Dungeons and Dragons (paper/pencil)

Do you play paper/pencil D&D?

  • Yes

    Votes: 55 44.4%
  • No

    Votes: 69 55.6%

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So what's 4th ed. going to bring to the table? (Cliffs..)

I never could find people that liked to play pnp so I went the CRPG route. NWN's adaptation of the rules has always been my favorite. Sneak attacks with a greatsword are swell.

If I played I'd probably want to be the DM. I like creating stories and scenarios.
Man, I have so many other hobbies now, and so few nerdyenough friends...can't even justify purchasing a Dark Tower board game, because I don't know enough people that would play it with me.
I used to play quite often. Mostly I'd play Palladium Books games though (Rifts, Heroes Unlimited, RECON, etc). I've played D&D several times though.

Haven't played in a long while now though.
Playing tomorrow - we're trying out this openrpg online tabletop as my group has scattered to the edges of the earth. We'll see how it goes.
I played it once when I was 13 or so, was at a friend's birthday party and his brother wanted us to play it.. I thought it was pretty nerdy and stupid before I played it.

But admittedly it was a blast, had a lot of fun. I think we played all night.. Was equally if not more fun than playing Final Fantasy or something.
So what's 4th ed. going to bring to the table? (Cliffs..)

I never could find people that liked to play pnp so I went the CRPG route. NWN's adaptation of the rules has always been my favorite. Sneak attacks with a greatsword are swell.

If I played I'd probably want to be the DM. I like creating stories and scenarios.

- Character levels go up to 30
- Fighter class has been completely gutted and reworked.
- Tons of skills have been merged together, and some have been removed entirely. Thank god they got rid of Concentration.
- You can take a lot more damage before you die: your character is dead once he reaches negative half of his total hp (so, if your character's HP was 30, he'd die at -15).
- Saves have been gutted and replaced with different checks.
- Aggro is now a factor when you face a group of enemies
- Healing spells will ignore negative hit points

... and a lot more. But that's a sample. :) All in all, I like a lot of the changes that have been made, but others will take some getting used to...
One more side question - has anyone actually got around to playing a 4.0 game yet? How's it feel? Any better or worse? I stopped circa 3.0 (when 3.5 was just a rumor), and a buddy just started prodding me to join up for a weekly fix. He still has the burning desire to buy each edition as they come out, and if 4.0 blows I could push him to a 3.0 or 2nd Ed game... (which would be hackmaster but who's counting.)
I have characters that have been in play off and on for over 20 years. I have been playing longer. I mostly play a system called Realms Of Wor (ROW) now a days.

The system not being as important as the GM and other players.

People always look at you funny when they ask what your doing for the weekend and you tell them your going to a gameing convention.
I can't stand 4e. It is a completely different game, and that's not a good thing.

There are a couple improvements I might house rule into 3/3.5 campaigns but the class changes I'm not going touch with a 10' pole. (Trap radius far too large, and I don't have the hitpoints.)
I played a lot in HS and early years of college. Havent really picked it up since 3rd edition was first out. I still buy all the core books and some supplements, so im up to speed on 3.5 etc.

All of the preview 4th edition material does have me kind of excited to get into playing again. Seems like it makes it easier to jump right into a campaign than before and should be easier to get newbies playing.
No, but I did in my teen / early 20's. Don't have the time for it anymore, especially when I can play a nice RPG whenever I do have the time.
I ordered the 4.0 gift set a few days ago. I can't wait to get it in.

I love the way that they have changed the way a lot of the mechanics work, like Healing Surges/Second Wind- it's basically a free health potion you can use multiple times per day (or once per encounter).

I also love all of the new Encounter mechanics, like for Mages: certain spells can only be used once per encounter, while others are only once per day. They've also made all cantrips At Will powers, and the've added Magic Missile to the cantrip category, and the beefed it up! 1d4 + 5 damage:eek:

Also I think it's amazing that your Action Points are encounter powers- they replenish between encounters!
I ordered the 4.0 gift set a few days ago. I can't wait to get it in.

I love the way that they have changed the way a lot of the mechanics work, like Healing Surges/Second Wind- it's basically a free health potion you can use multiple times per day (or once per encounter).

I also love all of the new Encounter mechanics, like for Mages: certain spells can only be used once per encounter, while others are only once per day. They've also made all cantrips At Will powers, and the've added Magic Missile to the cantrip category, and the beefed it up! 1d4 + 5 damage:eek:

Also I think it's amazing that your Action Points are encounter powers- they replenish between encounters!

Do they still have "save verus.... "?
Did i also hear they moved away from "stre, int, dex, wis, cha, con"?
i have to say that sometimes i do play D&D 3rd :p with my friends :)
Yeah, they still have saves.

You still have ability scores as normal.

Well, saves still exist, but they behave much differently than they do before. It's kind of hard to explain, but there are many times when enemies will attack you against your reflex save instead of your AC.

D&D 4.0 is just too much fun from what I've been playing with my buds (three sessions so far). Battles are way more interesting than they were before due to the increased complexity of battle tactics due to the new daily / at-will / encounter abilities. Every single class can kick ass now as well, and that's even better.
Only played real D&D a few times but I have played a lot of pc games based on D&D. Also played with a group of people for awhile on a modified game of D&D.
The bards are no longer. And the world of D&D is sadder for it. They added so much character to the world. Plus if you ever played one at high levels 20'ish you know that the diplomacy skill was king for navigating encounters.
Except for bards.. everyone makes fun of the purely support staff.

What Grimlaking said above. There are no more bards. They have added Warlords, however, which are like Bards (they dish out the buffs) but they are also a decent class for fighting. I'm actually playing a Warlord right now, and I can tell you that it is way better than Bard could ever have dreamed to be.
I would so very much like to get back into it, but I've been out for so long and lost contact with my fellow gamer friends.

Plus there's that whole "no time on my hands" thing to deal with. Those definitely were fun times, however.
I've been playing/reading D&D books since 2nd Ed. I've been at it since I was a Freshman highschool at age 15. I'm 26 now.

I've never had a D&D group stick together longer than about 5th lvl...and only recently had a group with my wife and friend and his wife actually play till 15th level although almost every evening we played we leveled.

Right now I have a Star Wars Saga group that I'M DMing for the first time in. Just my wife(yup, only gaming she does.), and a coworker. My wife method acts her character and the coworker isn't bad either. Both of them get really into it and all I have to do is provide the scene and NPC's.

I will say, that it is indeed difficult to find people who will stick around on a schedule.
AD&D was extremely popular amongst the military crowd back in the early 80s. I fondly remember those long weekend dungeon parties we had in the barracks or at someone's on base housing. The girls were into just as much as the men too.
I had a good time with the original D&D. Such as the Dwarf, it was a class and a race. Similar to Elf.
That is what I have played pen/paper. Have not done very much AD&D pen and paper, but some. I would consider playing again if I had a good group. Been playing for over 20 years.

Also have played:
Heroes unlimited
James Bond (good one)
and a few others I can't recall.
I played D&D, AD&D, Runequest, Traveller, Boot Hill, Gamma World (Metamorphosis Alpha), The Fantasy Trip, Star Fleet Battles and many similar games in the late 70's to early 80's. You name it, I've heard of it. I pretty much stopped after that when

1) I grew up
2) Computers and computer games came out duplicating most of that experience, albeit more anti-socially.
there was some funny video a few years back I remember that was related to pen and paper D&D I think, I need to find that vid. The most memorable part of it was some nerd saying 'MAGIC MISSLE!' really nerdily.