Dungeons and Dragons (paper/pencil)

Do you play paper/pencil D&D?

  • Yes

    Votes: 55 44.4%
  • No

    Votes: 69 55.6%

  • Total voters


The Great Procrastinator
Oct 4, 2001
Do you still play? I do, as I am currently working on a Level 12 Thief/Assassin.:D

Just to clear the air:
1. I've been playing since I was 12 and I'm 30 now.
2. No, I don't live with my parents.
3. Yes I have a girlfriend who does NOT play.
4. Yes I have a real job.
I used to play, but I don't have any friends willing to dive into a campaign at this point. Right now, we play a Warhammer Historical game and a Star Trek game with a few other board games.
Nope, dont still play.

It takes a LOT of time to play and takes at least 4 people to be enjoyable. Im 34 now and for me to find 3 others who...
1.) Have the time
2.) Know how to play
......is nearly impossible.

I have 2 jobs, 2 kids and a wife. I can barely find the time to play current PC games. Its just too difficult to get a game going. Havent played since 8th grade.

Was great when I did play though. And this thought that only nerds play D&D is bullshit, heh. When i last played, there were 2 babes there who knew exactly how to play. A car guy and a football jock. This dude was a huge guy too. No one would dare call him a nerd, lol.

Cant wait for the next D&D for pc though.
As with SAW, I'm in my early 30's and would play if I had the time to play and friends that knew how to play. PUG are hard to do, and not any fun if there isn't any chemistry. If you can get a decent group together who are all willing to play on a decent schedule (whether once a week or once a month so long as its regular), its very enjoyable.
I haven't played in years but I might give 4th Edition a try if some friends are up to it.
I don't play D&D anymore. But I do play traveller (the new one by mongoose publishing is awesome!), and occasionally, cyberpunk, babylon 5, and star wars.

I'm not much of a fantasy RPGer, if you couldn't tell.

But then again, I'm 20 and have time to play all this stuff regularly (I've been playing since I was 10).
Played a ton in college (was a great excuse to get a bunch of friends together and get rip-roaring drunk) and for a couple of years afterward, but it's been probably 4-5 years since I've played.
I used to play quite a bit in high school.. then a bit in college (actually was PAID to be a DM by a few people at a previous employer).. then started to get into to Hackmaster.. but that group fell apart and that was at least three - four years ago
I used to maybe 15 years ago. I never really played 3rd edition except via the video games based upon it. Actually, after playing through Baldur's Gate 1&2 (and the expansions), it's pretty wild how much ground you cover. Tough to go back after those games just because you do almost everything possible in Forgotten Realms. I'm curious how 4th edition will treat things. I've always been a fan of Rogues, but always hated the concept of "multi-class" characters. Hopefully they'll have some more hybrid Rogues that are combat oriented rather than just a walking lockpick/scout.
I've been playing for about 6 or 7 years. I got into it during the summer after my sophmore year of college.

I'm married to a wonderful woman who doesn't play D&D, although I did get her to try it once...but she hated it.

I play about once every two months, or so. I'm currently planning a campaign I hope to play sometime in July.

I actually play with friends from my chuch :p
I am a gaming junky. I play D&D every Monday, run a D&D game every Wed, and played in another once a month. I also play Fading suns (non D20) but that game after six years is about to stop. But going to be starting a new WW game that is once every other week.

And yes I have a GF and work full time. I am 33 going on 34.
I'm not saying that only nerds play...but...

it just seams very...



Just strikes me as nerdy. :p
used to play on paper / pencil in highschool

im kinda out of that circle now...but it sure was fun, many a weekend day and nite we traveled and ran quests of fun and adventure....i do miss those days
I used to play a in my freshmen and sophomore year in high school. I then moved to a new state and I am now going to be a freshmen in college. When 4e comes out (the PH, MM, and DM book) we are going to try to play on the internet.
In my group, it's me and 4 others. I have a blast with it even to this day. Though I am smart enough not to take it to the next step...LARP.:eek:

Sad part though is that the D&Ders find the game I most enjoy overly nerdy...

Which is rather depressing when I come to think of it :eek:
Played AD&D since 1986, then Warhammer Fantasy, Call of Cthulhu and Rolemaster. Havent played for years, but we are starting a Warhammer campaign again this fall. I am sure our GM will unleash plenty of Chaos on our pathetic party. We are all aged between 33-35 years, have full time jobs, wifes, some even kids, computers and multiple other bad habits.

Its funny to note the fact that people have to defend themselves for having this hobby. Sure its strange, but no more strange than sitting in the couch yelling at the TV, because some highly trained individuals throw or kick an object into the perimeter of another object *hmm that didnt come across right..
I just mean, its all about using your imagination and sharing an abstract space. Great!
Do you still play? I do, as I am currently working on a Level 12 Thief/Assassin.:D

Currently playing a Gnome Cleric(10) / Contemplative (4), I'll be a monster soon :D

That being said I have played a lot of systems / settings that I prefer to D&D, favorite will have to be classic Deadlands (spaghetti western with meat!).

For good order I have been playing since I was 12 and I'm soon to be 30...
I'm not saying that only nerds play...but...

it just seams very...



Just strikes me as nerdy. :p

Hehe, you're funny... Playing pnp RPGs isn't all that much more nerdy that building and overclocking PC's. Don't knock it till you tried it! :D
I'm not saying that only nerds play...but...

it just seams very...



Just strikes me as nerdy. :p

gonna agree, replacing an S with a Z, using the acronym idk, the silly face emoticon... pauses... posting on hardforums... yea... not much different :p
I started playing Basic D&D when I was about 12. I played through Expert to AD&D until 2nd Ed. came out and it sucked... Then came Vampire the Masquerade and Werewolf the Apocolypse. Stopped hard core gaming some time after that. Friends moved or got married. Found it difficult to get friends together on a schedule and keep it going. I'm 40 now and would love to game again but I just don't have the time/friends to give it a go. I have a hard enough time getting moments to game on the computer!

Wonder if it'll be around when I retire and have more free time again?? lol!
Hehe, you're funny... Playing pnp RPGs isn't all that much more nerdy that building and overclocking PC's. Don't knock it till you tried it!

Wait until you have somebody that plays Fantasy Football tell you what a nerd you are. Because playing a imaginary football player and memorizing piles of useless sports statistics is way cooler then playing an imaginary wizard and memorizing piles of useless spell components.
I used to play in high school and enjoyed it but after high school I just lost interest in it considering actual logistics of finding 3+ other people and setting up time to get everything going. I don't really see me getting back into it either considering the MMO's are close (they have the strategy component and have social interaction though I think they totally lack the actual roleplaying element that you got with pencil/paper).
You don't know what D&D is? You poor soul... Great way to kill off a boring weekend w/ some friends.
I still play with friends, and am currently going through a campaign that we're going to try to end by the end of summer. I'll probably pick up the 4.0 books too when they come out next week.
Started playing when D&D was all there was. Hell, i even had a copy of the chainmail rules. Played a lot of other systems, and while i still think the GURPS system is one of the best around, i still have a soft spot for D&D. You never forget your first time... :D
Side question for everyone: Would you rather be a player or the DM?
Side question for everyone: Would you rather be a player or the DM?

I've never really been good at being a DM...even after all these years of playing. So I prefer just being a player.
Side question for everyone: Would you rather be a player or the DM?

Depends on the mood; at times it's good to come up with a good 'ol mind fark leaven the players scratching their heads; other times I just want to hak/slash through an eve.

Don't currently play, (time constraints) but use to play quite a bit, regular group of 5 guys with 3 to 4 alternates.
I got my first D&D set (the original D&D red box) when I was 11 or 12 years old, and I played the various revisions of D&D on and off for the next 15 years. Unfortunately, running campaigns took too much prep time, so my gaming group stopped stopped playing a few years back. We still get together for card or board games, though.

Side question for everyone: Would you rather be a player or the DM?
Usually the DM, but I still had a few memorable characters. We usually rotated DM duties around our group.
Funny that you would write that, I was the 4th guy you described. I was the jock with the rep to uphold and with the dirty secret of really enjoying playing. Went to collage on Athletic Scholarship and it was even more hard to stay "underground" and hide my secret of really enjoying to geek out. It was like living a different life sometimes keeping the image and the expected behavior at the forefront and the gaming in the back. Interesting thing though I did drop that I played before at the gym with some other guys one day and a few of them opened up and said they had done it before, so we got a group together of athletes and started gaming. Pretty funny when the smallest guy in the group was 6' 1" 220 and the rest of us were over 6' 5" 270. Good guys but it is strange how society imprints certain expected behaviors on people.

Haven't played in a long time but still miss it a bit. More of a comradery type of thing.

Nope, dont still play.

It takes a LOT of time to play and takes at least 4 people to be enjoyable. Im 34 now and for me to find 3 others who...
1.) Have the time
2.) Know how to play
......is nearly impossible.

I have 2 jobs, 2 kids and a wife. I can barely find the time to play current PC games. Its just too difficult to get a game going. Havent played since 8th grade.

Was great when I did play though. And this thought that only nerds play D&D is bullshit, heh. When i last played, there were 2 babes there who knew exactly how to play. A car guy and a football jock. This dude was a huge guy too. No one would dare call him a nerd, lol.

Cant wait for the next D&D for pc though.
Side question for everyone: Would you rather be a player or the DM?

I love playing, but I think I love DMing just a little bit more. It's always fun to see how the players react to your story...and then ignore it completely, wander aimlessly for a few hours, then hijack a ship and go on an adventure you never even convieved:p
I love playing, but I think I love DMing just a little bit more. It's always fun to see how the players react to your story...and then ignore it completely, wander aimlessly for a few hours, then hijack a ship and go on an adventure you never even convieved:p

I agree... playing was great, but the machismo of that screen was better. Not to mention it kept me fairly limber with my 'fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants' lying skills. What? Ignore the various plot hooks (overt and slightly less than overt)... mkay. What? You want to start slaughtering the plot hooks? Hmmm. *throwing worked on material on the floor* How about your all discuss what you *really* want to do, and completely ignore the scribbling, rapid page flipping, and muttering behind the screen.

Of course one can only put up with that for so long before the occasional grudge monster / grudge corridor comes out to hit home of "don't poke the dm too hard or frequently".
Of course one can only put up with that for so long before the occasional grudge monster / grudge corridor comes out to hit home of "don't poke the dm too hard or frequently".

Well that's when knowing your players comes in handy. One of the guys I game with regularly usually ends up being the defacto party leader. I've learned that if I have a bad guy taunt him, that he'll generally go to the ends of the earth to kill him. Makes my job easy sometimes:D

*party leaving left field and entering Way, Way out in left field*
*Evil NPC enters*
*Evil NPC taunts barbarian*
*party back on track*
I used to play years ago. We played some D&D, and we also played some WhiteWolf games... Mage was kind of cool. That Vampire game was a little too far out for me. I couldn't get into that whole dark world. Just creepy.

But, D&D was a lot of fun. Just good old fashion hanging out, goofing off, kind of stuff.

I'm actually looking to try to find something online that I can get into. I don't have time for pen-and-paper anymore. But, if I can goof off on the computer for an hour or two every so-often would be nice. Most of the games nowadays are too "grind-out-levels" kind of stuff. What happend to actual "in character" role-playing? I guess most of that is dead, now. Huh?

And I'm 30, married, and with a solid job, 401(k) and an IRA. Sure, maybe people called me a dork. I'm still a geek, sure. But I play golf and water-ski/wakeboard on the weekends. And do a little gaming when I can. And I make a good living for my family.
I think the White Wolf games tried a little too hard to be counter-culture and that just turned me off of them. I did like playing the Dark Ages versions, though. They were more along the lines of D&D, and didn't attract the live action goofballs. I never cared for those people that tried to live their character and even copped attitude in real life.
For D&D, I played a bit back in Jr. High and High school. I learned everything based upon the 2nd edition rules, so I never did quite get used to the 3rd edition no matter how much easier and better they were.
Still, the system and worlds are great. I truly miss the Ravenloft world. It's not easy to run just because your DM has to be REALLY good, but when done properly it was a blast.
[snip] and didn't attract the live action goofballs. I never cared for those people that tried to live their character and even copped attitude in real life.

Lord did we HAVE to mention LARPrs? Much like the poobli kids - no one likes them and god I hate them! (quote butchered from "nobody likes the poobli kids. god i hate them!")

though on a side note, I heard at some of the Cons there was a 'Real Dungeon' where things were life sized and you could be a monster or adventure with treasure and everything.. I secretly would like to do that. (might have been called "true dungeon")