoW doesn't support multi-gpu. Someone told me that in the nVidia when i was looking for a new gpu. but, for me, it scales fine, i never see drops below 60fps with my 295, dalaran but like someone said, that isn't really gpu dependent. I am also running 2560x1600. I have read elsewhere that there seem to be a select few whose sli setup works. I may be one of the lucky few. dunno why though.
wow supports xfire just fine, i lose a fair amount of fps going to single card mode

i didnt pay for the card it was just a test i did iwht one i had that the office

in dalaran my 4870x2 xfire never drops off 60 fps, with 4gb of vram and 4 gpus id hope not, but even still 1 4870x2 did much better than the gtx 295 is dalaran

even our sarth +3 clear the gtx 295 had some hiccups

then again its only wow
I'm running SLI 260s and dalaran is fine for me at 25x16. My fps dips a bit in naxx when there are lots of aoe's flying around. I think it has more to do with the amount of vram the 295 has. This is one reason i wont touch the 295. Picking up 285s when someone decides to stop gauging the price.
what are pugs? NM.


I'm running SLI 260s and dalaran is fine for me at 25x16. My fps dips a bit in naxx when there are lots of aoe's flying around. I think it has more to do with the amount of vram the 295 has. This is one reason i wont touch the 295. Picking up 285s when someone decides to stop gauging the price.

yeah the 295 in naxx i had to go back to 2x 2560x1600, the aoe pulls were giving me slide shows at times
in dalaran my 4870x2 xfire never drops off 60 fps, with 4gb of vram and 4 gpus id hope not, but even still 1 4870x2 did much better than the gtx 295 is dalaran

even our sarth +3 clear the gtx 295 had some hiccups

then again its only wow

You know your games don't see 4gb vram, right?
You know your games don't see 4gb vram, right?

no idea what they see, all i know is i see much smoother gameplay and thats all im concerned with

slide shows with big aoe pulls suck lol
no idea what they see, all i know is i see much smoother gameplay and thats all im concerned with

slide shows with big aoe pulls suck lol

I'm a little confused over all this though... so you had 2x 4870x2's, and put in a gtx295 and were disappointed? Of course... okay so maybe the gtx295 did a little worse than even one 4870x2, but come on, you're still comparing 4 ATI gpu's against 2 nvidia. How about you SLI your GTX295 for a direct comparison?

And for the record, when SLI'ing or crossfire'ing, your games do not see combined vram, it only uses the total of one video card, since all the information is copied to each video card. So although you technically have 4 video cards going right now, you only have a total of 1gb vram accessible. Something to know ;)
I'm a little confused over all this though... so you had 2x 4870x2's, and put in a gtx295 and were disappointed? Of course... okay so maybe the gtx295 did a little worse than even one 4870x2, but come on, you're still comparing 4 ATI gpu's against 2 nvidia. How about you SLI your GTX295 for a direct comparison?

And for the record, when SLI'ing or crossfire'ing, your games do not see combined vram, it only uses the total of one video card, since all the information is copied to each video card. So although you technically have 4 video cards going right now, you only have a total of 1gb vram accessible. Something to know ;)

x48 board, no sli :)

but what i wanted to do it pull both 4870x2 cards, sell them and use the gtx 295 , thinking it would run wow @ 2560x1600 max setting easily, just to save power, and heat output

i didnt expect the 295 to be faster, i did expect it to do much better on an older game
You should take a good hard look at your mods before you blame your slow fps in wow on your video card.

Auctioneer and Questhelper severely slow down my fps. Try disabling your mods and see how your fps improves immediately.
If one HD 4870 X2 is faster than the GTX 295, just return the GTX 295, sell one of your X2 to me for $50 if you want to save power and have less heat.
Troll thread... I've been doing this online hardware forum stuff for over 10 years now, here and many other forums... the one thing I could never understand is the need of people to bring down other hardware simply to help prop up or reinforce their own hardware choices.

I'm not buying any of this story at all, here was an ATI fanboi who simply wants to attack NVidia.

I say they both make fantastic products, grab whatever floats your boat and STFU.

Life is too short people.
Troll thread... I've been doing this online hardware forum stuff for over 10 years now, here and many other forums... the one thing I could never understand is the need of people to bring down other hardware simply to help prop up or reinforce their own hardware choices.

I'm not buying any of this story at all, here was an ATI fanboi who simply wants to attack NVidia.

I say they both make fantastic products, grab whatever floats your boat and STFU.

Life is too short people.


I think he was trying to help... even though it was on one game, at a resolution most people don't play at, with other things that may or may not have been a factor in bringing down the FPS with his nvidia card.

I'm running SLI 260s and dalaran is fine for me at 25x16. My fps dips a bit in naxx when there are lots of aoe's flying around. I think it has more to do with the amount of vram the 295 has. This is one reason i wont touch the 295. Picking up 285s when someone decides to stop gauging the price.

yes... shader power aside, it's been noted that the 896mb per gpu on the 295 is going to make performance suffer a bit at 2560x1600 res... the cards are like gtx260s with gtx285 cores on them.. seems like a bit of a short sighted plan on nvidia's part since gaming on 30" displays is much more prevalent than it used to be..
If the op wants to save power the 4850x2 should offer some outstanding performance
while keeping the power down at system load. That or a gtx285 should work nicely...but
damn WOW of all games stressing a GTX295...that's crazeeeeeeeeeeeee...
then again, those nvidia drivers will get you sometimes...:cool:
If the op wants to save power the 4850x2 should offer some outstanding performance
while keeping the power down at system load. That or a gtx285 should work nicely...but
damn WOW of all games stressing a GTX295...that's crazeeeeeeeeeeeee...
then again, those nvidia drivers will get you sometimes...:cool:

280/285 mutch better chooise than 4850X2 due to it beeing ONE gpu that always do its jobb 100% and the card is a 280/285. The X2 is just a 4850 when CF fail and that is far away from a 280/285 but i am not to thilled about the 295 my self, i prefer GTX280/285 TRISLI infront of GTX295 QUADSLI when it comes to the heart of it and i dont expect driverinprovment on the quadthing either as if it is as usual something is due in 3-5 month that put the quadsli support on hold or less of priority no1.
280/285 mutch better chooise than 4850X2 due to it beeing ONE gpu that always do its jobb 100% and the card is a 280/285. The X2 is just a 4850 when CF fail and that is far away from a 280/285 but i am not to thilled about the 295 my self, i prefer GTX280/285 TRISLI infront of GTX295 QUADSLI when it comes to the heart of it and i dont expect driverinprovment on the quadthing either as if it is as usual something is due in 3-5 month that put the quadsli support on hold or less of priority no1.

I understand your point but how often does that happen? right now the 4850X2 just represents a much better value overall, esp if your over clocking. The other problem I have right now with the GTX280/285 is that it is about a 125-150 dollars more then the 4870 1gb. (215AR vs 350AR, might find better then this though) and it is simply not worth that much more. Like wise the 4870X2 at 380AR simply kills the both of Nvidia high end cards either but undercutting (GTX295) or outclass the price range (GTX285)
You know how many years of playing WoW with a GTX295 over a 4870x2 that it would take to make up for the $500 investment in power savings?
Downgrade from a 4870x2? Why would you do such a thing? It's not a question of having money, but a question of stupidity. Powersavings? What kind of BS is that? If you were really serious about saving some power, you would down grade your entire system since most of your stuff is top tier and top power hungry... plus you are using it to play WoW. I am not trying to flame you, just telling you "imo".
I understand your point but how often does that happen? right now the 4850X2 just represents a much better value overall, esp if your over clocking. The other problem I have right now with the GTX280/285 is that it is about a 125-150 dollars more then the 4870 1gb. (215AR vs 350AR, might find better then this though) and it is simply not worth that much more. Like wise the 4870X2 at 380AR simply kills the both of Nvidia high end cards either but undercutting (GTX295) or outclass the price range (GTX285)
The X2:s does not kill anything, only cheaper than GTX295 but not better overall.
Besides with the new software voltmod tool for EVGA-card the 280 will leave the 4850X2 in the dust even more and 295 smoke 4870X2 if it not already do it, only vram limit will hold down GTX295. Then when 285 is supported it will join 280 up there as the fastest singleGPU-card and leave you with less hassle then dualGPU card will ever do.
Also to make it real fair you need 2 280/285 to make a comparison worth the name.
I dont see 4850X2 as better when it just performs as a simple 4850 at worst case and needs perfect CF-support to be what is really is advertised to be and how offen is not important, just the risk it will do it is enought not to make it a better buy over a 280 that always perfom as a 280 or better and 280 is a beast when it come to OC without a voltmod. Also BFG/EVGA is worth alone a fair amount over any other brand just because of their "Step-up" and CS that i have seen myself and unless either one of them is offering ATI-card it will be hard to go that route next time, ATI needs something very specialappealing to justify a swap of camp.
Also i can find the 280 for 267€ and 4870 1GB for 220€ and that is not big enought to justify 4870 over a 280 and the 4850X2 2GB is 315€ and no issue for a cheap 280 or even an expensive ones that is around 370€.
4870X2 is 400€ for cheapest noname brand and GTX295 around 500€, that is a problem but i prefer 2x280 anyway over 1x295 unless you are on a non-SLI board.
285 however i cant justify over a 280 right now at its pricepoint and powerdraw is not an issue either as mutch as the smaller cooler are.
Dont forget the GTX260 for 240-270€ that with this voltmod make the blow for 4870 even more hard to take and make the 20€ delta a non-issue.
To the OP: lesson learned. The grass looks greener on the green side but in the end, you prefer your reddish grass afterall. :p
The X2:s does not kill anything, only cheaper than GTX295 but not better overall.
Besides with the new software voltmod tool for EVGA-card the 280 will leave the 4850X2 in the dust even more and 295 smoke 4870X2 if it not already do it, only vram limit will hold down GTX295. Then when 285 is supported it will join 280 up there as the fastest singleGPU-card and leave you with less hassle then dualGPU card will ever do.
Also to make it real fair you need 2 280/285 to make a comparison worth the name.
I dont see 4850X2 as better when it just performs as a simple 4850 at worst case and needs perfect CF-support to be what is really is advertised to be and how offen is not important, just the risk it will do it is enought not to make it a better buy over a 280 that always perfom as a 280 or better and 280 is a beast when it come to OC without a voltmod. Also BFG/EVGA is worth alone a fair amount over any other brand just because of their "Step-up" and CS that i have seen myself and unless either one of them is offering ATI-card it will be hard to go that route next time, ATI needs something very specialappealing to justify a swap of camp.
Also i can find the 280 for 267€ and 4870 1GB for 220€ and that is not big enought to justify 4870 over a 280 and the 4850X2 2GB is 315€ and no issue for a cheap 280 or even an expensive ones that is around 370€.
4870X2 is 400€ for cheapest noname brand and GTX295 around 500€, that is a problem but i prefer 2x280 anyway over 1x295 unless you are on a non-SLI board.
285 however i cant justify over a 280 right now at its pricepoint and powerdraw is not an issue either as mutch as the smaller cooler are.
Dont forget the GTX260 for 240-270€ that with this voltmod make the blow for 4870 even more hard to take and make the 20€ delta a non-issue.

what...did you just say?

talk about fanboy's are you still hurting after paying $600 per gtx 280 or something? who the hell cares what video card you buy, just buy what ever gives you the best bang for the buck. in the end ITS YOUR CHOICE.
lol WoW scales now that they have the dynamic shadows which make the game much more GPU-bound. It can actually hit your hardware pretty hard.
To the OP,

One question:

Which is noisier? 1 x 4870x2 or 1 x GTX 295? I bought a GTX 295 and found it to be the loudest card I've ever had in my PC.
To the OP,

One question:

Which is noisier? 1 x 4870x2 or 1 x GTX 295? I bought a GTX 295 and found it to be the loudest card I've ever had in my PC.

It couldn't be louder than your XBox360, could it?