Unknown Folder - SPECIAL INTERVIEW - Hard|DC'er of the Month - November 2007


[H]ard DCOTM January 2008
Aug 25, 2005
Before you start screaming at me and asking for a cliff’s note. There will be none and this DC’er of the Month Award is different because Unknown Folder was selected as the DC’er of the Month. Bear in mind, Unknown Folder is not a nickname of some sort. We are honoring all of the participants out there whether they are running a farm in one’s basement or borging like there is no tomorrow… However, that is not the most accurate picture of Unknown Folder. The most accurate picture probably is the one who just runs only one or two DC clients.

Since interviewing over 1,000 active members is way out of my realm and time consuming as well. I sent out the questions to some 60ish members and from what I have obtained, which was at approximately 50% rate, all of the information in the interview below are based on the 27 members who replied back. I try to be as accurate as possible, the percentages may not be accurate, and it is likely that it is not portraying the DC Community here at Hard|Folding in the most accurate sense. Take the numbers with a grain of salt. Since some of the common questions asked will have some difficulty being composed in a form that works with several other respondents. I have decided on picking some various answers for each question as to show the variety of our members.

I would also once again like to congratulate the little guys that makes the bigger picture to happen. This award is herby awarded from the Hard|Folding Team to all of the people out there that make the whole thing possible. This award as well extends onto the other teams out there, so it is with my pleasure to present you with the interview of the Unknown Folder.

How long have you been actively involved in Distributed Computing?
-> Since June 2006
-> Since 2002
-> Since 2004
-> I don’t remember, when SETI came out I guess.

What Distributed Computing Project(s) are you involved in?

Where do you see Distributed Computing in the future?
-> Hopefully making some breakthroughs
-> I foresee more development for gaming consoles, graphics cards and coprocessors.
-> Expanding in scope and users.
-> Partly for the science, but I'll admit I like the competition of the points too.

How many systems do you currently have running any Distributed Computing Projects?

Why do you participate in Distributed Computing?
-> My way of contributing a small something
-> To help researchers find cures for some of the diseases that plague mankind.
-> To be honest me starting in the folding project had nothing to do with fighting cancer. I was a member/lurker of HF for many years and stumbled across folding one day. I have always had many computer systems running since i love computers and love building them and i realized i can finally put that processing power to use. I now fold specifically for the cure but the competition and stats are what keeps pushing me to grow and increase my PPD.
-> First and foremost, I participate because I believe in the research Stanford is doing with F@H and the potential of this system is exciting. Although the papers that Stanford has released to date are way over my head, its obvious that we're doing something good here.
Secondly, the stats do make it fun. We all have gripes about the point system, but it does make it easy to set goals and monitor you progress towards them. If it wasn't for that, I might still be folding with just the one crapper I had back then.

If DC’ing could find a cure for just one disease tomorrow, which one would it be and why?
-> Cancer, It has hit a few in my family as well as alzheimers
-> Alzheimer's....It's really the one disease that scares the hell out of me.
-> All sorts of cancers, I don’t value one any less than any other. I want them gone.
-> I'm not sure, too many that cause too much damage.

What would you like the [H]orde to know about you that might surprise them?
-> Just about finished my second degree, and it's as a nurse. Male nurses seem to be a touch rare, but it's a good job.
-> I’m almost done with college. Oh wait that’s not that surprising. I don’t have a Q6600. Seems like everyone has one now.
-> The less anyone knows, the less chance there is that I will have to kill anyone for what they know.
-> My 15 minutes of fame happened on CNN.com While sleeping @ Quakecon. http://www.cnn.com/2003/TECH/fun.games/08/17/videogame.culture.ap/index.html

Where do you see your DC’ing activities in the next year or two?
-> I see more multicore systems running FAH in my future.
-> I see adding several quad core machines in the upcoming year.
-> About the same. Maybe with an upgraded computer...
-> I will continue to donate toward F@H, whatever I can afford to.

Have you been successful borging? If so, what kind of borging worked for you? (For example, friends, family, and/or work?)
-> I've borged three computers at work and am folding on the computer I built for my wife at her school.
-> No way. HAHAHA Yeah I have done some borging I my day. I had all my work computer running while in the army which was about 20 machines doing Genome and UD since most were slower machines. I got it to work as long as it didn’t effect everyday work. I also borg’d a few family’s systems when ever thy needed work done and got consent for them. Yes Consent to borg!!
-> No borgs, all points from my home farm.
-> all my own machines

Where do you see the [H]ard DC sub-forum in the near future?
-> I think it'll be probably where it is now as well. Not bustling with activity like General Hardware, but not dead or anything.
-> Hopefully I'll be able to get a quad core and become more involved in some smackdown talk
-> Same as it is now, the best place on the net to talk shop when you want to fold.
-> Well, it just seems to keep on going--the community support is the main purpose, and I see that continuing.

Long term?
-> Hard to predict.
-> I would like to see deals for the [H]orde folders from newegg and Kyle.
-> I'd like to see knowledgable people reword the FAQ's for all the different folding engines. They seem out of date, and reading all the messages is not an easy way to help our new folders.
-> More people people will join our great TEAM 33and discuss how to improve their F@H contribution

How old are you? (For global sake... If you want to lie please lie within +- 3 years of age...)

Any ideas on improving the [H]ard DC sub-forum, or suggestions or improvements for our Team?
-> Contests are fun
-> Get more active members
-> I'm working on a couple of things myself that need to be done but that will be unveiled at a later date. It's nothing monumental but it is something which will take some time.
Other than that, King_N needs help for hardfolding.com. He's put a lot of work into revamping the stats area for F@H and needs everyone's help. That includes checking out the alpha page he has setup for everyone, looking for bugs and making any and all constructive suggestions on making it better. This includes changes for what is currently there and ideas for things which can be added or changed to make it easier for people to look up their stats or anyone else's.
-> I'd say a sweet contest, but I wouldn't have a chance of winning, so I'll at least cheer for others.

Well there you have it. Congratulations to you all DC'er out there, and I would like to extend my thanks to them all as well.

Nice setup, it looks good. I have an idea of how much time and effort it took to go through that many interviews and get everything put together like that.

Nice work with the output. I knew you sent out a number of emails and was curious how you were going to handle them. I think this turned out pretty cool.

Thanks fior putting the work into it.
Great interview and kudos for being inventive with the format :cool:

Nice job man! I'm coming up on 500K myself, and it's been 3 years in the making. I have to admit, when I see the guys crunching my 3 year mark away in a week, I get a bit disconcerted; but I just wish I could do the same!

Thanks to all who fold!

I have 2 older AMD machines ready to crunch away (Got broad band finnally). Now all I need is 1GB router. Go [H]oard!:D
And many thanks to Tim for the front page News plug today. :)
Nice job man! I'm coming up on 500K myself, and it's been 3 years in the making. I have to admit, when I see the guys crunching my 3 year mark away in a week, I get a bit disconcerted; but I just wish I could do the same!

Thanks to all who fold!

It does give one a moment of pause doesn't it?;)

Nicely done Jon, nice indeed.:)

Kudos to the Unknown Folder! WOOT!

Go Team 33 !!!

Thanks for the interview Jon. Very nice! :)


Once again, I would like to thank everybody being involved in DC project whether it is F@H, BONIC and Others.

Thank you guys for doing all of this - you people are good in my book.