Got my Sharp Aquos LC-32GP1U "Gaming" 1080p display today!

Nice pics :)

I see you have a stuck pixel hehe. Well, it looks like it anyway, but on other pics I see what may look like a stuck pixel that isn't even on the TV lol. I'm afraid to try the "pixel massage" to get rid of mine, but they're pretty hard to notice so it doesn't bother me that I have them.
I bought this lcd to play with today from BB, thank god for 12% off.
I like the picture, but there is a dead pixel and playing Fear XP I saw a lot of color smearing with red and banding up the ass.
Didn't seem to be any of those problems in Stalker, or in Supreme Commander.
Watched a bit of Ice Age and the picture was awsome.
I have a Dell 2707 comming in tommorow or Tuesday so I'll be able to see what works best for me.
One will be going back:eek:
Guys, I am going to put my LC-32GP1U up for sale. It is an awesome display but I can't justify keeping it in the bedroom for SDTV when I should be saving for an engagement ring for my wonderful GF. I haven't created a FS thread yet because I already have one active, so I thought I'd give you guys a heads-up since prospective buyers are likely to check this thread. Mine is pretty much perfect with zero dead pixels and very even backlighting. It's like new and still has the factory stickers on the bezel. PM me if you're interested as you can save a few hundred bucks vs. buying a new one and not risk getting dead pix. If a mod would like to help me merge this into my existing FS thread, it would be greatly appreciated.
I was recently given one of these as a gift, and so far it is excellent. I have many days on the return period still, so we'll see how it goes. The screen I received is in absolutely perfect condition. There are zero dead pixels and no clouding, banding, or bleeding.

It does do the dynamic color saturation thing on every mode, so I emailed sharp about it. We'll see when/if they get back to me. I'm not sure if it's that bad after adjusting settings. The key thing to change imho if you are using this as a monitor, is to set the sharpess all the way down to -10. I feel this helps with any digital source (HDMI or DVI) to be honest.

I absolutely love the ability to watch a DVD at the size of my old monitor, and chat/browse the web at the same time on the same screen. I find gaming at both 720P and 1080P to be excellent. 720P was mediocre at best before turning the sharpness down.

Even with the color saturation, I believe this screen is the best HDTV I've ever seen for gaming and PC use. If Sharp takes care of that for me, then this is the perfect display. The only thing I would consider if I choose to return it would be a Dell 2707WFP.
can anyone give me some good calibration settings to go off of? I'm pretty frustrated with it right now. it feels like I can get it close but not perfect and it makes me want to return it the same day I got it. right now I'm looking at this:

Backlight on 0/STD
Contrast +30
Brightness 0
Color -5
Tint 0
Sharpness -10

In advanced:
Color Temp. Middle
Black off
Film mode is greyed out (dunno why, looking through the manual now) would appriciate help with that if anyone has any insight. thats the only thing that I've seen searching google that I don't have turned on but I can't get turned on.

Film mode doesn't work on the DVI input. It's only to make 24FPS video look better anyway.
I've been running with:

Backlight STD
Contrast +30
Brightness 0
Color -10
Tint -3
Sharpness -10
Color Temp Mid-Low
Black Off
Digital Noise Reduction Off

At first I used medium color temp, then I took one look at the 19" CRT on my second computer next to me. Medium color temp looked so blue in comparison it was absurd. I suppose it's all about what you like, but to me these settings are close to my CRT for colors.

I will actually be returning mine if Sharp doesn't fix the dynamic color thing working on all modes. They only have glorified secretaries working after 5PM CST and on weekends. They took all my information and said I needed service, but that I had to call back on Monday with my case number to schedule a date and time for when the technician could come.

It will definitely upset me if they cannot correct this because this display has lower response time and noticeably superior contrast to the Westinghouse 37".
I'm returning my d62u today for the same reasons as you've stated. I had started another thread in regards to my displays poor ability to show bright yellows, but I got no help on it.

The color over-saturation and auto-adjusting contrast are just to much, and from everything I've read, Sharp doesn't seem to want to resolve either short of replacement. I've been trying to get mine calibrated by eye for the past week now with no luck.

This unit is a great TV I'm sure, but trying to use it as a monitor is frustrating at best.

Film mode doesn't work on the DVI input. It's only to make 24FPS video look better anyway.
I've been running with:

Backlight STD
Contrast +30
Brightness 0
Color -10
Tint -3
Sharpness -10
Color Temp Mid-Low
Black Off
Digital Noise Reduction Off

At first I used medium color temp, then I took one look at the 19" CRT on my second computer next to me. Medium color temp looked so blue in comparison it was absurd. I suppose it's all about what you like, but to me these settings are close to my CRT for colors.

I will actually be returning mine if Sharp doesn't fix the dynamic color thing working on all modes. They only have glorified secretaries working after 5PM CST and on weekends. They took all my information and said I needed service, but that I had to call back on Monday with my case number to schedule a date and time for when the technician could come.

It will definitely upset me if they cannot correct this because this display has lower response time and noticeably superior contrast to the Westinghouse 37".

Ahh, see I feel the same way as you and Midian. I was so excited yesterday to get this and I got it home and its just like setting hell. My friend's westy is nothing like this. He plugged it in and it was at 1080i, noticed it was really blurry then finally figured out to change to 1080p and it was perfect ever since. there was no playing with picture settings for 50 years or anything- it just worked.

Probably my biggest problem is the fading colors on my gmail bookmark, hard forum one and other icons. pretty big disappointment as a monitor :(
I can't blame you at all Midian. The dynamic colors/brightness is a dealbreaker for any input source to me, whether it be TV, gaming console, or PC. I watch a lot of DVDs (netflix is great.) I tried playing them from my PS2 and PC and I found the dynamic colors very obvious in scene changes.

I'm willing to give Sharp a chance. If they say they want to replace it, then I'm returning it and getting a 37" Westinghouse and a new desk. This room could use a super cleaning and/or rearrangement anyway to be honest. If they actually fix it, then it's possible others could benefit from my case number.

There was one person on avsforum who got theirs fixed by having the mainboard replaced. Apparently the one he got had an older firmware revision. However, he did not post his case number so anyone else attempting to get this fixed has to start from the beginning. Since you have purchased it so recently just, it may be of benefit for you to wait to see how my case turns out before returning it or giving Sharp a call.
I'm getting the auto-contrast across all the inputs/user modes as well, and I read that post on the AVS Forums about the main board replacement. It did sound promising, but I popped into my service menu to find out that my d62u is Bios revision 1.01 dated February '07 the same range as his replacement board if I remember correctly. :(

As far as returning mine, I bought mine from Circuit City last Saturday, and from what I'm reading on the return policy, they consider this to be a monitor (14 day return). I also have to drive an hour and a half to return it and I don't think I can manage that next weekend. I'm rather stuck at the moment, either return it today or get stuck with it.

After spending as much as I did on this unit, I can't justify getting stuck with it after all the frustration. Believe me, I wish it would just work, I'm not looking forward to doing that drive, LOL.

Thanks guys, for at least validating my frustration and I appreciate the comments.

Thanks for letting me know Storm :)


I would call them up to be certain. Best Buy also has a 15 day monitor policy, but before I purchased I asked the salesman straight up, 30 days, and he said yes.

I tinkered with the settings a bit more, and I believe that cranking the brightness assists with the color differences in general. Right now I'm running with brightness at +15. I use the google logo as a test. For the yellow you mentioned earlier, setting tint to -3 seemed to assist greatly. They appear to be ever so slightly green at 0 tint. If it gets fixed, I imagine my permanent settings being +15 brightness and -5 color. I only run -10 color to not kill my eyes when it changes by itself.

In my service menu I have:

Main version: 1.02 (U 2007/02/01 1 B)
Boot Version: GP1UB1.00
Monitor Version 1.01

Here's something interesting for you. I'm posting while in service menu right now. It doesn't dynamically change the contrast. Although the random text all over the screen is far more annoying than dynamic contrast, lol.
sigh. more than likely this will be going back today. I don't enjoy spending a lot of time on things since I don't have much free time anyway. the yellows and reds are horrendously faded and I have this ripple at the top 1/4 of my screen almost everytime I minimize to desktop. just a second ago I got a notification area pop-up and it changed my contrast! I'm very disappointed to have to be so disappointed with it, but what can you do?
sigh. more than likely this will be going back today. I don't enjoy spending a lot of time on things since I don't have much free time anyway. the yellows and reds are horrendously faded and I have this ripple at the top 1/4 of my screen almost everytime I minimize to desktop. just a second ago I got a notification area pop-up and it changed my contrast! I'm very disappointed to have to be so disappointed with it, but what can you do?

That's the price of convergence devices. There's nothing that's perfect. Every product has it's faults and you either live with them or you don't. The dynamic contrast doesn't bother me at all. A lot of people like to nitpick about it, but at the end of the day, you'll only notice it if you worry about it. I'm not saying you should settle for a subpar product, but if you can't find your self satisfied with the faults of the product, you should definately return it and try your luck again in the future to see if the technology had improved. All technology has shortcomings including this LCD TV but there are minor quibbles to be had with every piece of technology I've owned. That said, it seems a lot of people in this thread were hoping for different things in this monitor and in the end it comes down to your needs and what you can and cannot stand.
What you say is definitely true. I don't think the perfect HDTV, or perhaps any display at all, exists. If it did, then it would be quite obvious by the posts in the thread. If Sharp is unable to correct the issue, I may give the Westinghouse a try if I can figure out how to fit it on my desk.

Choosing a display can be very difficult. My last 19" LCD was the only one I've ever gotten right on the first try. The colors don't seem quite perfect, like the menus in newegg come off rather yellow while they're more orange on my laptop and the Sharp, but I still think it's a fabulous monitor.
That's the price of convergence devices. There's nothing that's perfect. Every product has it's faults and you either live with them or you don't. The dynamic contrast doesn't bother me at all. A lot of people like to nitpick about it, but at the end of the day, you'll only notice it if you worry about it. I'm not saying you should settle for a subpar product, but if you can't find your self satisfied with the faults of the product, you should definately return it and try your luck again in the future to see if the technology had improved. All technology has shortcomings including this LCD TV but there are minor quibbles to be had with every piece of technology I've owned. That said, it seems a lot of people in this thread were hoping for different things in this monitor and in the end it comes down to your needs and what you can and cannot stand.
Well said. On the other hand, though, you'd think that it would be a no-brainer to give the user options to toggle features that they might potentially dislike. It's pretty well-known that many people do not like dynamic contrast. If Sharp simply includes a menu option to disable this, none of this would be an issue at all.

The more options a TV or monitor has, the more people who could potentially find a setting they could live with. Instead, it seems like lots of companies insist on shoving certain "features" down everyone's throat, only to lose a big chunk of their customer base.
I'd have to agree with all of you. I guess the pickiness comes from a first time letdown. let me elaborate:

ever monitor I've ever bought with the intention to keep or at least keep for a while I've liked. this consisted of 2/3 years ago when I bought my Samsung 997df flat CRT and more recently the LG L246WP-BN 24" wide LCD. the main reason I returned the LG was to go after a westinghouse or sharp (32gp1u and 37w3 respectably). I guess now that ones failed my expectations and the other is harder to get now I'm a little uncomfortable with my options. I enjoy the color precision and crisp text of the smaller LCD's for PC use but I don't think I've ever seen a TV play a movie with better quality than this baby. maybe a jack of all trades display doesn't exist but I'd suppose the westinghouse is the closest to it if it does. another possibility is that I should keep this and get a smaller LCD for PC use :eek: but that's definitely too expensive for me.

my only greivance with the LG was that its much easier to notice tearing. it also did have some very noticable backlight bleeding no to mention I felt dumb having a $700 monitor and not just paying $300 more for a westy haha.

in any case, I'll probably be trying my hand at a few LCDs like the Acer X241WSD and possibly the westy 37w3 in the future. I wish you all luck with your issues and thanks for your input!
That's the price of convergence devices. There's nothing that's perfect. Every product has it's faults and you either live with them or you don't. The dynamic contrast doesn't bother me at all. A lot of people like to nitpick about it, but at the end of the day, you'll only notice it if you worry about it. I'm not saying you should settle for a subpar product, but if you can't find your self satisfied with the faults of the product, you should definately return it and try your luck again in the future to see if the technology had improved. All technology has shortcomings including this LCD TV but there are minor quibbles to be had with every piece of technology I've owned. That said, it seems a lot of people in this thread were hoping for different things in this monitor and in the end it comes down to your needs and what you can and cannot stand.

Amen. I bought this LCD knowing that there would be some minor faults just because there is no "perfect" LCD, but for the options, price, and quality of high definition sources I thought this was a great deal. This LCD works well with my laptop, desktop over the DVI-I port, and DirecTV HD receiver over HDMI. I am able to achieve 1080p over the DVI-I and HDMI ports using a DVI-I cable and one with a HDMI adapter on the end of it. I have yet to be disappointed.
Amen. I bought this LCD knowing that there would be some minor faults just because there is no "perfect" LCD, but for the options, price, and quality of high definition sources I thought this was a great deal. This LCD works well with my laptop, desktop over the DVI-I port, and DirecTV HD receiver over HDMI. I am able to achieve 1080p over the DVI-I and HDMI ports using a DVI-I cable and one with a HDMI adapter on the end of it. I have yet to be disappointed.

I never expect anything to be "perfect" really. just when you get a LCD for $1400 that has faded/terrible colors, a really weird ripple when changing screens along with a self adjusting contrast that makes it look like trash a lot of the time that either sounds defective or just plain badly made. I've thought of the possibility that it could be defective or maybe my DVI to DVI cable is limiting it but everything I gather here and most other places says that's not the case.
I have come to live with the issues with this LCD. I am satisfied and think that anything bigger would be over kill for me. As for watching HD sources and non computer use (console, TV, and movies) this thing rocks!

- Fred

PS... Sorry I have not been keeping up with this thread as I use to... I was dating a childhood friend I had not seen for 15 years, and she ended up going back to her husband and not telling me... I guess its back to my techie world for now :p
Whoa, I didn't mean to get "TEH HATE" going. :( Sorry about that.

I didn't expect a perfect LCD, yes I read this and many other threads on the GP1U and D62U models and knew there were some "minor" issues with them, but overall I was willing to try. I saw the 32D62U in CC for $1299 and went for it. I was excited, borderline giddy after getting the unit home, setting it up (finding out it wouldn't fit on my desk was a bummer, after chopping the hutch up) and loading up LOTR:O. Seeing Bree at 32" 1980x1020 was amazing.

I spent the entire next day (this past Sunday) and many hours over the following week trying to get the monitor calibrated by eye. Believe me, I wanted it to work, I tried my best to get the display to my liking. I had already formulated a grand scheme for building a new workstation/entertainment center in the living room centered around this unit, my new PC, and my hardly used Onkyo & JBL gear.

Maybe my unit was defective, I don't know. It had 0 dead pixels, no banding, no ghosting, and virtually no backlight bleed, but I could not get Yellow dialed in right. The other colors were over-saturated badly every time I tried to get Yellow to show correctly. The auto-adjusting contrast was happening constantly, no matter what mode I used. To give you guys an example, just making a change to say sharpness and scrolling within the menu up to say brightness, the contrast would noticeably change. I'm not sure the unit was supposed to do that.

I was willing to try updating the firmware on this unit to make it work (AVS Forum D62U Tweaking post), but after spending all this time on the unit and discussing the issues with my father, his words rang true "If you aren't happy with the TV, take it back, you won't ever be happy with it otherwise". So, I did.

I've re-evaluated my "need" for a new display, and decided that I would be best to use a straight monitor (no TV tuner). I don't watch TV, I don't have nor will ever have cable, no Wii, no PS2, nor XBOX. All I do is PC Game (FPS, RPG & MMO) and watch DVDs. I'm going to be looking more closely at the Dell/HP 30" or Westinghouse 37" displays as they are more suited for what I intend to do with the display.

Thanks MrMike for the suggestions, albeit they were a bit late (I had left to return the D62U shortly before your post) and good luck to you guys with your Sharp units. I hope Sharp comes around and gets the issues resolved in the future.

Whoa, I didn't mean to get "TEH HATE" going. :( Sorry about that.

I didn't expect a perfect LCD, yes I read this and many other threads on the GP1U and D62U models and knew there were some "minor" issues with them, but overall I was willing to try. I saw the 32D62U in CC for $1299 and went for it. I was excited, borderline giddy after getting the unit home, setting it up (finding out it wouldn't fit on my desk was a bummer, after chopping the hutch up) and loading up LOTR:O. Seeing Bree at 32" 1980x1020 was amazing.

I spent the entire next day (this past Sunday) and many hours over the following week trying to get the monitor calibrated by eye. Believe me, I wanted it to work, I tried my best to get the display to my liking. I had already formulated a grand scheme for building a new workstation/entertainment center in the living room centered around this unit, my new PC, and my hardly used Onkyo & JBL gear.

Maybe my unit was defective, I don't know. It had 0 dead pixels, no banding, no ghosting, and virtually no backlight bleed, but I could not get Yellow dialed in right. The other colors were over-saturated badly every time I tried to get Yellow to show correctly. The auto-adjusting contrast was happening constantly, no matter what mode I used. To give you guys an example, just making a change to say sharpness and scrolling within the menu up to say brightness, the contrast would noticeably change. I'm not sure the unit was supposed to do that.

I was willing to try updating the firmware on this unit to make it work (AVS Forum D62U Tweaking post), but after spending all this time on the unit and discussing the issues with my father, his words rang true "If you aren't happy with the TV, take it back, you won't ever be happy with it otherwise". So, I did.

I've re-evaluated my "need" for a new display, and decided that I would be best to use a straight monitor (no TV tuner). I don't watch TV, I don't have nor will ever have cable, no Wii, no PS2, nor XBOX. All I do is PC Game (FPS, RPG & MMO) and watch DVDs. I'm going to be looking more closely at the Dell/HP 30" or Westinghouse 37" displays as they are more suited for what I intend to do with the display.

Thanks MrMike for the suggestions, albeit they were a bit late (I had left to return the D62U shortly before your post) and good luck to you guys with your Sharp units. I hope Sharp comes around and gets the issues resolved in the future.


haha I don't think you started it, it just kind of had it coming I guess. I'm actually looking in to those 2 models myself for my use. the dell 30" is really tempting and I know I like for the most part the westy. gl to you in the decision :D
Wow, so my LCD has 10 stuck pixels. I called Sharp, and they told me to send them pictures of it, and to call back tomorrow. I wonder what they do. Do they send a service guy out, or do they want me to send the TV out itself?
Whoa, I didn't mean to get "TEH HATE" going. :( Sorry about that.

I didn't expect a perfect LCD, yes I read this and many other threads on the GP1U and D62U models and knew there were some "minor" issues with them, but overall I was willing to try. I saw the 32D62U in CC for $1299 and went for it. I was excited, borderline giddy after getting the unit home, setting it up (finding out it wouldn't fit on my desk was a bummer, after chopping the hutch up) and loading up LOTR:O. Seeing Bree at 32" 1980x1020 was amazing.

I spent the entire next day (this past Sunday) and many hours over the following week trying to get the monitor calibrated by eye. Believe me, I wanted it to work, I tried my best to get the display to my liking. I had already formulated a grand scheme for building a new workstation/entertainment center in the living room centered around this unit, my new PC, and my hardly used Onkyo & JBL gear.

Maybe my unit was defective, I don't know. It had 0 dead pixels, no banding, no ghosting, and virtually no backlight bleed, but I could not get Yellow dialed in right. The other colors were over-saturated badly every time I tried to get Yellow to show correctly. The auto-adjusting contrast was happening constantly, no matter what mode I used. To give you guys an example, just making a change to say sharpness and scrolling within the menu up to say brightness, the contrast would noticeably change. I'm not sure the unit was supposed to do that.

I was willing to try updating the firmware on this unit to make it work (AVS Forum D62U Tweaking post), but after spending all this time on the unit and discussing the issues with my father, his words rang true "If you aren't happy with the TV, take it back, you won't ever be happy with it otherwise". So, I did.

I've re-evaluated my "need" for a new display, and decided that I would be best to use a straight monitor (no TV tuner). I don't watch TV, I don't have nor will ever have cable, no Wii, no PS2, nor XBOX. All I do is PC Game (FPS, RPG & MMO) and watch DVDs. I'm going to be looking more closely at the Dell/HP 30" or Westinghouse 37" displays as they are more suited for what I intend to do with the display.

Thanks MrMike for the suggestions, albeit they were a bit late (I had left to return the D62U shortly before your post) and good luck to you guys with your Sharp units. I hope Sharp comes around and gets the issues resolved in the future.


I sold this unit and got the 3007WFP-HC instead, best decision I ever made. I definitely recommend it.
Wow, so my LCD has 10 stuck pixels. I called Sharp, and they told me to send them pictures of it, and to call back tomorrow. I wonder what they do. Do they send a service guy out, or do they want me to send the TV out itself?

Did your get your LCD from Newegg? The one I got from newegg has 10-15 stuck pixels and I called Sharp to get an exchange. Your first step is to email pictures to

#1 [email protected] - Reference your case # in the header.
(Make sure you place a still image on the screen meaning take an overall picture of the LCD, then take pictures of each stuck pixel with the same frozen picture on the screen) They want you to do this make sure you aren't taking pictures of the same dead pixels before they authorize a return.

#2 Call them back the next day and reference your case #. Your case will be verified through a call center manager who will take a look at your pictures and decide if your case is valid. At this point, you may go on hold for 5-10 minutes. If your case has been authorized for return. They will need a Credit Card # as collateral. You will be told the shipping company will contact you 48 hrs prior to delivery (private shipping company, not UPS or FEDEX)

#3 A Return Sticker will be mailed to your address to place on your old TV packaging. Pack your TV up before the shipping company gets there. Remember 48 advance notice.

#4 The Delivery Company will do a one-for-one swap of your TV with another on the truck.

#5 Done.
Did your get your LCD from Newegg? The one I got from newegg has 10-15 stuck pixels and I called Sharp to get an exchange. Your first step is to email pictures to

#1 [email protected] - Reference your case # in the header.
(Make sure you place a still image on the screen meaning take an overall picture of the LCD, then take pictures of each stuck pixel with the same frozen picture on the screen) They want you to do this make sure you aren't taking pictures of the same dead pixels before they authorize a return.

#2 Call them back the next day and reference your case #. Your case will be verified through a call center manager who will take a look at your pictures and decide if your case is valid. At this point, you may go on hold for 5-10 minutes. If your case has been authorized for return. They will need a Credit Card # as collateral. You will be told the shipping company will contact you 48 hrs prior to delivery (private shipping company, not UPS or FEDEX)

#3 A Return Sticker will be mailed to your address to place on your old TV packaging. Pack your TV up before the shipping company gets there. Remember 48 advance notice.

#4 The Delivery Company will do a one-for-one swap of your TV with another on the truck.

#5 Done.

Sounds pretty good. And no, I didn't get mine through Newegg. I bought mine through Sharp themselves through Best Buy's employee discount & accomodation program.
I've been waiting for a Westinghouse 37 inch, and I barely saw this thread today. After reading it for about an hour, I decided I would wait no more and I judt bought this beauty and am using it to make this post. Coming from a 17 inch, this thing is the best thing I have ever seen in my life. No dead pixels, still working on the color, and about to move this to my glass tabletop.

Bought it from Cicuit City after tax of $1,523 and I am using their financing program so I don't pay interest for 12 months which breaks down to about $127 a month which I can live with. Why Circuit City (besides the fact that it is 5 miles from my house)? 30 day no hassle return, no restocking fees (unlike Sears), and at $1,399 it was better than Best Buys. Furthermore, Fry's is selling these for $1,299 and while they are out of stock, more are coming in on the 22nd of this month so I am getting a price check too since Circuit City lets you price check for 30 days.

Overall, I am very satisfied and while I do not have a digital camera, I am sure I will borrow one to take pictures. Monitor looks great (but needs some calibration), no dead pixels, great policy, and more than affordable by my standards. Thanks to all that posted in this thread.
Took my Sharp Aquos LC-32GP1U back to BB today.
I really didn't think the lcd was all that great for the money.
to many little things ruined it for me.

Mine is looking great. What exacty were the things that ruined it for you?

Constant contrast shifting on certain web pages.
screen door effect, I sit over 3 feet from my screen.
dead pixels
Just not really worth $1499
For my money the Dell 2707WFP is a tighter lcd
The only complaints that I have for this TV is also for PC use: some of the text colors being hard to read. Other than that, this thing is nice.

Maybe in the future i'll just buy a 30inch monitor and use that and just use this for TV/console gaming.
For people using this as a PC monitor have you tried turning down the sharpness?

Yeah, I did. I noticed in-game the edges were very harsh, pixelating (sp?) and after reading this thread and 2 others on the AVS Forums I had my sharpness between -4 and -10 during my further calibration attempts.

I still think maybe I got a bad unit, something just wasn't right about it.


PS Thanks Zorn for the Dell recommendation, I've not been thinking about the whole display ordeal much today as I've been concentrating on my system OC ([email protected] currently). I just need to weigh the cost & resolution of the Dell/HP vs. the Westinghouse, likely going to blow the big bucks on the Dell though. :)
Borrowed my girlfriend’s camera so I can take pictures for a day! I might be buying a calibrator too just to get it right. So far so good though!

From the left

From the right

Left side profile (you can see my old 5+ year monitor there on top)

From the center

Center Closer

Center Closet